看板 PathofExile 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文恕刪, 終於翻完了,東西好多翻得好慢XDD 有錯麻煩告訴我,我會更改。 ---------- 原文連結 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2036284 [主要] A mysterious entity, known only as The Elder, haunts the Atlas of Worlds, spreading decay and battling The Shaper for control. For more information about the War for the Atlas, check out www.pathofexile.com/war 長老和塑界者的輿圖戰爭 相關資訊:www.pathofexile.com/war Added 32 new maps including two new Unique maps. 新增32張新地圖(含2張新傳奇圖) Added new boss fights with The Elder and his four Guardians. 新增Elder頭目戰與他的四個守衛 Introduced Shaped and Elder items. These items can only be obtained in areas where the Shaper or the Elder holds influence, or by defeating the Shaper or Elder themselves. Shaped and Elder items can obtain mods not found elsewhere, as well as higher-tier versions of some existing mods. 新增Shaper和Elder的物品,這些東西可以在Shaper或Elder控制的區域找到, 或是在擊敗Shaper或Elder後得到,會擁有特殊詞墜。 Shaper和Elder物品的詞綴可能出現比現行最強詞綴(T1)還高的區間。 這是不是指連藍裝都要撿的意思XDD Added a new quest: The Queen of the Sands. This quest can be obtained by talking to Petarus and Vanja in Act 9 after completing the prerequisite quest The Storm Blade. The Book of Skill quest reward for completing The Storm Blade has been moved to the Queen of the Sands. The Storm Blade now rewards players with their choice of several rare weapons. 新增一個沙后的任務,這個任務會在A9解完飛刀任務後得到 原本飛刀任務會得到天賦書,現在這個天賦書挪到沙后這個任務 原本飛刀任務的獎勵變成稀有武器 Added 48 new Unique items. 新增48新傳奇 Added 6 new Divination Cards designed by our supporters. 新增6種贊助者設計der命運卡 Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence Skill Gem - Unearth: Fires a projectile that will pierce through enemies to impact the ground at the targeted location, creating a Bone Archer corpse where it lands. 新技能(Unearth):發出一個投射物穿透敵人並影響目標區域, 在落地的地方產生骨頭射手的屍體。 Added a new Dexterity Skill Gem - Cremation: A targeted corpse explodes, dealing area damage and turning into a volcanic geyser, which will repeatedly unleash projectiles sequentially over the surrounding area for a duration. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected. 新技能(Cremation):引爆一個屍體產生屍爆並產生一個火山噴泉, 在一段時間內不斷噴出投射物,屍爆不吃法術傷害詞綴,也不會被反傷。 Added a new Intelligence/Dexterity Skill Gem - Bodyswap: Your body explodes, dealing spell damage in an area around you, and a targeted corpse also explodes, dealing damage around it. Your body is recreated at the location of the corpse. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected. This spell cannot be repeated. 新技能(Bodyswap):指定一個屍體然後角色和那個屍體都會爆炸(法傷),  爆爆後角色傳送到那個屍體所在位置,但是爆炸並不吃法術傷害詞綴, 也不會被反傷,並且此技能無法被重複施放(是不能裝施法迴響的意思?) Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence Skill Gem - Volatile Dead: Corpses near the targeted location explode, dealing damage in a small area and creating an orb which moves towards nearby enemies before dealing spell damage in a larger area. The explosion of the corpse is not affected by modifiers to spell damage, and cannot be reflected. 新技能(Volatile Dead):引爆指定區域周圍屍體(多個屍爆,法傷), 然後製造出一顆會自動追蹤敵人的火球(法傷), 屍爆不吃法術傷害詞綴,也不會被反傷。 Vulnerability has been split into two skill gems - Vulnerability and Despair. Vulnerability, a Strength Skill Gem, curses all targets in an area, causing them to take increased physical damage and increased physical damage over time. Attacks against cursed enemies have a chance to inflict bleeding and maim. 