看板 PathofExile 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2.6.0 includes a long list of changes to game balance. Our primary intent is to better enable a larger selection of powerful build types and skill choices. Many of the more extreme changes to core systems have been held until The Fall of Oriath's Beta, while 2.6.0 will have a stronger focus on improving underused passives, weapon types, unique items and skills (with a focus on their Threshold Jewels). These changes will all combine to create a large selection of new builds to try out. 2.6會有一堆遊戲平衡性的改動,我們希望製造出更多的流派以及多樣的技能選擇。 有許多大規模改動會留在3.0才會做(這一段不確定),不過2.6還是會在武器種類、 被動、傳奇、技能(以及他們的專屬珠寶)有所改動。 這些變化將會讓玩家有更多的新流派可以嘗試。 Improvements to the Passive Tree 天賦調整 Various improvements to specific clusters and the locations of passives have been made, making areas which weren't taken frequently more efficient, and opening up some new options for builds. 針對一些不常被使用的天賦我們會有所改動,期望造成玩家有哭哭天賦點不夠用的痛苦(X Some physical to cold conversion has been added to the passive tree near the Ranger area. This allows for skills like Ice Shot & Frost Blades to have more conversion to cold than ever before. 我們會在遊俠附近增加一些物理轉冰冷的天賦,期望可以BUFF冰霜射擊與冰霜之刃。 A new weapon elemental damage cluster has been added to the passive tree near the Ranger. This now allows for dexterity aligned characters who specialise in elemental attack skills to invest more of their points into damage. 增加一些武器元素傷的天賦給遊俠,我們希望一些主點敏捷的角色可以特化在元素攻擊技 能上(編按:元素打擊?) The area between the Shadow and the Ranger has been made more efficient and less restrictive, while also improving the efficiency of clusters in that section of the tree. 暗影刺客跟遊俠之間的天賦會變得更好看一點,讓大家比較不會浪費點數。 The Thick Skin cluster now attaches to the outside perimeter. 強化之膚(+10%血以及8%機率避免元素異常)被丟在外面一點。(X 可以從外面點進去 Mana has been added behind Mind over Matter, allowing for those builds to be better than ever before. 心靈昇華後面有魔力點,稍微BUFF他一下。 Some claw, staff and sword passives have received some special attention and should now be more powerful overall. 一些爪、長杖、劍的天賦會buff。 The Vitality Void and Spirit Void cluster near the Duelist starting area that grants life and mana leech to attack damage has been rearranged, and is now also attached to the outside perimeter path. 決鬥者旁邊那圈虛空活力以及精華抽取會多一些生命偷取與魔力偷取,並且被拉到外面(X 會重製,並且可以從外面點進去 The sword critical cluster has been made part of the Ranger's large exterior sword cluster. The other path of the sword cluster has been significantly reworked to grant more power. 遊俠的劍爆率天賦合併到那圈很大的遊俠劍天賦,其他的劍天賦也被BUFF。 The Master Fletcher bow cluster between the Ranger and the Duelist has been removed, and the Avatar of the Hunt cluster has been moved to its old location. 遊俠跟決鬥者之間的飛矢宗師天賦被拔掉,狩獵之徵被放到原本的位置。 Leech effects in the Shadow area of the tree now leech from all attack damage, not just physical attack damage. 暗影刺客的吸血現在改成攻擊傷害吸取而非物理攻擊傷害吸取。 The lightning clusters Arcing Blows and Crackling Speed have been combined, and Arcing Speed has been improved. 合併電能之擊以及神速爆裂,並且強化巧語。 Master of Force, the physical cluster in the Scion area and Ash, Frost and Storm, the elemental cluster in the Scion area now grant a small value of reduced reflect damage taken of their type. 貴族外面的垃圾物理傷害(蠻勇之力)跟垃圾元素傷害(三項之力)新增減少反射的特效 Many other changes have been made to pathing, positioning, and values to improve underused passive skills. 改動包含但不限於以上,其他還有一些相關的路徑、位置的改動。 