看板 Paradox 關於我們 聯絡資訊
熱騰騰的1.10將在周四與新DLC一同登場 敬請期待吧~ 免費功能、付費功能的部分 在上一篇已經提過 本篇就直接往後半部分繼續 遊戲性平衡大修 目前翻一半,繼續往下翻當中 (怎這麼多...) # Autonomy & Cores - Your own claims on your own provinces no longer expires until you have cored the province. 自己擁有Claim的省份,Claim不會再有時效性問題 - Centralisation and Decentralisation modifiers from events now affect autonomy instead of income. 中央集權、地方分治的事件效果更改 影響自治度而非稅收 - Conquering primitives no longer gives nationalism for non-primitives. 非土著征服土著不再有nationalism! - Colonized provinces no longer contribute to overextension even after they finish. 殖民地不會影響overextension - Non-core provinces no longer contribute forcelimits. 未造核心的省分不提升軍隊上限 # Capital - Players are no longer blocked from changing capital due to having a fixed capital. 改首都不會再因限定住的首都被阻擋 (以前會?) - One of the ways to end Religious Turmoil now requires full humanist ideagroup, not just picking it and discarding it immediately. 宗教紛亂的解法之一修正,要求點滿人道主義,而不是一點開就捨棄 # Colonial Nations - Provinces within two provinces of a Colonial Nation's colonial region can now be sold to that Colonial Nation. 距離兩格內的省分可以賣給殖民地國家 # Diplomacy - Breaking a Royal Marriage with a rival is no longer a stability hit. 與宿敵解除婚約不再降穩定度 # Exploration - Reduced prestige gained on province discoveries. 探索地圖獲得的聲望減少 # HRE - Can now join a league even if you have a truce with the Emperor. 就算跟神羅皇帝有停戰協議,也可加入三十年戰爭 # Ideas - Aristocracy: Noble Officers are no longer +1 shock ut instead -1% army tradition & -1% navy tradition. 第四格的 +1 將領衝擊 改為 每年的的軍事/海軍傳統降低幅度減少 1% - Economic: Centralization is no longer +1 advisor pool, but instead -0.05 Monthly Autonomy. 第五格的 +1 顧問 改為 每個月 -0.05 自治度 - Reduced Mercenary cost reductions for some national ideas. 某些國家理念的傭兵費用減少幅度調降 - Reduced the reduction in cost of reducing war exhaustion for some national ideas. 某些國家理念的降厭戰值花費減少調低 - Finisher for Offensive is now +2.5% Army Morale Recovery. 點滿進攻理念現在給 +2.5% 士氣回復 (舊的急行軍改大家都可用) # Leaders - Conquistadors and Explorers now have slightly fewer pips on average than Generals and Admirals. 陸海的探索者平均起來都些微調降能力 # Religion - Will now get 'Occupation of Rome' penalty if you are Catholic and a subject of yours who is not the Papal States holds Rome. 宗教為天主教,且你的附庸國(非教廷)占領羅馬的話,會得到一個Debuff - Will now get a penalty to diplomatic reputation if you are Catholic, have subjugated the Pope and have not formed Italy. 天主教國家若征服教廷,且未成立義大利,會得到一個外交聲望Debuff - Italy no longer gets a penalty when holding Rome. 義大利持有羅馬不再有任何懲罰 # Revolts - Innovative lost Knowledge Transfer 創新理念第四格修改,不再減少 軍事/海軍 傳統遞減 - Innovative gained Dynamic Court (+1 advisor pool) 改為 +1顧問 - Polish Magnate Rebels added as a type, replacing the noble rebels in poland with a resilient tougher breed, hellbent on elective monarchy. 波蘭的貴族叛軍特化,更加兇殘,以符合當地民情 - Particularist Rebels can now happen even if you dont have economic ideas. 黨派叛軍現在就算沒點經濟理念也可能產生 - Patriot Rebels can once again defect provinces to subject nations. - Subjects who have provinces defect to them now get a large increase in their Liberty Desire. 國族叛軍現在又可以向非宗主國投降,且會大幅增加其自主慾望 - Rebels revolt against the province owner rather than the province controller (but will still siege the controller). 叛軍優先攻擊省份持有者而非占領者 (但依然會圍占領者的城) # Subjects - Revolution and Aspiration for Liberty disasters can no longer happen to subjects. 革命、爭取自由這類的災難不會出現在非宗主國 # Technology - Primitives is no longer based on religion, but rather all countries with a tech group penalty of 100% or slower are considered primitives. 土著的判定更改,不再基於宗教而是科技組 科技懲罰大於等於 100%的國家,判定為土著 - Primitive tech groups are no longer allowed to build ships. 土著沒得蓋船 (南北美超傷,沒得搶加勒比了) - Force March is no longer an effect gained through national ideas, but instead given from adm tech 9. 急行軍指令解放,只要行政科技九等以後都可以使用 # Trade - Reworked inland trading mechanics to have a caravan power based on your base tax that is given in your home node if its inland, or in any node where you try to pull to or from inland, modified with your caravan power. This replaces previous inland and transfer towards inland modifiers. 