看板 PACERS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A Terry Taylor story 屬於Terry Taylor的故事 Source: https://reurl.cc/Mbpjep by Brady McAtamney Mar 3, 2022 There were more pictures than usual taken at Austin Peay's Winfield Dunn Center on Saturday, Feb. 19. 二月十九號的週六,奧斯汀佩伊州立大學的Winfield Dunn Center聚集了比平常更多 的拍照人潮。 There wasn't anything spectacular about the game itself – the Governors lost a close one, 73-69 to the Tennessee Tech Golden Eagles. There weren't more photographers employed to shoot the game. There wasn't any paparazzi around to catch a glimpse of any major celebrity that might have been hanging around Clarksville that particular night. 這與比賽本身無關 - Governors以些許的差距敗給了Tennessee Tech Golden Eagles, 73比69,這場比賽並沒有比平常更多的攝影師在這。今晚可沒有什麼狗仔隊在 Clarksville捕捉路過名人的身影。 No, instead, a conglomerate of fans were drawn to the 22-year-old sitting at the end of the media row across from APSU's bench. He wasn't wearing a snazzy suit, nor a flashy outfit. Just a black hoodie and some jeans. 相反的,只是一群粉絲被這位坐在APSU媒體席最後一排的22歲年輕人吸引了過來。他並沒; 有什麼時髦的打扮,也沒有浮誇的穿著,只是穿著一件黑帽T跟牛仔褲。 But the fans recognized him, and they couldn't help but give him hugs, shower him with praise of their pride and ask for lots and lots of pictures. 但粉絲們認出來了他是誰,讓他們忍不住上前來給他一個擁抱並告訴他大家有多麼為他感 到驕傲,並且與他拍了數不清的合照。 Because that's just what Terry Taylor means to Austin Peay and its fans. 因為Terry Taylor對奧斯汀佩伊的粉絲們而言就是如此的意義重大。 Terry Taylor's recruiting profile is barren to the point that it's almost nonexistent. Terry Taylor的高中招募簡介簡陋到根本不存在。 On ESPN's official recruiting page, he has no picture, no stars and no scouting grade. Just that he was 6-foot-5, 215 pounds out of Bowling Green, Ky. in the class of 2017. The only school on his list is Austin Peay State University, and it's adorned with a yellow check and “committed.” 在ESPN的招募資訊頁中,他沒有照片、沒有任何星數、甚至沒有任何球探評分。只寫著他 是2017梯的高中生,6呎5吋、215磅,來自肯塔基的Bowling Green。頁面上的學校列表唯 一一間學校就是奧斯汀佩伊州立大學,旁邊打了一個黃色的勾,「確定入學」。 The kid from Bowling Green burst onto the spotlight in Clarksville. He was named a 2018 All-OVC first teamer and earned the conference's Freshman of the Year award. The player in second place was a kid from Murray State named Ja Morant. 這個來自Bowling Green的孩子馬上就走到了Clarksville的鎂光燈中。他在2018年被提名 為OVC第一隊,並拿下了年度最佳新人獎,當年新人獎票選的第二名是個Murray State的 年輕人,他的名子叫做Ja Morant。 Taylor finished his Austin Peay career as the school's all-time leading scorer with 2,488 points and the only OVC player to be top-10 all-time in points and rebounds. Taylor最後以2488分成為了奧斯汀佩伊的校史得分王,並且成為OVC史上唯一在總得分、 籃板都進入歷史前十的球員。 But, just like out of high school, he was being overlooked by the next level. 但是就像高中的時候一樣,他再次被下一個層級給忽視了。 “(NBA teams) always had questions about how tall I am, what position I'm playing,” Taylor said. “They're just asking general questions about my background. Things like that of that nature.” 「NBA球隊總是有很多質疑,像是我到底有多高、我打哪個位置。」Taylor說道:「他們 就只是問了些很稀鬆平常的問題,像是我的背景之類的。」 The 2021 NBA Draft came and went without Taylor having his name called. 2021的NBA選秀轉眼就結束了,而Taylor的名子並沒有在選秀會上被叫到。 “My agents prepared me,” Taylor said. “They were like ‘you could get your name called’, but when certain players started getting drafted earlier or later than usual, it kind of threw everybody’s boards off. Spots that I potentially could have got, I didn't get because people were picking somebody they didn’t think they could get or they had to get.” 「我的經紀人們有讓我做好心理準備。」Taylor說:「他們一開始是說『你有機會被選上 』,但是當某些人開始比預期的早或晚被選上時,大家的順位表就開始亂成一片了。輪到 那些我有機會被選上的位置時,球隊最後選了他們沒想到能選到或是他們必須選的人。」 