脆弱詛咒被拆成兩個詛咒 脆弱詛咒(新版)和 Despair 脆弱詛咒(新版):力量寶石,增加被詛咒承受的物理傷害和持續性物理傷害 攻擊被脆弱詛咒的敵人有機率造成癱瘓和流血 Despair, an Intelligence Skill Gem, curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to chaos damage and causing them to take increased damage over time. Cursed enemies also take additional chaos damage when hit. Existing Vulnerability skill gems have become Despair. Despair,智慧寶石,被詛咒的敵人會降低混沌抗性, 增加承受的持續傷害與額外的混沌點傷, 現在的大家手中的脆弱寶石會直接變成Despair。 Added a new Intelligence Support Gem - Storm Barrier Support: Creates a barrier around you while you channel a supported skill. The barrier reduces the physical and lightning damage you take from hits, and grants you a chance to gain a power charge when hit. 新輔助技能(Storm Barrier Support):在你使用引導技能時產生一個屏障, 這個屏障會減少被擊中時所承受的物理和閃電傷害, 且被擊中時有機率獲得暴擊球。 (這邊我不確定是擊中還是被擊中) Added a new Dexterity Support Gem - Volley Support: Adds two projectiles to supported skills, and causes them to be fired from points to either side of you, in parallel. Projectiles Nova (found on Sire of Shards) will currently override the projectile source part of this support, however, this will change in a future patch. 新輔助技能(Volley Support):齊射,額外兩個投射物,這兩個投射物會平行射出, 破碎傳承者(新星杖)的效果目前會蓋掉一部份的這個輔助技能,之後的patch會修正。 Added a new Intelligence Support Gem - Spell Cascade Support: Supported area-targeting skills will also target an area in front of and behind your initial target. 新輔助技能(Spell Cascade Support):法術梯瀑,多重範圍施法, 會在指定地點的前後也各施放一個被輔助的範圍法術。 Added a new Strength Support Gem - Ancestral Call Support: Supported single-target melee skills targets two additional nearby enemies. 新輔助技能(Ancestral Call Support):近戰單體攻擊技能會額外攻擊附近的兩個目標。 Added a new Dexterity Support Gem - Mirage Archer Support: Hitting an enemy with a supported bow skill creates a Mirage Archer who continues to use that skill for a duration. 新輔助技能(Mirage Archer Support):幻象射手,在使用被輔助的技能擊中敵人後, 會產生一個幻象射手使用同樣的技能攻擊,持續一段時間。 Added 3D art for: Malachai's Mark, Dialla's Malefaction, Dendrobate, Hiltless, Void Battery, Redblade Tramplers and Lightning Coil. 新增3D造型:拉凱之面、達拉的罪刑、箭毒蛙、長卷、潛能魔棒、紅刃蹂躪靴、雷語。 Added a new unique Strongbox designed by one of our supporters. 新增一種傳奇保險箱(贊助者設計的) Added a new Rogue Exile based on the winner of the Best Dressed Exile competition. 新增一個盜賊流亡者(造型比賽贏家的樣子) ---- [深淵挑戰聯盟 The Abyss Challenge League] Challenge leagues are a great opportunity for a fresh start in a new economy. All of your old characters and items are still present in the Standard and Hardcore leagues, but you're encouraged to join the new leagues, complete challenges and demonstrate your mastery of Path of Exile! 不重要 With 3.1.0, there are Standard and Hardcore variations of the Abyss challenge league available, as well as solo self-found variants of both. They have the same core mechanics and items. In the Abyss League, players will encounter cracks in the ground. Get too close, and these cracks widen and spread, allowing the terrible monsters to climb from their inky depths. Pursue these cracks, and you may discover a massive chasm from which dangerous packs of monsters emerge. Once you defeat these monsters, the Abyss continues to propagate, creating more chasms. Take too long, and the Abyss will seal shut, but if you're quick and deadly enough, a chest filled with valuable rewards will emerge from below. 