看板 PathofExile 關於我們 聯絡資訊
午休時間偷翻譯 原文 by GGG Qarl: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1389504 2.0.0 introduced several changes to maps. While many elements have been received well, there have been growing comments about some issues with maps. 在2.0.0版本中進行了許多有關地圖的調整,許多更動項目反應良好,同時也有一些問題慢慢浮現。 We have been looking at what is happening with mapping. We want to know what is working with 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 map changes, and what isn't. 我們對於地圖機制進行了一些調查,想知道2.0.0與2.0.1版本的這些改動到底是好是壞。 The first thing to note is that we have a lot of data, because there is a lot of mapping happening. Over three million maps are being run each week. We have more players mapping, and more players going past the first tier of maps than we ever have before. Changes to early maps have been successful. Having introductory map mods has allowed players to interact with rolled maps earlier. More of our player base is mapping, and are continuing to map through to higher map tiers. 我們其實有很大量關於打圖的數據,因為這件事發生的很平繁,玩家每周打了超過三百萬張地圖。 相較以往,更多玩家開始打圖,以及更多玩家可以進行高等地圖。 低等地圖的改動非常的成功,初階的地圖詞綴讓玩家可以輕鬆體驗。 打圖已經變成許多玩家的目的,以及持續攻略更高等級的地圖。 Many players have expressed concerns that they hit a wall around level 74 or level 75. The statistics bear this out, and vividly show us there is a problem. There is a serious bump of maps being run at level 73, more than at level 72, and then a solid dive at level 74. This is partially due to level 74 being where the harder mods kick in. The harder mods can be discouraging. However, the shaping of map drops also is a big factor in the divide between 73 and 74. 許多玩家表示他們到74及75圖就開始斷圖,根據統計資料我們也很明確的了解這項問題。 73圖打得很多,甚至高過72圖,但是74圖的數量急速下墜,一部分的原因是74圖開始出現一些較困難的詞綴。 困難的地圖詞綴的確令玩家卻步,但是73圖與74圖之間的嚴重掉落差距也是一大因素。 The problem is much more pronounced in Standard and Warbands than Tempest. The drop rates we have seem to suit the mapping styles of hardcore more, where players are more likely to build up a base of maps, and work up through their maps, rather than always running their highest map. 這個問題在標準及軍團聯盟更顯嚴重,掉落率應該要對應地圖的難度,使得玩家應該傾向先農出一點基數再往上打,而不是一直打他們有的最高等地圖。 Around 80% of maps are run in non-hardcore leagues, so we do need to make sure the drop rates fit the dominant styles of play. We will be amending our map drops to smooth the curve into level 74-79 maps. 八成的地圖進行於非專家聯盟,所以我們的確需要使掉落率符合主流玩法,我們會修正74至79圖的掉落曲線。 Maps in the level 80 to 82 range are rarely run relative to other maps. This is intended; these maps are supposed to be dangerous and special, and are also intended to be not sustained in the same way as other maps. Expert players can (and do) maintain 79+ map level runs, but within the range are forced to play a variety of maps. We do also see more hoarding of maps in this level range, where players often choose to not run these maps (we assume until they improve their character). 