And so, despite his utter dominance at the college level, Terry Taylor was without an NBA team. 所以儘管在大學層級繳出了宰制級的表現,Terry Talor落選了。 For roughly 10 minutes. 大概過了十分鐘後。 He fielded calls from the Miami Heat, New Orleans Pelicans and Indiana Pacers. They all wanted to bring him onto the team as a summer league and preseason tryout and, after deliberation, he agreed to join the Pacers. 他收到了來自熱火、鵜鶘跟溜馬的電話,他們都想要讓他加入夏季聯盟跟季前訓練營。幾 經考量後,Taylor決定選擇加入溜馬。 Much to the surprise of everybody who had never heard of him and to the expectation of everyone who had, Taylor dominated. It was enough to earn the little-known commodity a spot on Indiana's G-League team, the Fort Wayne Mad Ants. 對那些沒聽過Taylor名字的人來說是意料之外,但對於認識Taylor的人是意料之中,他再 次繳出了宰制級的表現。這讓他得到機會加入溜馬的G League球隊,沒什麼人知道的 Fort Wayne Mad Ants。 By now, this won't surprise you, but he dominated there, too. He averaged 18.9 points and 12.2 rebounds in 14 showcase games. Through his first four regular season games, Taylor averaged nearly 30 points and 12 rebounds with 1.8 steals per game. He made half of his 3-point attempts and 57.8% of his shots from the field. 目前為止,想必這不會讓你吃驚,他再次的主宰了這裡。在出賽的14場表演賽中,場均能 得到18.9分、12.2籃板。在正式的例行賽開打後的前四場比賽,Taylor場均繳出將近 30分、12籃板跟1.8抄截,伴隨著50%的三分球命中率跟57.8%的投籃命中率。 He continued to crush the competition, but despite that, the call from the big leagues didn’t come. 他持續的在場上大殺四方,但就算如此,他還是沒等到升上去的機會。 “I had to talk to my pastor and everything,” Taylor said. “We were having talks. I was telling him about what I was reading with patience in the Bible and stuff, and he was just telling me, ‘your time's going to come. You just got to be patient.’ 「我當時得要一直跟牧師對話。」Taylor說:「我們持續的溝通,我告訴他我如何從聖經 中學習保持耐心,而他也不斷的告訴我『屬於你的時刻會到來的,你只要保持耐心。』」 “I'm used to it. My agent told me ‘it wouldn't be a Terry Taylor story if there weren't no adversity.’ It was nothing new to me. I just put my head down and keep working.” 「我對此已經習慣,我的經紀人也告訴我:『如果沒有逆境,那就不是屬於你的故事了。 』這對我來說的確不是新鮮事,所以我把頭低下、持續努力。」 Before the Mad Ants' game on Dec. 15 in Grand Rapids, Mich. against the Grand Rapids Gold, Taylor went for lunch at Jimmy John's. While digging into his ultimate porker with no tomato on wheat, he finally got the call. 在12月15號,Mad Ants在密西根的Grand Rapids準備對上Grand Rapids Gold,Taylor在 Jimmy John's準備吃午餐時,他終於等到了那通電話。 “They told me the Pacers are waiving DeJon (Jarreau) and they're going to bring you in for a two-way. I signed my contract in a Jimmy John's.” 「他們告訴我溜馬要裁掉DeJon (Jarreau),然後準備用雙向合約簽下我,我就在 Jimmy John's的餐廳裡面簽下了我的合約。」 He had made it – but the waiting wasn't over. Taylor wasn't active until eight days later in the Pacers' win over the Houston Rockets, and he didn't see the floor until Jan. 5 in a loss to the Brooklyn Nets. 他終於做到了 - 但等待尚未終結。Taylor一直都沒被登錄到名單上,直到八天後溜馬對火 箭的那場比賽,然後直到一月五號對決籃網的比賽,他才終於得到了踏上場的機會。 But he did check in. For 50 seconds on a Wednesday in Indianapolis, Terry Taylor was an NBA player. 儘管那場是輸球,但Taylor終於上場了。在印城這個週三的50秒中,Terry Taylor終於成 為了一個NBA球員。 “You're nervous,” Taylor said. “Even though I checked in for, like, a minute-and-a-half in the Brooklyn Nets game, it's just the fact that like, I 'm here. I couldn't believe it.” 「很緊張。」Taylor說:「儘管我在那場籃網的比賽大概只上了一分半鐘,但我很難相信 這件事真的發生了,我在這裡了。」 It took another week until he saw the floor again, this time a 4-minute, 40-second stint against the Boston Celtics. After that, he was made to wait two weeks until his next game. 過了一週他才終於又得到了上場的機會,對上賽爾提克,4分40秒的時間。在此之後又等了 兩週。 But that's where this story really gets fun. 這就是故事開始變得有趣起來的時候。 