聯盟同樣有四種模式:標準/標準自立/專家/專家自力 在聯盟中玩家會遇到一些裂縫(cracks),靠近裂縫會擴大並蔓延(spread), 會有一些恐怖的怪物從漆黑的深處中爬出, 擊殺這些怪物將有機會發現一個巨大的鴻溝(chasm), 會冒出一些危險的怪物,如果你擊敗這些怪物, 深淵裂縫會持續蔓延但花的時間太久就會關閉, 如果殺得夠快,一個充滿了獎勵的寶箱就會冒出來。 As players progress through the Abyss League, some pits may offer access to the Abyssal Depths below. These Abyssal Depths are packed with monstrous creatures and valuable rewards, and culminate in an exciting boss encounter. 在深淵聯盟中,有些裂縫會出現坑洞(pit),可以通往地底深淵(Abyssal Depths), 地底深淵充滿了可怕的生物和寶貴的獎勵,在盡頭會遇到一隻BOSS。 Exploring the Abyssal Depths in high-level areas might result in an encounter with a Lich boss. These difficult boss fights are quite rare, but very rewarding. Defeating a Lich is the only way to earn an exclusive Abyss Unique item. 在高等的地圖中,探索地底深淵(Abyssal Depths)有可能會遇到巫妖(Lich), 地底深淵的BOSS會很強,但是擊敗他們也會有很好的獎勵, 擊敗巫妖是唯一能夠得到深淵聯盟傳奇裝備的方法。 Monsters and chests from the Abyss can drop Abyss Jewels. Like other Jewels, these can be placed in sockets in your passive tree to grant powerful bonuses. Unlike other Jewels, they have a set of exclusive new properties and can also be placed in Abyssal Sockets on your items! These sockets can be found on the new Abyss Uniques and a new base type of Abyss-socketed belt: the Stygian Vise. 擊敗深淵怪物和在開啟裂縫中出現的箱子 有機會掉落深淵珠寶, 深淵珠寶可以插在天賦樹上或者插在擁有深淵插槽(Abyssal Sockets)的裝備上。 The Abyss League includes a set of 40 new challenges. When you complete 12 challenges, you receive the Abyss Helmet skin. At 24, you receive the Abyss Wings. When you complete your 36th challenge, you receive the Abyss Portal effect. These microtransactions are exclusively available in the Abyss League. 深淵聯盟有40個挑戰,完成12挑戰獲得造型頭盔,完成24挑戰獲得造型翅膀, 完成36挑戰獲得造型傳送門,這些造型是深淵聯盟特有的。 From the 19th challenge onwards and for every third challenge after that, you receive pieces of an Abyss Totem Pole decoration to display in your hideout. The Totem Pole permanently showcases how many of the Abyss challenges you completed during this league. 從完成第19挑戰後,每完成3個挑戰會有一層藏身處圖騰塔。 [次要變動] The targeting behaviour of many skills has been improved, especially against large targets such as Kitava and Arakaali. 改善許多技能指定目標的行為,特別是對抗奇塔弗(A5,A10)或艾爾卡莉(A7)這種大型怪的 時候。 Updated the item frames to fit the current user interface. 更新物品邊框以改善使用者介面 Updated the Stash chest model. So new! So shiny! 更新藏身處箱子的模型,多麼光鮮!!!多麼亮麗阿!!! (他們好像很開心XDD) The tutorial has been slightly adjusted to better direct players who are having trouble very early on. 調整初始教學,將能更好的幫助到新手。 Added a tutorial element for using Portal scrolls, and improved the Waypoint tutorial. 增加一個新教程:如何使用傳送卷軸。改善使用傳送點的教學。 Added a visible Tutorial barrier to the entry of Lioneye's Watch, which vanishes after a passive skill point is applied. 增加一個可是的教學屏障在進入獅眼守望之前,使用一個技能點之後自動消失。 You can now open the Help Panel by pressing ';'. This can be changed in the Options menu. 可以使用快捷鍵";"來打開幫助頁面(Help Panel) You can now dismiss Help Panel notifications by right-clicking them. They will disappear by themselves after 6 seconds. 點右鍵可以關閉幫助頁面,6秒後也會自動消失。 You can now turn Divination Cards in at Navali in the Epilogue town or in your hideout. The description of the Divination Card achievement "Soothsaying" has been updated to reflect this. 