看板 PHX-Suns 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Sarver: “The switch has flipped” and time for Suns to start winning “I think we’re at the end of a rebuild,” he said to Burns and Gambo on 98.7 FMafter firing McDonough and most of the front office. “For me, the switch h as flipped and it’s now time to start figuring out how to win.” 我認為球隊的重建已經接近尾聲,對於我來說,我需要迅速切換思路,現在我們是時候開 始尋找如何贏球的方法了。 “In this business it’s about winning and/or consistent progress,” Sarver sa id to Burns and Gambo. “We discussed a number of opportunities I felt were re alistic. Ultimately for me, the rate of progress wasn’t there where I thought it needed to be.” 球隊是要不斷贏球,不斷進步的,對於我來說,我認為球隊進步的幅度並沒有達到我的預 期。 “I felt we needed to make the absolute most of the opportunity in front of us , and decided to make a change.” 我認為球隊必須利用眼前的機會,因此我決定做出一些改變。 “I wanted to make a change to facilitate our next step.” 我想做出改變以推進球隊進入下一階段。 So, he wants the whole franchise to switch the mindset from ‘hunker down and focus on youth’ to ‘win now’. 所以,他希望球隊能從擺爛並培養年輕人的策略轉變成立刻贏球的策略。 The point guard is the remaining huge hole on the roster. 控球後衛仍然是目前球隊陣容中很大的缺陷。 “I would say it’s definitely at the top of the list,” Sarver said about Jam es Jones first order of business. Sarver表示,這是James Jones目前最先要處理的事。 來源: https://goo.gl/bzSvdL 短評或心得: 果然是老闆忍不住了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PHX-Suns/M.1539098696.A.5BF.html ※ 編輯: Wojnarowski (, 10/09/2018 23:27:16
ninaman : 所以不打算讓Booker打PG了嗎? 10/09 23:39
chris0701 : 不讓書人打PG應該是件好事 10/09 23:49
Aggro : 不過全聯盟都知道我們缺PG 會被搶吧 10/09 23:58
lovecmgirls : 就不要想立刻贏球之前立刻被搶 10/09 23:59
s90188 : 別在提搶劫了 10/10 00:06
s90188 : 抓雞 雷獸 PG 可愛有哪次搶劫成功的 10/10 00:06
s90188 : 最後還不是雙方各取所需就成交了 10/10 00:07
scpx : 當時金拱門在 10/10 00:07
vgil : 想贏的沙佛很可怕.... 10/10 00:24
kaosai : 希望可以交易來Lin 感覺堪用 10/10 00:54