80到82的地圖相較於其他地圖非常的稀有,這是刻意設計的。 這些地圖本來就是非常危險與特別,也故意設計成不像其他地圖一般好維持。 高端玩家可以打79以上的地圖,但是為數不多且被迫特化來打圖。 我們也察覺到高等地圖有刻意囤積的現象,因為玩家通常選擇不打(也許等到他們的角色成長到打得過)。 In summary, we have achieved many goals we set out to achieve - more players are mapping, and finding their way into deeper maps. There are genuine issues that players are feeling, telling us about, and that require changes. 總而言之,我們的確達成了我們設定的目標 - 更多玩家打圖,並且設法打得更高。 玩家抱怨的問題也不是空穴來風,需要被解決。 We want to make the bulk of the drop changes in 2.0.2 where we can easily see the results. We will discuss the changes in the 2.0.2 patch notes next week. 我們想在2.0.2版本大幅調整地圖掉落率使玩家有感,下周的2.0.2更新將會有進一步資訊。 -- --
f051372: 請問弓箭蒜頭植物嗎 10/01 10:03
juicefish: 這甚麼新的作物.. 10/01 10:05
ponnou: 不是蒜頭 也不是植物 是弓的附屬品10/01 10:05
HornyDragon: 「請問弓箭蒜頭植物嗎」 經典啊wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww10/01 10:07
peter0726: 弓箭 蒜頭 植物 XDDDDDD 10/01 10:07
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1439355683.A.72B.html
shiena: 看兩遍才意會,是 投擲物 嗎XD 08/12 13:14
※ 編輯: deathx2005 (, 08/12/2015 13:35:13
scerpion: 感恩GGG 讚嘆GGG 08/12 13:34
gungriffon: 反觀BZ 08/12 13:39
loezone: 打到73而已 無感 (誤 08/12 13:40
loezone: 還沒打到這麼高 無感 哭哭 08/12 13:46
Comebuy: \⊙▽⊙/\⊙▽⊙/\⊙▽⊙/ 08/12 13:55
blueink5566: 73 74快半頁 75以上才一排 08/12 13:57
sweetmiki: 結果還是一樣難掉 對吧 08/12 13:59
dingkuo: 阿貓推一個~~ 08/12 14:09
bnn: GGG:讓你打高圖掉更多的68 08/12 14:11
wei371114: 今天打了三張1xx的75圖 共掉兩張76 0.0 08/12 14:15
e2167471: 更多的PIT 08/12 14:25
Jingaybye: 謝主榮恩 08/12 14:54
iq1000x: 上禮拜4張77圖 到今天剩3張75… 昨天打一張78只掉72 08/12 15:09
loezone: 更多的PIT XDDD 08/12 15:23
n613011: 可以調成掉+ - 2等 嗎? 75以上看到掉68 69 70真的會吐血 08/12 15:59
n613011: 75以上超容易斷圖 08/12 15:59
n613011: 問一下 不是說 王會增加40%物品數 大家有感嗎? 8等宅娜 08/12 16:01
n613011: 開的圖還降等 高等圖更難拿 08/12 16:01
aszx4510: 斷圖有感 73、72打一堆 74、75卻沒幾張 更別說76up了 08/12 16:14
yehjack: 剛打77只掉74 怒噓 08/12 16:20
a860204: 從82打到只剩77 悲劇 08/12 16:26
hell010135: 78MAP 140%打完6張68地圖真的會讓人想翻桌 08/12 16:42
drakon: 王是額外20%機率掉一張圖 問題是沒有保證等級wwwwww 08/12 17:13
a860204: 等級真的太坑 只有上限 沒有下限 08/12 17:20
bomson: 軍團有人打綠門 79+圖都不會斷......... 08/12 18:28
DiAbLoE: 乾都要打光了才跟我說要調 - - 08/12 18:38
grayoasis: 這篇打了一堆護航中高等地圖掉落率沒問題的臉 XD 08/12 19:46
zax50701: 現在88等 87等升88這一等 沒打過任何一張75+的圖 超幹 08/12 20:29
zax50701: 不是打不贏 是根本打不到 08/12 20:30
e2167471: 我也覺得+/-兩等的掉落合理 但顯然GGG不想讓妳過太爽 08/12 22:16
e2167471: 話說之前在SC打75+ 其實有感覺都會掉73以上居多 08/12 22:17
e2167471: 怎麼2.0之後掉一堆68 08/12 22:18
rv0918: 干我就是那個狂農73 囤74 再往75+打的人 08/13 00:45
rv0918: 我一直以為是官方故意設定這麼血尿的機率 08/13 00:50
lgthbo: 個人打77-79都沒斷過,只是80+都沒掉 08/13 14:29
chaoskyuriop: 馬的王的掉落地圖的等級從+2到-100000000改了沒 08/15 18:33
chaoskyuriop: 每次打74+都掉晴空幽島 08/15 18:33