現可以和在終章或者藏身處裡的娜瓦莉兌換命運卡了 The Forsaken Masters have moved back to Oriath, and can now be found in the Epilogue town. 被遺忘的大師移動到奧瑞亞,現在可以在中彰看到他們。 An effect is now played on corpses which disappear due to hitting the corpse-creation limit for skills like Desecrate and Unearth. 當使用技能(像褻瀆或新技能Unearth),造成屍體數量到達上限時,會有一個屍體消失的 特效。 Values for ailments, such as Shock and Chill effectiveness, can now be viewed in the Character panel. 異常狀態(感電和冰緩)的數值,現在可以在角色面板當中查看。 Added a system for scaling the visual effects of ailments based on the size of the monster. 新增一個系統(system),根據不同體型的怪物,異常效果的視覺效果會跟著改變。 Added voice acting for many NPCs and story glyphs which were missing them when they were added in The Fall of Oriath. 新增許多NPC和石雕的對話語音(在3.0漏掉沒有實裝的)。 Added images to the map pin hovers for areas added in The Fall of Oriath. 針對在奧瑞亞的殞落新增的地區,新增地圖標示。 Added an option to leave your current party to the character portrait drop-down menu. 人物選項的下拉菜單中新增一個離開目前隊伍的選項。 The league selected on the drop-down menu on the Character Selection screen is now saved, and will be the selected league whenever you open your client. 在角色選擇畫面,聯盟選擇下拉菜單將會記住已選定的聯盟,在每次登入時都會顯示之前 選定的聯盟。 Improved the quest reward selection user interface. 提升任務選擇獎勵的使用者介面。 Added a timer below each flask icon which, while the flask is active, displays the remaining duration for that flask. 使用藥劑時,藥劑上會顯示剩餘時間。 Debuffs are now displayed on a separate line to buffs, flask effects and charges. 左上方的狀態顯示列,現在Debuff的狀態會和buff/藥劑/充能球分開成兩行。 Auras you have activated that are affecting you are no longer displayed in the buff bar as the skill icon shows which auras are active. Auras from other sources will still appear in your buff bar. 現在只有隊友使用並影響你的光環才會顯示在左上方的狀態顯示列,自己開的光環不會。 Skills with modified cooldowns now show their final cooldown rather than the cooldown modifier. 技能的冷卻倒數現在會顯示他們最終冷卻完成的倒數時間,而不是原先的。 Monsters will now show their rarity as they're emerging. 怪物在出現的過程就能辨識出他們的稀有度。 The Challenges tab now displays the number of challenges you have completed at the top. 挑戰頁面最上方現在會顯示已完成的數量。 The default minimum for Dynamic Resolution Scaling is now set to 30 frames per second. You can change this in the Options menu. 設定中動態分辨率的的最小值現在是30 frames/s 可以在設定選項中更改她。 Improved the effects for monster rarities and ailments. 改善怪物稀有度和異常狀態的特效。 Added support for subsurface scattering. Check out the ice and candles! 新增次表面散射(subsurface scattering)的技術,快看那些漂釀釀的冰和蠟燭>///< Optimised a lot of skills, areas, monsters and effects. 優或許多技能、區域、怪物和特效。 Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments. 持續提升聲音、美術、特效和環境。 --------- [角色平衡] Intimidate now causes enemies to take 10% increased Attack Damage (rather than 10% increased Damage). 威嚇現在改成使敵人增加10%承受的攻擊傷害,而不是增加10%承受傷害 經驗值調整 95-100等角色升級所需的經驗值增加 95-96等:6.5%更多經驗 96-97等:11.5%更多經驗 97-98等:18.7%更多經驗 98-99等:28.25%更多經驗 99-10等:40%更多經驗 --------- [技能平衡] Existing Vulnerability Skill gems are now Despair gems. Despair curses all targets in an area, making them less resistant to chaos damage, and causing them to take increased damage over time. Cursed enemies also take additional chaos damage when hit. There is a new red skill gem called Vulnerability. 現有的脆弱技能全部會變成新技能Despair技能寶石,技能效果在上面有提過了。 Your minions (and their minions) will no longer deal or take damage while you are dead. 召喚物再角色死亡後不會再造成傷害了。 (再躺著過綠門shaper阿XDD) Dark Pact no longer gains bonus radius when using your life. The damage bonus from using your life grows less quickly as the gem levels up, dealing 76% more damage at level 20 (down from 95%). 暗夜血契使用生命施放不再給予額外的範圍加成,且傷害加成從95%更多傷害削弱到76%更 多傷害。 Detonate Dead now deals spell damage based on the level of the skill gem, in addition to damage based on the corpse's maximum life. The base fire damage dealt by the spell part of the explosion has been significantly increased. The skill now gains additional area of effect radius as it levels, and its base critical chance has been increased from 5% to 6%. The cast time has been lowered to 0.6 seconds (from 0.8). 屍體爆破現在除了造成屍體血量百分比傷害外還會造成法術點傷(依寶石等級), 法術所造成的火焰傷害大幅調升,隨著技能等級增加範圍,基礎爆率從5%增加到6% 施法時間從0.8秒降到0.6秒。 Raise Spectre now grants additional accuracy to Spectres based on the level of the gem. 幽魂召喚會隨著技能等級給予額外命中。 Bear Trap and Vaal Rain of Arrows now remove all movement speed, as opposed to reducing it by 300%. 捕熊陷阱和瓦爾箭雨現在會移除所有跑速,而不是降低300%跑速。 Raging Spirits now have a 15% less Added Damage multiplier, up from 30%. 召喚憤怒狂靈的附加傷害加成改為15%更少(原本是30%更少)。 Summoned Skeletons now have a 50% more added damage multiplier, up from 30% less added damage. 召喚骷髏現的附加傷害加成改為50%更多(原本是30%更少)。 Raging Spirits, Spiders created from Arakaali's Fang, and the spirit skulls from the Essence of Insanity can no longer taunt their enemies. 艾爾卡利之牙召喚的靈魂和蜘蛛,以及錯亂精髓的幽魂不再嘲諷敵人。 The amount of burning damage dealt by the burning ground created by a Burning Arrow on a character with the Pitch Darkness threshold jewel is now determined by the level of the Burning Arrow skill gem. 裝備黯黑之調(門檻珠寶)下使用燃燒箭矢所造成的燃燒地面會根據技能等級決定傷害。 Orb of Storms can now trigger lightning strikes from channelled skills. 使用引導技能施放風暴漩渦時現在會觸發閃電攻擊(lightning strikes)的效果了。 Desecrate: Now creates 5 corpses (up from 3). The cooldown has been reduced to 3 seconds per stack (down from 5), and the cast time has been reduced to 0.8 seconds (down from 1). Desecrate's maximum corpse level now grows more steadily as the skill gem levels up. It can now create higher level corpses at most levels, except level 19 of the gem, in which the maximum corpse level has been lowered from 100 to 81. 褻瀆現在會創造5個屍體(以前是3個),冷卻時間3秒(以前是5秒), 施法時間0.8秒(以前是1秒)屍體的最高等級現在會穩定逐步地隨著技能等級增加, 相比同等級時以前可以更高等的屍體除了19等的時候屍體等從100降為81。 Lightning Tendrils has been reworked. It is now a channelled skill, and deals more damage on every 4th pulse. It has also received a visual overhaul. The new version hits slightly less frequently than previously, but has higher sustained damage overall. 電能釋放重製,變成引導技能,每四次攻擊時造成更多傷害。會有新的視覺效果, 新版的電能釋放攻擊頻率會比以前低,但是會有更高的傷害。 Minion Life Support now affects Minion Life multiplicatively (it now provides 30% MORE Minion Life rather than 30% increased Minion Life) at level 1 of the gem (up to 49% more life at level 20). 召喚物生命輔助變成由"增加(increase)"變成"更多(more)"。 Dark Pact now counts as being a Minion skill gem, and will thus interact with effects such as the one found on Cloak of Tawm'r Isley. 暗夜血契新增召喚物標籤,於是可以搭配有召喚物的物品,像是陶米兒艾斯理之袍。 Ruthless Support can no longer support Channelled skills. 殘暴輔助現在不支援引導系技能。 Cyclone can no longer be supported by Ruthless Support. 殘暴輔助現在不支援旋風斬。 Iron Will can now support Summon Skeleton and will affect the damage dealt by Skeleton Mages if you are using the Dead Reckoning threshold jewel. 