Taylor played nearly 10 minutes in the Pacers' 32-point loss to the Charlotte Hornets. He took his first career shot attempt off a pick-and-roll, got past Miles Bridges and put a layup up and off the glass for his first career NBA points. Taylor在這場以32分輸給黃蜂的比賽中打了將近10分鐘。在一次擋拆順下後,他越過了 Miles Bridges用一個擦板上籃投出了他NBA生涯的第一次出手,得到了生涯的第一分。 “I couldn't imagine it being right then and there, a kid from Bowling Green, Ky. getting that chance to do that,” he said. 「在那個當下,我不敢想像這個Bowling Green的孩子竟然能有這樣的機會。」 Ever since then, Taylor has been a staple in Indiana's lineup. In the 14 games since as of March 2, he's playing 21 minutes and averaging 10 points and 6.8 rebounds per game. His field goal percentage is 60.8% – well above league average – and he's draining 36.4% of his 3-point attempts. 在那之後,Taylor成為了溜馬輪值的一部分。在三月二號之後的14場比賽,他每場上場 21分鐘,場均10分6.8籃板。他的投籃命中率是60.8% - 明顯的高於聯盟平均 - 並且還 有36.4%的三分命中率。 Terry Taylor isn't starstruck anymore. Terry Taylor不再只是個追星族了。 “Now it's just like they (are) my enemies,” he said. “I'm trying to beat them and go at them. When I was watching from afar, it was like ‘man, I can’ t believe I’m here.’ Just soaking it all up. Now I’m just trying to win. I don’t care who you are at this point. It’s me and you on this floor. I got to show you up and show you why I belong here.” 「現在他們都是我的對手了。」他說道:「我試著去挑戰、去打倒他們。當我只是在旁邊 看的時候只會想著『老兄,我不敢相信我在這裡耶。』就是努力地沉浸其中。現在我只會 想著該怎麼贏球,不管我面對的人是誰。現在就是我跟你在場上對決,我要讓你們看見我 的表現,讓你們知道我為什麼屬於這裡。」 It only took Indiana head coach Rick Carlisle seven games of watching Taylor before he gave him his first career start on Feb. 6 against the Chicago Bulls. He was Indiana’s center, meaning his matchup was four-time all-star Nikola Vucevic. 觀察了Terry Taylor七場比賽過後,溜馬總教練Rick Carlisle在二月六號對上公牛的比 賽給了他生涯首次先發的機會。這場比賽Taylor是溜馬的中鋒,這意味著他要對位的人是 四屆全明星Nikola Vucevic。 “I had to be ready,” Taylor said. “That’s all I knew – I had to be ready. I couldn’t make no excuses. I’m here now. My teammates needed me, and I was going against a former all-star in Nikola Vucevic so I definitely had to be ready. I was excited about that. Not many people get to test themselves against an all-star, someone of his caliber. I got my mind right and I was ready to go.” 「我得要做好準備。」Taylor說:「這就是我唯一知道的事 - 我得要做好準備。我不能 找任何藉口。我在這裡打球,我的隊友需要我,我要扛的人是Vucevic,所以我肯定是要做 好準備。我很興奮,並沒有太多人有那個機會在全明星球員的面前試試自己的成色。把心 態調整好,我就準備好要上了。」 All he did against the all-star and top seed was score 21 points and grab 14 rebounds. That was on the heels of a game against Orlando where he scored 24 points with 16 rebounds. 對上全明星球員跟聯盟的前段班球隊,Taylor拿下了21分14籃板。在前一場對上魔術的比 賽中,他也拿下了24分16籃板。 His explosion onto the scene prompted the now-famous quote in Clarksville, where Carlisle, while praising his newest producer, couldn’t recall from where the team found him – and that’s where “whatever school Terry Taylor is from” was born. 他的爆發性表現誕生了最近在Clarkville到處流傳的一句名言。當Carlisle給予培養 Terry Taylor的學校讚譽時,他想不起來溜馬是從哪個地方把Taylor找來的,所以他脫 口而出的是「那個不知道哪間Terry Taylor畢業的學校。」 Taylor has grown close with his fellow Pacers rookies: Duane Washington Jr., Isaiah Jackson, Keifer Sykes and Chris Duarte. He’s soaking up knowledge from veterans Myles Turner, now-traded Domantas Sabonis and Buddy Heild. He’ s heard from former college foe Dylan Windler and AAU teammate Darius Garland. Taylor跟Duane Washington Jr.、Isaiah Jackson、Keifer Sykes、Chris Duarte這些同 梯的溜馬菜鳥隊友們關係很近。他也跟Myles Turner、被交易走的Domantas Sabonis、 Buddy Hield這些老將們持續的學習。從大學的對手Dylan Windler、AAU隊友Darius Garland那邊打聽了不少消息。 He’s guarded some of the league’s premier players, citing DeMar Derozan, Kyle Kuzma and former MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo as the toughest to defend, though Trae Young has been his biggest challenge yet due to his quickness. 