之前開發日記四提到的,內陸的貿易機制調整,省份的稅基影響大增 - Trade companies now give a -2% missionary strength penalty, to compensate for the fact that they ignore non-accepted culture missionary strength penalty. 根據現實,貿易公司將得到 -2% 傳教能力的 Debuff # Units - Pretenders no longer increase local autonomy when they win. 抗爭者獲勝不會再增加當地自治度 - No longer have automatic access to allies while at war if those allies are not a part of the war themselves. 盟友若無參戰,將不再會自動得到軍事通行權 - You now have automatic access to any countries that are granting military access to those you are at war with. 任何給戰爭中敵國軍事通權的國家,你也將自動獲得相等權限 阿爾巴尼亞看來要繞阿爾卑斯山跑好幾年了... - Its no longer possible to send explorers to open seas before you have the Quest for the New World idea. 探索理念沒點到二,無法進入海域open seas - Your armies can now shatter-retreat to any province controlled by anyone fighting in a war together with you. 你戰敗的軍隊現在可以撤退到任何與你併肩作戰的國家 # War - Can now transfer occupation to countries whose subjects control an adjacent province 若占領的省分鄰近別的附庸國,可以轉交給宗主國 ################### # AI (修很多) ################### # Autonomy - Can now raise and decrease autonomy. AI會調整自治度了 # Diplomacy - Now has a penalty to allying countries that are allied to its rivals. 若和與仇敵同盟的國家結盟會受到外交Debuff - No longer has a penalty to allying multiple Great Powers. 不再受與多個強權結盟的外交Debuff - Will now only join coalitions if there is a sufficiently large coalition in place or enough other countries interested in joining such a coalition that they would have a chance at challenging the coalition target. 不會隨意加入包圍網,會判斷強度與意願 - Less passive against countries that border it through vassals. 降低與附庸接壤國的侵略性 - Hard AI is now less willing to ally with countries it is neutral towards. 困難的AI更加不願意與持中立態度的國家結盟 - More reluctant to grant military access to those that are at war with its allies. 大幅降低提供軍事通行權給與盟國交戰者的慾望 - No longer willing to give military access to much stronger nations they dislike if they have a powerful overlord. 若有強力宗主國,不再有提供軍事通行權給厭惡強權的意願 - More priority on relative power when considering whether to grant military access. 相對實力將大幅影響提供軍事通行權的意願 # HRE - Emperor now less willing to peace out of wars where he is defending the Empire. 皇帝在防禦方時將更不願意談和 - Will now wait a bit before starting League War, so player has a chance to join. 三十年戰爭會多等一下再開戰,給玩家參與的機會 - Electors are now more likely to vote for the League Leader when determining who should be Emperor after a League War is won by the opposition religion. 三十年戰爭後,選侯將更傾向投給另一宗勝利的領導 # Ideas - Will now pick idea groups dynamically based on ai_will_do if AI_USES_HISTORICAL_IDEA_GROUPS define is set to 0 or game is using custom/random setup. 將動態調整AI如何選擇理念,看基礎設定 (某MOD的想法實現了) - Will no longer pick trade ideas unless it has at least 6 provinces or is a merchant republic. 六個以下省份的小國將不再選擇貿易理念,除非是商業共和國 - Portugal now takes Expansion before Religious. 葡萄牙將在宗教理念前先選擴張理念 - Chinese minors will no longer take Expansion ideas. 中國底下的各獨立勢力不會挑選擴張理念 # War - Now more reluctant to separate peace out of a war where their side is winning. 當AI處與優勢方時,單獨和談的意願更低 - Fixed a bug where the AI would always treat a peace offering of others' trade power as something it wanted, despite the UI saying otherwise. 修正一個Bug,AI以前老是願意接受別國的貿易力量,就算UI上寫相反 ################### # Interface ################### # Alerts - Unrest alert opens stability view instead of cycling provinces. 不滿度的警告標示點開來會是穩定度頁面 # Launcher / Frontend - Frontend map starts in political mode when entering SP or MP. 進入頁面優先以政治版圖模式呈現 # Macrobuilder - Autonomy macrobuild interface will now show true unrest number instead of setting negative unrest numbers to zero. - Autonomy macrobuild interface will no longer show provinces with no unrest if their autonomy value cannot be lowered due to minimum autonomy limitations. - Overseas provinces are now always hidden in autonomy macrobuild interface 自治度地圖模式將真實呈現不滿度,負的數值將不會以零表示 沒有不滿度,且達到自治度下限的省份將不再顯示 海外省份將自動隱藏 - Macro builder template building accurately shows reason like single unit building does. 