鋼鐵意志輔助現在可以支援召喚骷髏,也會影響使用死亡清算所召喚的骷髏法師造成的傷 害。 Arctic Armour's chilling effect now slows enemies by 30% when you are hit (up from 10%). 極地裝甲被命中時造成敵人的冰緩效果從提升到30%(原本10%)。 Melee attacks supported by Multistrike now more accurately take attack range (including area of effect modifiers) into account when checking for targets for subsequent attacks. This has negatively impacted some skills and positively impacted others, but in general melee skills supported by Multistrike will target monsters that better fit the behaviour of the attack. 多重打擊輔助所輔助的近戰技能,現在會有更精確的攻擊範圍(包含被範圍詞墜影響的), 這個改動會對一些技能造成負面影響,也會對一些技能造成正面影響, 但整體而言多重打擊的攻擊行為會變好。 Bladefall's area of effect was wider than intended close to the caster. The area of effect now better matches the area the blades visually land. The total width of Bladefall's area of effect has been increased slightly to compensate for the now-narrower early stages. 以往虛空刀雨的實際作用範圍會比施法者預期來的大, 現在實際作用範圍會更符合動畫所見, 虛空刀雨總體的範圍會作些微的提升以補償這種修正。 Storm Burst is now correctly modified by factors based on the state of the projectile (such as Powerful Precision's "Projectiles have 100% increase Critical Strike Chance against Targets they Pierce"). 風暴現在會正確的被投射物詞綴(如銳眼昇華)影響。 Charged Dash is now limited to a maximum of 15 strikes per skill use, as well as limited by distance travelled. 雷霆衝鋒現在一次技能最多只會造成15次打擊,次數上限也會跟被傳送的距離有關。 Static Strike's radius has been increased from 19 to 20, bringing its total radius to 24 at gem level 20. Static Strike's explosion now correctly applies ailments with 40% less effect. It was previously applying ailments without taking the less-damage modifier into account. 充能打擊範圍從19提升到20 (20等時範圍為24), 充能打擊的爆炸效果現在會正確的被40%更少效果影響。 Ice Crash's radius has been increased from 8 to 9 for the first stage, from 16 to 18 for the second stage, and from 24 to 26 for the third stage. 寒冰衝擊第一階段的範圍從8提升到9,第二階段從16提升到18,第三階段從24提升到26。 Earthquake's radius has been increased from 25 to 28 for the second stage. 震地第二階段的範圍從25提升到28。 Reave's radius has been increased from 17 to 20, bringing it up to 24 at gem level 20. 衝擊波的範圍從17提升到20 (20等時範圍為24)。 Wither now increases Chaos damage taken by 6% (down from 7%), and stacks up to 15 times (down from 20). 死亡凋零現在增加的混沌傷害降低為6%(原本7%),疊加次數降低為15次(原本20次)。 Vaal Power Siphon's radius has been reduced to 70 units (down from 120). 瓦爾力量抽取的範圍由120個降低為70。 ----------------- [物品平衡] Divination Cards: The locations, drop rates and requirements for many Divination Cards have been reworked, in part due to the changes to the Atlas in this patch, and in part to better integrate Divination Cards into areas introduced in The Fall of Oriath. 為了因應這次版本的輿圖改動和新增的區域,重製許多命運卡掉落的地點、機率、需求。 Life regeneration mods have been slightly renamed and reordered as two higher tiers have been added. 生命回復詞綴名稱些微變更,並新增兩個更高的Tier。 Life regeneration mods on rare items have been buffed across the board, with the existing highest tier mod now granting up to 20 life per second. Existing items can be updated to these new values using Divine orbs. 生命回復詞綴現在最高的Tier可以每秒回復20生命,現有的裝備可以透過神聖石取得新數 值。 When used on a belt, Essence of Insanity now grants 10% increased Movement Speed during any Flask effect, up from 5%. 錯亂精隨(腰帶詞綴):藥劑作用期間增加移動速度提高為10%(原本5%)。 Atlas-only item basetypes can no longer be found in Vaal Side Areas. 輿圖專屬的物品基底現在不會在瓦爾區域掉落了。 ----------------- [傳奇物品平衡] Atziri's Acuity: No longer instantly leeches Life from critical strikes, and instead grants Vaal Pact if you have dealt a Critical Strike Recently. This does not affect existing versions of the item. See the Passive Tree Changes section for more information regarding changes to Vaal Pact. 阿茲里的捷思: 移除暴擊立即偷取生命,改為近期內有暴擊獲得瓦爾冥約效果,這項改動不會影響現有的 物品。 Witchfire Brew: Now creates a Despair curse aura on use. This affects all versions of the item. 巫火密釀: 使用時施放新光環Despair,這項改動會影響現有物品。 Doomfletch: Now adds 100% of Physical Damage as Damage of a random Element (down from 110%). No longer has increased Critical Strike Chance, and instead has (12-16) to (20-24) added Physical Damage. Divining an existing Doomfletch will change the added physical damage and the added damage of a random element, but will not remove the critical strike chance. 滅世: 額外元素傷害降低到100%(原本110%),移除增加暴擊率詞綴,新增附加(12-16)至(20-24) 物理傷害, 現有的滅世使用神聖石會影響附加物理傷害和額外元素傷,但是不會移除暴擊率的詞綴。 Doomfletch's Prism: Now adds 100% of Physical Damage as Damage of each Element (down from 110%). This change can be divined. 滅世之獄: 額外元素傷害降低到100%(原本110%)。可以透過神聖石改動。 Kongming's Stratagem: No longer creates a smoke cloud when a socketed trap is triggered. Instead, grants the "Fog of War" skill, which creates a smoke cloud when any of your traps are triggered. This skill has a cooldown. 孔明的神算: 插槽內的陷阱被觸發時不再創造煙霧,新增戰爭迷霧技能(Fog of War), 當你的"任何"陷阱被觸發時,產生一團煙霧,此技能有冷卻時間。 Lion's Roar: Now only grants knockback to melee attacks during flask effect. 獅吼精華:現在擊退效果限定近戰攻擊 Lycosidae: Chance to drop from monsters has been greatly reduced. This item was being used on a significant portion of melee characters across all levels as an extremely cheap way to get around accuracy requirements. 狼蛛:大幅度調低掉落率,因為太強了。 Bisco's Collar: Chance to drop from monsters has been greatly reduced. 畢斯寇的項圈:大幅度調低掉落率(但是數值沒變呦!!) Queen of the Forest: Now has 200 to 240% increased Evasion Rating (down from 240 to 380%). This change can be divined. The movement speed bonus this item can provide has been capped at 100% for all versions. Changes to evasion basetypes in The Fall of Oriath both pushed the evasion rating of this item too high, and took the movement speed this item granted to extremes. 森林之后: 閃避值降從(240%~380%) 為(200%~240%),此數值可以被神聖石改變, 跑速加成上限100%(套用至所有版本的森后)。 Rise of the Phoenix: Maximum Fire Resistance granted has been reduced to 5% (from 8%). Life regeneration has been increased to 15 to 20 per second (from 6). These changes can be divined. New versions now also grant 40 to 60 Life (this cannot be divined). 烈炎之翼: 降低為+5%最大火抗(原本8%),每秒回血從6提高至(15~20),可以被神聖石改動, 新增詞綴增加最大生命(40~60),現有裝備無法用神聖石骰出這條詞綴。 Omen on the Winds: Now allows Ice Shot to pierce 3 additional targets (down from 5). This can be divined. 乘風之兆:冰霜射擊的投射物穿透目標降為3個(原本5個),可被神聖石改動。 The Dancing Dervish: While Manifest Dancing Dervish is active, the Dancing Dervish now has a 25% chance to grant you a Rampage kill when it hits a unique enemy. The minion created by this unique can no longer cross unwalkable gaps. These changes affect all versions of the item. 狂舞德爾維希: 當幻化狂舞德爾維希觸發時,"使用狂舞德爾維希擊中"傳奇怪物 有25%機率給一層的狂怒效果,狂舞德爾維希創造的召喚物現在不能穿越地形, 這項改動會套用至所有的版本。 The Pandemonius: The chilling effect now slows enemies by 30% when you are hit (up from 10%). These changes affect all versions of the item. 