Elemental Conversion 元素轉換 Some unique items that converted elemental damage to other elemental damage types have had their conversion values lowered, to increase the opportunity cost of total element-to-element conversion. Converting spells to other damage types was so easy with Pyre and Call of the Brotherhood that it compromised elemental identity for many skills. 一些有關於轉換元素傷害的傳說裝nerf,想要轉換什麼就要付出更多代價。 We've made it slightly easier to convert more physical damage to elemental damage for some attack skills. Frost Blades and Ice Shot now have 60% physical to cold conversion, up from 40%. Wild Strike now converts 100% of physical damage to a random element. 但我們也讓物理轉元素的傷害效率更好,例如冰霜之刃/冰霜射擊現在轉60%(之前40), 野性打擊轉換100%。 Unique Item Rebalance 傳說裝平衡 Over 100 unique items have been rebalanced, with a focus on improving underused uniques that didn't have a strong role in the game. We've tried to make sure that all uniques either have a positive impact on leveling characters, act as a good item to wield when first entering maps, or have a defined role for end-game characters. We've got more changes coming in future, but we've managed to make changes to a significant number of older uniques. 我們調整了超過100個以上的傳奇,尤其是那些很少被用的。 我們希望至少每個傳奇都有他能派上用場之處,無論是作為新手練功用或者陪你打塑界者 的用途。 One-Handed Weapon Damage and Weapon Implicits 單手武器 One-handed weapons were seeing very little use outside of daggers and specific one-hand skills. To improve player choice, we've increased the base damage of many one-handed weapon types across the board. 除了匕首,單手武器實在太廢了(我說在座的各位...)所以我們決定BUFF他們的基傷。 We've also changed or rebalanced many weapon implicits. Here are some of the major ones: Daggers now have a lower implicit value. This will also apply to already-existing dagger implicits. Previously daggers granted 40%, 60% or 80% increased critical chance. These values have been changed to 30%, 40% and 50%. This is to reduce the impact specific base types had on weapon choices, and lower the power of the standout critical caster weapon base type. 匕首現在比較廢(溯及既往)。全域爆率被砍。我們希望藉此削弱一些暴擊法師。 Lower level claw base types that granted life leech now grant life on hit, as life leech has very little effect at lower levels. 低等的爪現在增加擊中回血,避免初心者吸不回來的窘境。 Maraketh claw base types (Double Claw, Twin Claw and Gemini Claw) now have separate life and mana on hit values, as they now grant more life on hit. 馬拉克斯爪(題外話,不曉得成就那邊什麼時候才要把馬拉凱之鋼這怪翻譯改掉)的 擊中回血增加(擊中回魔沒有) Maraketh thrusting swords have a higher chance to bleed, going from 8%/12% to 15%/20%. Other thrusting swords have a lower critical multiplier value. 馬拉克斯單手劍現在有更高的流血觸發機率;其他單手劍爆率下條。 One-handed maces now grant stun threshold at 10%/15% rather than stun duration at 20%/40%, to increase their ability to stun. 單手錘的增加暈眩時間改成降低暈眩門檻 All staves have had their block values increased. Previously, staves granted either 12% block chance or 18% block chance. They now grant 18% and 20% respectively. 全部的長杖格擋率BUFF。 Almost half the one-handed and two-handed sword base types now grant flat accuracy, instead of increased accuracy. This should make them more desirable for characters that don't naturally have high accuracy rating from dexterity. 半數左右的的劍都有增加了命中屬性,這樣大家就算不點敏捷也有高命中。 Area of Effect Changes 範圍 All sources of "Increased Radius of Area Skills" have been replaced with an increase to area. This means that rather than the area of the skill increasing geometrically as the player invests in the modifier to area scale, the radius gained per point of the stat will be lower and lower as heavy investment occurs, similar to diminishing returns. Many old radius increases that have been changed to area increases provide a higher numeric value to compensate for this change. The goal of this change is to make investing in the size of your area skills to be less rewarding the more you invest, so players don't feel like they need to gather every single point of area radius to reach their character's full potential. 