看板 Palmar_Drama 關於我們 聯絡資訊
小弟這周看了超感動 蝶....玄武的出場滿滿的高畫質 覺得很適合附上英文字幕與標題推廣上youtube 無奈小弟沒有影片上傳 只好附上自己寫的翻譯 有PO主想要的話,請自行取用或修改,感謝 一處廢棄的宮殿 an abandoned palace 仍是肅穆莊嚴 still looks noble and great 一張塵封的異譜 an untouched mask 依然等待著執行正義之刻 still waiting for executing the justice 任務來了 here comes the mission 荒野之上 on the wilderness 擒得怨姬三人的樂尋遠、玉梁皇 Nao-Soon-One and Yo-Lyon-Hon who caught One-Gee and two others 已來到狩宇之外 have reached the outer Syu-Oo(place) 就在此時 at this moment 體內蠱術衝破穴道 One-Gee(uàn-ki) breaks the movement restriction 怨姬長劍上手 and holds the long sword 力求突圍 wanting to break her way through 為她們解穴 i have to break their movement restriction 但是 but 怨姬 One-Gee! (uàn-ki) 吾討厭頑抗 i hate resistance 更討厭被人愚弄 i hate being fooled even more 終於輪到我出手了 finally, it's my turn! 但是 but 休想叫我戴這個面具 Don't even think of asking me to to put on this (stupid) mask 高手 you are tough 來者是誰 who are you 古小月是你的化名 kóo-sió-gua your nickname 那你的真名是什麼 then what is your real name 我的真名叫 my real name is... 蝶小月 tiap-sió-gua 壞人有壞人的氣魄 bad guy has his spirit 規矩有規矩的眉角 rule has its skill 殺手有殺手角度 killer has his aspect 遊戲有遊戲的魅力 game has its charm 蕭颯的身影 the charming figure 全新的異譜 the whole new mask 不動城最後一人終於現世 Finally,the last member of Bu-Don-Cheng(group) finally appears 武林紛亂 the world is in a chaos 他是否能力挽狂瀾 Can he turn back the powers of darkness 欲知結果 to see the follow-up 請看黃文擇布袋戲 please watch Vincent Huang puppet show 霹靂天命之仙魔鏖鋒 Pili Destiny :The Battle of the Immortals and Demons 精彩第十九章 episode 19 玄武 Black tortoise 嗯! humm!(threaten) 阿不是...是...金蝶魄 Uh..no...it's...Golden Butterfly Spirit ================================ 如有翻得不好,還請道友指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Palmar_Drama/M.1480698561.A.3FA.html
bloodydevil: 翻譯帥欸XDD 12/03 01:10
zxcv820421: Black tortoise XDD 12/03 01:14
muscleless: One-Gee XDDDDDDDDDD 12/03 01:16
kenjip1p2: abandoned 12/03 01:55
kenjip1p2: one gee 真的XDd 12/03 01:58
labmf0301: 英文想要表達中文的描寫精髓果然還是有些怪怪... 12/03 02:20
mickeykiller: Finally,the last member of Bu-Don-Cheng show up 12/03 02:45
mickeykiller: ,不動城是組織用city會被以為是一個城市不是城堡 12/03 02:45
TUBABear: 希望下集經典武戲曲“紅蝶天紋斬”給他放下去,大殺四 12/03 02:49
TUBABear: 方啊啊啊啊! 12/03 02:49
mickeykiller: 嗯,用appear就可以了 12/03 02:50
mickeykiller: 補個S 12/03 02:51
parkyu531: 超炫,太有才了原po 12/03 05:18
swallowp1: 呃 12/03 06:10
mklce: 雖然很討厭這種作法,但看到蝴蝶再現,還是忍不住湊過來了. 12/03 07:12
CFYang: 又出來騙錢了。會漲 12/03 09:44
Gamelop: 不得不說霹靂超強 硬是再12異譜外 多賣一隻 12/03 10:20
ke0119: One-Gee XD 12/03 12:13
DesignXD: Vincent Huang puppet show XDDDDDDDD 12/03 12:45
DesignXD: 台語人名還是改一下好了 12/03 12:49
居然有這種網站,可是這樣就沒有One-Gee了QQ 剛剛試著想改,改到一半就放棄了,好多神奇字母連PTT都打不上去QQ 我想還是就用英文寫出外國人好讀的版本就好了~ 我也想過是否人名要用意譯,但這樣樂尋遠就變成happy to find the distance~ 或必須翻成oscar winner~挺怪的= = ※ 編輯: manes258 (, 12/03/2016 14:00:11 ※ 編輯: manes258 (, 12/03/2016 14:01:34
DesignXD: 直接用英文就好啦XD 12/03 14:56
foryou184: 超讚 12/03 15:40
kenjip1p2: oscar winner XDD 連影帝翻譯都能這麼潮 12/03 15:46
Fantasyhisai: 推 12/03 17:24
wayne102: Oacar winner XDDDDDDDD 12/04 12:45
wayne102: 那娘皇怎辦 the King of Oscar Winners XDDD 12/04 12:46
manes258: 娘皇應該叫做NTD worrior 12/04 15:11
lingtsup: 樂可以是音樂 不一定要是快樂啊 12/04 16:46
manes258: 因為發音念作Nao吧 12/05 14:58