整體建築界面將顯示與單獨建築介面相同多的資訊 # Misc - Added warnings/reminders for army and fleet maintenance lower than 100% to war declaration dialog. 若開戰前軍費忘了調回來,進宣戰頁面會有警示音效 - There's now a message when a truce involving your country expires. 與自身有關的停戰協議結束會有音效 - Battle sounds are now less loud. 戰鬥不會再那麼吵 - Tech mapmode now also says the technologygroup of the owner of the province in the tooltip. 科技模式地圖會告知省分持有者的科技組 # Provinces - Fixes to allied objective selection popup: Easier to close without reselection, and no more odd empty space. 盟友的請求選單修正 - National Monuments are now visible in political mapmode. 國家的紀念碑可以在政治版圖模式看到 # Tooltips - Tooltip for personal union offer is now probably correct. 聯統的要求頁面修正 - Added tooltip explaining monthly advisor cost. 增加解釋顧問開銷的提示欄 - Added benefits for joining crusade to tooltip for Crusader Target in Papacy view. 增加教廷頁面中,加入十字軍的額外利益 - Province-condenced tooltips now gives a province prefix at all lines. 沒概念,求解 ??? - It is now shown how to stop a disaster and why it is or isn't progressing in disaster tooltip. 現在會提示如何中止災難,以及未爆發前是否正在進展 - Tooltip now explains that you can't declare war on your senior union partner while he fights a war of succession for your throne. 提示會告知為何你不能向對你發動王位繼承戰的PU宣戰 - Toggled tooltip for "allow allied armies to load fleet" button. 增加允許盟友登艦的按鍵 - Integration/annexation DP costs show up in DP gain tooltip. 吞併附庸的外交點花費會正確顯示在外交點獲得的提示欄 - Consolidate Regiments tooltip displays information about shift modifier. 合併軍隊部隊時,顯示時將要裁掉多少部隊編制的 (可調節) - Rebel factions in outliner now have tooltip. 增加叛軍的資訊提示欄 - You will now get tooltip saying if you got ships that can be upgraded or not, even if at sea. 若有可升級的船艦,會有提示 - Claims' tooltip corrected with regards to expiration of owned uncored provinces. Claim 的過期提示會正確對應 - Privateer mission button tooltip displays the current activity, just like the Protect trade mission button. 海盜的任務提示欄會顯示當前的活動 # Units - Moved leader stars for navies to be consistent with armies. 海軍的領袖能力(星星)會參照陸軍顯示 - Holding shiftdown when consolidating regiments now keep the empty regiments around. 若手動細調合併軍事部隊編制,將保留0單位的部隊 - Nicer privateer button alignment for certain DLC combinations. 更加優化的海盜按鍵界面 - Friendly rebel units in battles on map get correct color (instead of enemy). 友方叛軍以正確的顏色顯示 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Paradox/M.1424796123.A.49A.html ※ 編輯: iidxiir3 (, 02/25/2015 01:04:57
qsman: 好不容易終於把patch note看完,這次真的是大修! 02/25 01:02
qsman: 理念、政策、外交、軍事一堆大改,看來又有適應期了~ 02/25 01:05
joeeoj18: 歡迎來到新遊戲~ 02/25 01:53
evilcherry: 沒第二層探索是不能進open sea 意味著早期只能向東 02/25 04:38
evilcherry: 主要是針對葡萄牙的西進蓋滿美洲戰術 02/25 04:38
感謝指正 ※ 編輯: iidxiir3 (, 02/25/2015 04:47:06
TomZang: 看到HRE那項我哭了T.T..終於不用再遇上黑箱宗教戰爭了.. 02/25 08:18
Borges: 感覺資料片沒更新什麼 原來都在補完AOW啊!! 02/25 09:14
daze: 比如說拜占庭,之前是無法把首都搬離君士坦丁堡的。不但如此 02/25 19:19
daze: ,即使丟掉了君士坦丁堡導致改首都,要搬首都也只能搬回君士 02/25 19:20
daze: 坦丁堡,不能搬回其他地方。 02/25 19:20
daze: "Now more reluctant to separate peace out" 完全翻反了。 02/25 19:27
daze: "Holding shiftdown when consolidating regiments" 應該是 02/25 19:32
daze: 指在consolidating regiment時按下shift。 02/25 19:33
用綠色更新了一下 consolidating那段我重新思考了一下 shift應該不是指按鍵,而是給你一個可調節的Bar條 以往是預設全部整編,現在是可調要合併裁掉多少編制 ※ 編輯: iidxiir3 (, 02/25/2015 22:26:51
daze: 可調節的Bar條是個很奇怪的設計,因為其實很難確定你拉個42% 02/26 00:36
daze: 最後會剩下多少部隊。直接編成0與1000,然後你可以自己決定 02/26 00:36
daze: 要裁掉幾個無人編制,這樣不會比較簡單嗎? 02/26 00:37
iidxiir3: 應該是顯示裁掉幾個千人部隊吧,按照以往預設是最大值 02/26 00:37
iidxiir3: 他的敘述描述起來像是如此,實際結果等明天晚上吧 02/26 00:39
iidxiir3: 以往想精控很麻煩,調整留多少空編制慢慢補很麻煩 02/26 00:40
jonathan836: 推戰鬥不會再那麼吵(?) 02/26 14:43
jonathan836: 從三代來就困擾已久的問題終於修正了嗎(???) 02/26 14:43
jonathan836: 顯然P社不想讓拜占庭太容易逆天,所以再度nerf拜占庭 02/26 18:13
jonathan836: 因為現階段拜占庭的確沒有很難...只要開局對的話 02/26 18:14
y2468101216: 開始更新了 大家準備好了沒有? 02/26 22:06