所有的增加技能半徑現在改成增加面積。 這樣會稍微nerf那些玩全屏旋風斬的王八蛋,因為我們覺得這樣不酷。 As an example of how this change will work, the map mod that granted increased radius of boss skills previously granted 40% increased area of effect radius, but will now grant 100% increased area, which results in approximately the same increase to area. 不過地圖詞墜也同步BUFF,所以BOSS還是一樣可以用AoE從視野外面打你喔。 As many lower level skills don't have as high a base area, they will now receive an additional flat bonus to radius at certain levels of the gem. An example of this is Blight, which gains +1 area radius every 5 levels of the gem. 倒是會BUFF一些技能的基礎傷害半徑,我們人還是不錯的吧。 All values of curse radius and aura radius were doubled when converted to curse or aura area size, to result in a similar change. 詛咒光環與光環的半徑變成兩倍,使的新舊的結果差異不大。 因為我們只想砍傷害技能,光環技能就放你一馬。 As another notable change, Melee Splash now gains significantly more increased area than it did increased radius as the gem levels, bringing it much closer to equivalent area skills. 近戰傷害擴散的範圍也超大幅度增加,總的而言比以前還大喔。 Skill Balance Adjustments 技能平衡調整 A small number of skills have had their damage values adjusted. Damage increases have been applied to two skills that we were satisfied with the mechanics of, but felt like they didn't deal enough damage. 少數技能的傷害調整。以下兩個技能傷害提高,因為我們喜歡它的效果但覺得傷害不足。 Sunder now deals more damage with its direct hit, but less damage with its secondary area effects. 大地震擊的主傷害提高,衝擊波傷害降低。 Ice Crash has had its damage increased. 寒冰衝擊整體傷害提高。 A damage reduction has been applied to one skill that dealt significantly more damage than other skills of its type, especially after one handed weapon changes. 以下技能傷害調低,因為他實在太OP了。 Blade Flurry has had its damage reduced. 就是你,刀鋒亂舞。 Two vaal auras have been reduced in power. Vaal Haste now grants slightly lower values of attack, cast, and move speed. Vaal Discipline no longer grants any bonus energy shield. 兩個瓦爾靈氣效果下修。分別是瓦爾迅捷、瓦爾紀律。 瓦爾迅捷直接砍數值,你以為這樣很慘嗎? 瓦爾紀律現在不會增加ES。 There will be many more changes to skills coming in 3.0.0 as part of The Fall of Oriath's Beta. 我們增加了一些「更多」的技能在3.0。 Changes to Existing Threshold Jewels 潛能寶石改動 For the majority of Threshold Jewels, the opportunity cost of having to take otherwise inefficient passive skills made the jewels too costly for their effect. All Threshold Jewels now require 40 of their chosen attribute to be available in the area, and no longer require it to be allocated. Many have a maximum number of jewels of that type that can be socketed, letting us be more generous with powerful effects that would be problematic if you could fill a large portion of your tree with them. 潛能珠寶觸發的代價太大了,以至於沒什麼人想用。 只要範圍內有40點屬性點就好,而且其實你也根本不用點下去這些屬性點喔。 相對地現在增加了最大數量限制,因為我們要BUFF他們的數值啦。 Some existing Threshold Jewels have had their values adjusted, some now have additional effects. We plan to make further changes to Threshold Jewels as part of the Beta. 而某些潛能珠寶可能這樣也還是垃圾,所以我們直接改效果了。 Here are some examples: Heavy Strike's Threshold Jewel now grants a 20% chance for double damage, and is limited to 2. 重擊的潛能珠寶現在有20%機率雙倍傷害,不過只能裝2個。 (不確定是增加20%還是增加到20%) Viper Strike's Threshold Jewel now also grants a 10% chance to gain Unholy Might on hit per poison stack on the enemy, and is limited to 1. 