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※ 引述《ejsizmmy (pigChu)》之銘言: : 幫各位畫個重點: : ※ 引述《Everless (ミカ)》之銘言 : : Intel 最近發布了新的 CPU 微代碼,以解決最近的4個安全漏洞,這些微代碼可以透 : 過主機 : : 板 UEFI 來更新,有些處理器甚至可以透過 Windows Update 升級,這些處理器微代 : 碼更新 : : 包括了第二代 Sandy Bridge 之後的 Core 、Xeon 處理器。 : 這些漏洞主要是針對 Intel 的 HT 多執行緒進行攻擊, : Intel 建議用戶除了更新軟體與微代碼之外,也可以關閉 HT 來杜絕漏洞, https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/mds.html 根據Intel的網頁 Mitigation ... Once these updates are applied, it may be appropriate for some customers to consider additional steps. This includes customers who cannot guarantee that trusted software is running on their system(s) and are using Simultaneous Multi-Threading (SMT). In these cases, customers should consider how they utilize SMT for their particular workload(s), guidance from their OS and VMM software providers, and the security threat model for their particular environment. Because these factors will vary considerably by customer, Intel is not recommending that Intel® HT be disabled, and it’s important to understand that doing so does not alone provide protection against MDS. 下面的FAQ Is Intel recommending that I disable HT? No. Intel is not recommending that users disable Intel® Hyper threading. It’s important to understand that doing so does not alone provide protection against MDS, and may impact workload performance or resource utilization that can vary depending on the workload. --- Intel: 我們不建議你直接關HT 這要看你的環境,先去問問你OS/虛擬機服務提供商的建議吧 (甩鍋) -- <(┘╴└)>﹍﹍﹍ ︿︿ ╴▅ 生命,就該浪費在 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1557994400.A.94C.html
BaWanYi : 真的FAQ 05/16 16:50
LoveShibeInu: 翻譯: 當初加價買ht的還是要開著,不然性能損耗你又 05/16 16:54
LoveShibeInu: 怪我,如果被駭去問開發商 05/16 16:54
andyw7612162: 真的是爽賣 05/16 16:55
louis0724 : 性能減弱你怪我 你被駭怪你自己 05/16 16:55
SONYPS5 : 這話題C52怎麼躲起來了? 05/16 17:31
scarbywind : 搞不好人家的x399修好了 05/16 17:55
legendrl : 連出這麼多大包,應該要全部收回重做吧;當初會買有 05/16 18:07
legendrl : HT的,不就是多花錢來買效能? 05/16 18:07
scarbywind : 所以他說沒建議你關阿kappa 05/16 18:12
c60203 : 功能我們提供了 硬要開後果自負 05/16 19:01
ejsizmmy : 搞得很像日本動畫一樣,解除性能限制還附帶副作用 05/16 19:25
suitup : 可能開ht 等同超頻 不保證穩定 05/16 19:33
AkikaCat : 微軟:關我屁事啊! 05/16 19:56
ghgn : 幹 下臺電腦買AMD INTEL吃屎 05/16 21:49
madstorm : 才買一台8700公司用。要怎麼解釋8700變9400..... 05/16 21:51
madstorm : 真的很多靠盃…intel.. 05/16 21:53
ken720331 : HT原來是拿來唬人的 05/16 22:03
pikach18 : Intel:我HT是做來藏招,想不到有副作用吧。 05/16 22:46
EAFV : 不然你要買AMD喔 05/16 23:37