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連結: https://goo.gl/x7dF9f 內容: MEXICO CITY (AP) — Devin Booker said he wanted to make the most of his visit to Mexico City. He did. 墨西哥城- Booker說他想在這次墨西哥之旅展現出他最好的表現,而他確實做到了。 The 20-year-old Booker scored a career-high 39 points for the second game in a row and the Phoenix Suns beat the San Antonio Spurs 108-105 on Saturday in the fifth regular-season game in the country. 20歲的Booker連續拿下了生涯最高得分的的39分, 鳳凰城太陽隊於周六第五次的交手中以108比105打敗了聖安東尼奧馬刺隊。 Booker, whose grandfather is from Mexico, was 12 of 22 from the field. He also had 39 points Thursday night in a loss to the Dallas Mavericks in the Suns' Mexican opener. Booker,他的祖父來自於墨西哥,投籃命中率22投12中, 他也在太陽和小牛週四夜晚於墨西哥的開幕戰中拿下了39分。 "I'm proud of the team overall, we bounce back after what happened the other night against Dallas, we play against a really good team like the Spurs and we came out with a close win," Booker said. "We are seeing beauty in the struggle. We played real well." "我以我們的球隊為榮, 我們從與達拉斯的失落中走出, 和像馬刺這樣的優秀球隊對抗, 並且鎖住了勝利。 Booker說道。 "我們從煎熬中看見希望, 我們真的打得很好。" Booker has 13 30 point-games in his two-year NBA career. Booker在他兩年的NBA生涯中有13次得分30分以上的比賽。 "Devin Booker does not want to leave Mexico, he's averaging 39 points, so he wants to play Utah on Monday," Suns coach Earl Watson said. "I' m excited for Devin, he's only 20 years old and he won't be 21 until October, so we are very excited about his progression and everything that he's doing." "Booker不想離開墨西哥,他平均能拿下39分, 他也迫不期待的想在周一與猶他爵士一較高下" 太陽隊的教練Watson說道。 "我對Devin這小子感到興奮, 他才只有20歲,在10月前都不會成為21歲, 所以我們都非常期待他的成長還有任何他在球場上的展現。" Kawhi Leonard had 38 points for the Spurs. They lost for the second time in their last three games. Leonard為馬刺隊得到了38分, 他們在最近的三場比賽中, 這是他們輸的第二場。 "The Suns did a great job of being aggressive for 48 minutes they clearly played very competitively as it was evidence by their 26 or so second chance points they got and we exacerbated with 20 points off our turnovers," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. "太陽隊真的表現得很好, 在48分鐘內都保持著積極, 他們表現的非常有競爭力, 證據就是他們在第二次進攻得了差不多26分, 並且其中有20分都是來自於壓迫我們所造成的失誤。" 馬刺隊的教練Popovich說道。 Booker made two baskets to give the Suns the lead in the last minute, including a dunk off a break with Bledsoe that made it 106-103. Leonard made two free throws to get San Antonio within one. P.J. Tucker made two free throws for Phoenix, and the Spurs' Danny Green missed an open 3-pointer to seal the win for Phoenix. Booker在最後一分鐘投進兩球給予太陽隊領先優勢, 包括一球是Bledsoe快攻後的分球灌籃, 讓太陽成為106比103。 Leonard接著投進兩次罰球讓聖安東尼奧僅落後一分, Tuker又為太陽對投進兩罰, 最終馬刺隊的Green錯失了空檔三分球確定了太陽隊的勝利。 Phoenix is the first team to play two regular-season games in the same season south of the border. 太陽隊是第一隻在通常賽季於國境之南進行兩次例行賽的球隊。 TIP INS 標記 Suns: Phoenix is averaging 106 points, The Suns last averaged at least that many points in the 2009-10 season (110.2). 太陽隊:鳳凰城太陽隊平均106分,上次能得這麼多分要回到2009-10賽季(110.2分)。 Spurs: San Antonio has a 31-9 record, tying the second best start in franchise after 40 games. Their best record after that many games is 34-6. 馬刺隊:聖安東尼奧目前是31勝9敗, 平了隊史40場比賽中第二好的成績, 他們最好的紀錄是34勝6敗。 THE MEXICANS RESPOND 墨西哥當地的回響 The attendance was 20,532, a record for games played in Mexico, surpassing the previous mark that set Thursday with 19,874. 於墨西哥賽事中的觀眾來了20532人, 超越先前周四比賽19874人的紀錄。 "We are thrilled with the enthusiasm of the Mexicans, and the expectation is to play many more games here," NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said before the game. "我們對墨西哥民眾的熱情感到渾身顫抖, 期待接下來在這能有更多比賽。" NBA總裁Silver在賽前說道。 心得: 太陽教練團是開竅了嗎? 之前罵他們說沒幫Booker設計無球掩護的戰術, 結果連續三場都看到戰術,而且使用上還越來越多, 還有Booker之前傳球的猶豫到這幾場的果決, 隊伍的攻勢也越來越好, 其他人也勇於挑戰對手禁區。 雖然Chriss還是防守兩光XD -- 如果還有來世,我想當一個獸人 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PHX-Suns/M.1484490711.A.705.html
NIOHA : 切入分球那邊應該是快攻得分@@? 01/15 22:37
humbler : 那邊是我翻錯,感謝 01/15 22:39
※ 編輯: humbler (, 01/15/2017 22:40:44
mnzx : 推!第四節開始用魷魚絲,書人,塔克,Bender和Len這 01/16 00:00
mnzx : 陣容打到剩4分33秒,之後換上拳王和雷獸,整個第四 01/16 00:00
mnzx : 節防守還不錯耶,Bender三次三分出手都是空檔,前兩 01/16 00:00
mnzx : 次有把握住,第四節關鍵的第三次出手差ㄧ點點就進了 01/16 00:00
mnzx : !不然就可以拉到五分差,最後數秒green的三分出手其 01/16 00:00
mnzx : 實有嚇出冷汗,還好沒進,這場比賽真的滿好看的,Ch 01/16 00:00
mnzx : riss進攻面越來越有存在感,防守意識和經驗加強,憑 01/16 00:00
mnzx : 他的體能應該也能越來越好,這季就好好練潛力新人吧 01/16 00:00
mnzx : go!go!suns! 01/16 00:00
s90188 : 希望是大家逐漸習慣戰術體系(?) 01/16 02:10
bll135 : 書人應該是打破自己的牆了 01/16 10:26
humbler : Booker這幾場拋投命中率也高不少,修練完成? 01/16 13:50
josephonex : 這場Bender打得好好 good job 01/16 19:32
humbler : 新秀中養成比較出我意外的大概就是Ulis 01/16 20:37
humbler : 從組織型後衛現在反倒像進攻型後衛 01/16 20:38
humbler : Bender則是攻守兩端成長得很平均,有動腦打球學很快 01/16 20:39
bll135 : Chriss也不差~雖然防守一樣很慘但進攻會做事了 01/16 20:46
pyhsi : 看看剩下的半個球季能不能進步囉 01/16 22:55
Workshy : 墨西哥專武 01/16 23:16
a8084123 : 帥氣 01/17 02:24