毒蛇打擊現在增加擊中時10%機率獲得不潔之力,不過現在只能裝1個。 Vigilant Strike's Threshold Jewel now grants allies Fortify for 20 seconds, up from 3 seconds, and is limited to 1. 戒備打擊的我方獲得護體效果延長到20秒,現在只能裝1個。 (編按:馬的我就邊緣人沒有人陪我玩,你這樣改還是垃圾阿....) We'll reveal the full patch notes and skill tree for Content Update 2.6.0 a few days before it launches on March 3rd. Due to the number of changes being made, all players will receive a one-time full passive reset at that time. 其他的改動以後再說,大家掰掰。 ※ 引述《steven70101 (老人)》之銘言: : http://tinyurl.com/j2qyk2h : 看起來比較大的改動是範圍半徑詞綴移除,全換成增加範圍 : 上百個傳奇數值更改 : 我開始好奇patch note的字數了XD -- 以雙眼親睹靈魂的奧秘 以雙手掌握生命的法則 人類不應觸及,僅屬於神祇的禁忌之天頂…不曾存在! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1487869438.A.082.html
et310: 推翻譯 02/24 01:07
s58111158: 潛能珠寶就是只要放在範圍內有40屬性的地方就好,不用 02/24 01:20
s58111158: 真的花天賦點下去 02/24 01:20
tony820708: 推翻譯 然後強化之膚跟決鬥雙吸那部份應該有翻錯 02/24 01:22
tony820708: 應該不是被拉到外面 而是改成從內外兩邊都能點進去 02/24 01:23
thbygn98: rearranged =多一些嗎?虛空魔力 02/24 01:28
ruiun: 好奇問一下,我手上有把大傷282的斧頭,改版會自己增加傷害 02/24 01:33
nasatin: 推翻譯 02/24 01:33
FayeOwO: threshold這樣改感覺減少了一些多樣性啊... 02/24 01:33
ruiun: 還是說要新聯盟那時候才會有新基底增加傷害的單手武? 02/24 01:34
FayeOwO: 例如Barrage這樣就真的不能玩AOE了 02/24 01:34
Cishang: 潛能個巴哈杏是翻說不需要點屬性,只要屬性天賦夠就好 02/24 01:44
Cishang: 如果那樣是正確的確實是神級BUFF,現在的潛能要發動不含過 02/24 01:44
Cishang: 路都得點上個6-7點如果那樣改的話只要把珠寶點出來就好 02/24 01:45
Cishang: 而且50改40也變的很多地方都可以塞 02/24 01:45
Cishang: 沒改之前潛能有軟上限只能放4-5個還得點一堆天賦,不過之 02/24 01:46
Cishang: 後也是有硬上限就是了,總之天賦點會差一對就是了 02/24 01:47
Alicputster: 門檻珠寶那邊是,範圍內有40點屬性可用(available) 02/24 02:08
Alicputster: 現在的是要範圍內有50點屬性被使用(allocated) 02/24 02:10
Alicputster: 所以是那圈內有40點能力"可以點"就好不用真的去點出 02/24 02:11
Alicputster: 基本上點一個洞旁邊都有20點屬性以上了吧...所以..XD 02/24 02:12
Alicputster: @ruiun 直接改武器基礎能力,根據上次經驗是自動全改 02/24 02:13
bnn: 門檻珠寶的問題是,變成你要玩就一定會放,那為啥不寫進技能 02/24 03:04
bnn: 變成限1限2就更限制threshold給的選擇:用幾顆的代價才值得? 02/24 03:05
bnn: 也沒了最大化的可能性,一定變成放滿,那build就寫死了 02/24 03:07
DiAbLoE: 3G裡做平衡的 就是那種覺得在相機或手錶上裝觸控螢幕(iwa 02/24 06:44
DiAbLoE: tch:?) 就能追上智慧型手機的人吧 lol 02/24 06:45
Levitt: 不知道Slayer Cyclone會差多少範圍 好難過啊啊啊 02/24 06:55
Silwez: 蝦抖的吸血天賦... 02/24 07:37
Insonnia: 推 02/24 08:07
TabrisXVII: \帝國重擊/ 02/24 08:18
lggdflower: 這些傳說會有遺產嗎? 02/24 09:35
不曉得 ※ 編輯: nahsnib (, 02/24/2017 09:50:12
a2016596: 推翻譯 02/24 10:03
※ 編輯: nahsnib (, 02/24/2017 10:07:26
greyyouth: 一代patch一代神 這遊戲真的各種神奇 02/24 10:23
Samuellu: 翻譯有趣 幫推~XD 02/24 10:24
Wing1984: 推翻譯 02/24 11:18
zhvul3u4: 推好翻譯 02/24 11:20
dchain: 瓦爾紀律應該比較算是不會享受到ES加成吧@_@? 02/24 11:47
fourteenfufu: 刺客那邊的天賦真的有夠難走 02/24 12:10
FayeOwO: Shadow的吸血改這樣我覺得還滿開心的(? 02/24 12:14
FayeOwO: 也不能說是一代patch一代神啦,每次的patch都是為了弒神? 02/24 12:15
BILL6042665: 毒蛇打擊是每層毒10%而不是只有10% 02/24 12:17
Comebuy: 哇 02/24 12:21
dichenfong: 感謝翻譯 有說大概什麼時候會上嗎 想提早回去適應 02/24 12:28
tony820708: @原PO 是的 原文的thick skin點進去有圖可以看 02/24 13:13
tony820708: @dichenfong 2.6是台灣時間3/4凌晨改版 02/24 13:15
ke1vin: 範圍那邊翻的有點太不精確.. 會誤導到人 02/24 13:19
ke1vin: ex. aura 不是半徑翻倍, 是相關數值換成面積並且增倍 02/24 13:21
ke1vin: 所以總效益不會和原本相差太遠 02/24 13:21
ke1vin: 總之重點就是邊際效應遞減, 除近戰擴散大多都是 nerf/持平 02/24 13:23
udm: 原來是面積...這樣就不能狂撐範圍了QQ 02/24 14:31
※ 編輯: nahsnib (, 02/24/2017 15:41:11
v63718x4: 新聯盟可以用寒冰衝擊拓荒了XD 02/24 15:37
tszyi: 推翻譯 GGG好棒 新聯盟新改版又要即將開始惹 差不多該回 02/25 02:26
tszyi: 鍋惹 02/25 02:26
balberith: 匕首BF一次中三刀 囧 02/25 18:20
MoneyBlue: 希望繼續有電爪可以玩?不過好像是沒裂痕了 02/26 00:25
tony820708: 有吧 legacy league可以有阿 02/26 00:25
alanhwung: 技能珠寶應該要成為更有趣的變動 讓塞珠寶的技能更不一 02/27 02:11
alanhwung: 樣才對 02/27 02:11
alanhwung: 現在很多都是爛招靠珠寶buff變稍微可玩 02/27 02:12
alanhwung: 例如毒蛇打擊真的招喚幾隻噴刺毒蛇(? 02/27 02:13