他對位了一些聯盟的頂級球員,其中Demar Derozan、Kyle Kuzma、前任MVP Giannis Antetokounpo是他認為最難對付的對手。敏捷的Trae Young則是他遇到最大的挑戰。 Speaking of Kyle Kuzma, Taylor’s most viral moment so far came when he took an entry pass into the post, turned to the hoop and went up against Kuzma, who leapt to try and block the shot. Instead, Taylor took liftoff, made contact with his defender and literally dunked the ball onto Kuzma’s head. 談到了Kyle Kuzma,Taylor目前最精采的時刻就是他在禁區接到球,轉向籃框並跳起來挑 戰想蓋他鍋的Kuzma。起飛、對抗、最後在Kuzma頭上把球塞進籃框。 And even in his most jaw-dropping moment yet, Taylor was what he’s always been: cool and collected. 儘管打出了令人瞠目結舌的精彩時刻,Taylor還是像他平常的那樣沉著冷靜。 “They were like ‘yeah, that’s what you’re supposed to do! On his head TT! ’” Taylor said of his teammates’ reaction. “And I’m just like, chest-bumping them and whatnot. I’m just trying to get down the floor because we got to get ready to play defense.” 「他們差不多就是喊著『Yeah!這就是你該做的,灌在他頭上TT!』」Taylor談到他隊友 們的反應:「我就是跟他們撞胸慶祝了一下還是怎麼樣的,然後回到場上因為我們該準備 防守了。」 Now, when he goes back to visit Clarksville and its fans, he’s given the hero treatment. He was put on the Dunn Center’s big screen, complete with a highlight package of his time in college and the NBA – with the Kuzma dunk included, of course – and a standing ovation. Fans from all around the arena gather to take their pictures with him and get memorabilia autographed. Because that’s what Terry Taylor means to them. 現在當他回去Clarksville時,他的粉絲們給予他英雄般的待遇。他被放在Dunn Center的 大螢幕上,伴隨著他大學跟NBA的highlight - 當然包括了那個對Kuzma的灌籃 - 以及觀 眾們的起立鼓掌。整座球館的粉絲都跑來跟他拍照、找他簽名,Terry Taylor對他們就是 這麼的重要。 And he obliges, signing every shirt, taking every picture and accepting every hug with a smile and a thank you, because that’s what they mean to Terry Taylor. 他接受了粉絲們的請求,簽了所有衣服,拍了所有照片、收下了每一個擁抱並回給他們 一個微笑跟一句Thank you,因為粉絲們對Terry Taylor就是這麼的重要。 The Pacers have an exciting young core of players. Duarte and Jackson have lived up to their first-round draft capital, and the newly acquired Tyrese Haliburton and Jalen Smith have given the team a breath of fresh, young air. Oshae Brissett and Myles Turner are core young pieces, and veterans Malcolm Brodgon and Buddy Hield provide steady hands as elders on the roster. 溜馬現在有一批令人振奮的年輕球員,Duarte跟Jackson證明了他們的首輪身價,最新入 隊的Tyrese Haliburton跟Jalen Smith帶給了球隊全新的氛圍。Oshae Brissett、 Myles Turner也是年輕人,再配上Malcolm Brogdon跟Buddy Hield扮演穩定球隊的大哥。 One would think that, with the way he’s played, Taylor would be penciled in as one of the team’s exciting young players moving forward. But he’s still not been signed to a guaranteed contract. There haven’t even been talks of it. As of now, he’s still a two-way player, free to be sent back to Fort Wayne at the drop of a hat. 也許有人會想,Taylor都打出了這樣的表現了,他應該也是球隊未來的年輕核心吧?但他 仍然還沒有簽下保障合約。球隊還沒有討論過這方面的事情,就現在來說,他還是個雙向 球員,只要想就可以再把他送回去Fort Wayne。 He plans to earn that roster spot. 他的目標就是要在隊上搶下一個位置。 “Keep working. Keep grinding. Stay true to who I am.” 「持續努力,持續精進,忠於自我。」 Because if there wasn’t adversity, if he didn’t have to grind and earn it, it wouldn’t be a Terry Taylor story. 如果沒有困境,如果不需要拼命就能得到機會,那就不是屬於Terry Taylor的故事了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PACERS/M.1648787549.A.303.html ※ 編輯: lens82801 ( 臺灣), 04/01/2022 12:38:41
seventhree83: 看他的打球方式跟數據,我都在想神是不是跟他開玩笑 04/01 12:46
seventhree83: 奪走了他三吋的身高 04/01 12:46
cahuang: 加油!下一個惡漢! 04/01 12:49
humbler: 他很好,有溜馬精神 04/01 20:15
radishhead: 加油~~ 04/01 21:07
dusted: 好故事 加油 04/02 19:59