看板 PathofExile 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《baddyguy (baddyguy)》之銘言: 【原文網址】:https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1456880 【文章內容】: http://i.imgur.com/hBVaLO9.jpg
Our design team is always looking to find new ways to let players build and customise their characters. Along with a host of other changes and additions coming in the next major patch, we're enhancing Path of Exile's poison system. 我們的是團對總是在尋求讓玩家能夠用自己的方式建構自己的角色。 為此,我們下一個目改版的主要目標是:提高這遊戲的中毒系統。 Poison has been in the game for a long time, starting out on the Adder's Touch passive as a themed extra reward, granting 20% of the attack's damage as Chaos Damage over two seconds. We later introduced poison on a few unique items, and although it did offer a damage increase, it was never really a choice - more of an additional benefit for taking something that was already useful. Bino's Kitchen Knife made great use of the mechanic, though didn't care as much about dealing damage as it did healing using it. 中毒已經是這個遊戲的老哽了,從天賦『毒蛇之牙』就可以觸發傷害20%的毒傷, 2秒內的混沌持續傷害。 之後我們推出了一些有關中毒的傳說武器。但是,雖然提供了一些傷害上的提升,他們從 不是一個會被考慮的選擇--太多更有用的增益可供選擇。比諾的廚刀非常有效,但是 他造成的回覆與你造成的傷害一點關係也沒有。 We've decided to modify the poison mechanic in a few ways, and introduce tools to let dexterity-aligned attack characters use and specialize in poison without having to use daggers or a limited set of unique items. Here is a list of the changes we're trying out: 我們決定讓中毒的機制有點改變,藉由一些工具讓刺客型的角色可以使用並且特化中毒而 不需特別使用匕首或者限制在傳說裝備。以下就是我們的改變方向: Poison can now stack! Rather than dealing the damage of the highest hit (as Ignite does), poison can now have multiple stacks. This means that every hit counts, rather than just the occasional big hit. This also lets it scale much better towards end-game, and differentiates it from other damage-over-time effects. 可以堆疊的中毒!不再會用最高的傷害取代較低的傷害(像點燃那樣),而是會堆疊。 這代表每次中毒都會算上,不單只算偶發性的大傷害。這會讓他更符合遊戲後期的節奏, 而且與其他持續性傷害做出區隔。 Poison can now only be applied by Chaos and Physical damage. This is for both thematic reasons, and to have it act as a reward for builds that have less of a focus on auras and elemental supports for damage boosts. 中毒只能被物裡與混沌傷害觸發。這同時是為了主題性以及讓這個build會有較少的光環、 元素的傷害增幅上。 We're introducing a support gem that lets skills poison, and increases poison damage. This will also mean physical spells like Ethereal Knives can be supported to cause poison, giving that kind of build more options and reinforcing the Shadow's arcane assassin theme. 新增一個輔助寶石可以讓技能施毒,還有增加毒傷。這代表物理法術(虛空匕首之類的) 也可以有效觸發,讓中毒流更多選擇,並且增強暗影刺客的暗殺主題。 We're introducing passive skills in the tree for Chaos, Damage over Time, and specific increases to Poison. Here is the poison-specific notable passive: 我們也會增加更多混沌傷害、持續傷害的天賦點,特別是中毒。這就是新的天賦點。 PoisonPassive - http://i.imgur.com/fIJ73xf.jpg
Viper Strike now always applies poison instead of its own buff, with a much higher base duration. This lets players really enhance their damage in a big way by specializing in poison. We're also improving the power of Melee Splash, and this will give the skill more longevity. The skill also deals much more initial hit damage. 毒蛇打擊會算成中毒,並且有更長的基礎時間。這讓玩家能夠真正把毒傷當成主輸出。 我們現在還會改進近戰傷害擴散,讓他們有更高的初始傷害。 Poison Arrow will not be changed to use the new mechanics, and will be renamed to avoid confusion. 毒雲箭矢不會被改變,不過我們會改他的名字避免混淆。 We'll continue to see new uniques, jewels, and more that let players use poison as a core component of their character, and more opportunities and rewards for damage-over-time characters in general. Keep an eye on pathofexile.com for more teasers to come! 我們會有更多傳奇珠寶,以及讓玩家使用毒素做為核心來建構角色,並且強化持續傷害 的機會與回饋。繼續關注我們的網站,期待更多即將到來的改變! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1445237316.A.352.html -- 作者 SoulBringer (鬼泣) 看板 Gossiping 標題 [爆卦] 4X貓 我愛妳>/////< 時間 Mon Apr 1 00:00:04 2013 趁亂告白 不解釋 我要幹死妳 話說我有女朋友兩個 左手跟右手 希望你不要介意~
XXXXGAY:你最好真的要幹死我,不然我就會幹死你!04/01 00:00
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1445238957.A.395.html
danchen1120: 推翻譯 10/19 15:26
※ 編輯: nahsnib (, 10/19/2015 15:52:10
Militarydx: 推 厲害 10/19 16:11
good90150: 那要看可以疊幾層,如果能疊一堆感覺要飛天的是弓箭.. 10/19 17:07
yehjack: 弓:我又要飛啦… 誒!?已經在天上了 10/19 17:27
DiAbLoE: 物暴要飛到外太空啦 平衡小組依舊活在自己的平行世界 lol 10/19 18:09
robinroy2003: 太爽啦 100% 那位置炎域插下去 10/19 19:01
magamanzero: GGG不覺得地雷和陷阱才是需要改的嗎... 10/19 21:02
ilohoo: 好歹來個天賦讓地雷可以丟吧! 然後地雷魔耗可以<100%嗎... 10/19 21:32
robinroy2003: 沒先收魔爆gg 10/19 22:49
raycross: 不知道怪會不會改得更op..... 10/19 22:55
weltschmerz: 舊魔爆表示 價格要起飛嚕 10/20 01:20
good90150: 遠遠射 走位閃招過程怪還繼續噴血 閃完招繼續用龍捲疊 10/20 12:41
yehjack: 魔暴新舊差在哪 我怎麼看不出來XD 10/20 22:00
phi0918: 爆擊率 10/20 23:16
phi0918: .....我把魔爆看成裂風 10/20 23:18
coolstars: 這次天賦會重置嗎? 10/21 08:07
baddyguy: 原文是說下一個重大改版,平常小改版不會重置 10/21 22:20
abcrr123: 簡單來說只增強近戰毒性 沒加強毒雲? 10/23 10:56
bnn: 可堆疊後滿綠球snakebite multi melee應該會有點猛啊 10/23 12:11
robinroy2003: 我要把多綠球改成3綠球用就好了 配蛇咬 10/23 21:15