群魔殿:被擊中時對敵人造成冰緩效果上升為30%(原本10%),套用至所有的版本。 The Baron: Now adds half of your Strength to your Minions (rather than all of your strength). This affects all versions of the item. 男爵:現在只有一半的力量會套用在在召喚物(原本時全部),套用至所有的版本。 Dead Reckoning: Now correctly replaces a number of Skeleton Warriors with Skeleton Mages when using Vaal Summon Skeletons. 死亡清算:現在使用瓦爾召喚骷髏時會正確的用骷髏法師取代骷髏戰士。 Death's Oath: Now properly updates its behaviour when items, passives or skills change it in some way. 冥使之體:當物品、天賦或技能影響他時,現在會正確的作用。 Auxium: Clarified that Freeze Duration (not Effect) is based on Energy Shield. The functionality has not changed. (是說明不是變動) 奧術之符:基於能量護盾的是冰凍持續時間而非冰凍效果。 -------------- [怪物平衡] New monsters have been added to areas all throughout Wraeclast and Oriath, including newer, more difficult versions of the Parasites found throughout Acts 6 and 7, and Kitava-fied versions of the Blackguards found throughout Act 5. 增加新的怪物,A6, A7增加新型態的寄生蟲,A5增加一種惡棍 The number of monsters found in areas throughout the campaign has been adjusted, and the number of monsters found throughout the game should be more consistent across multiple instances. This particularly affects The Old Fields, The Vaal Ruins, The Sewers, The Marketplace, The Battlefront, The Ebony Barracks and The Crystal Veins, but is not strictly limited to those areas. 怪物數量做了調整,現在怪物的數量在不同區域應該會較為一致,特別是針對舊區域, 像是瓦爾廢墟、下水道、市場地帶、激戰廣場、烏旗兵營、水晶礦脈等等。 The following unique monsters are no longer Immune to Freeze, and instead have a minimum action speed that they will be set to if they are frozen: The Shaper, Guardian of the Chimera, Guardian of the Minotaur, Guardian of the Hydra, Guardian of the Phoenix, Vision of Justice, The Goddess, Argus, Abaxoth, the End of All That Is, Haast, Unrelenting Frost, Atziri, Queen of the Vaal, Vessel of the Vaal, Atziri's Devoted, K'aj A'alai, K'aj Y'ara'az, K'aj Q'ura, A'alai, Y'ara'az, Q'ura, Tormented Temptress. 以下怪物不再是免疫冰凍,而是有在被冰凍時擁有一個最低的運動速度: 朔界者、四個守護者、女神、密林果園的BOSS、阿格斯、女王....等等(其他待查) Monsters which trigger skills based on the damage they take can now trigger those skills from taking damage over time. 會基於受到傷害而施放技能的怪物,現在受到持續性傷害(DOT)也會施放了。 Infested monsters that can spawn parasites when slain now grant increased experience and drops when shattered or exploded, to compensate for them not releasing their parasites on death. 被擊殺時會掉出寄生蟲的怪物(指那些被寄生的怪物),當他們被破碎、爆炸擊殺時, 現在會獲得更高的經驗和掉落,以補償他們不釋放寄生蟲的情況。 Shield Crabs now give additional experience if destroyed before they would unleash their final form. 在不讓盾蟹釋放最終形態下擊殺他們也會獲得較高的經驗和掉落,以補償。 Crimson Scholars also give additional experience if shattered. 緋紅的學者(Crimson Scholars)被冰碎時也會獲得額外經驗。 Monster mods "Reflects Physical Damage" and "Reflects Elemental Damage" have been reworked. They now appear as Nemesis mods. Attacking a monster with Physical or Elemental Reflect now triggers a mortar spell targeted at your location. This spell has a cooldown. 物反和元反重製,現在變成是復仇詞綴,受到物理或元素攻擊時, 他們會施放一個迫擊砲(mortar spell),到你的位置(targeted at your location) 應該是當下的位置,此復仇詞綴有冷卻時間。 Both versions of Reflect now only appear on Nemesis rare monsters. 元反和物反詞綴現在只會出現在復仇稀有怪。 The effects created by Flame Bearer, Frost Bearer and Storm Bearer Bloodlines monsters now appear more quickly and should be more clearly visible. XX之徒死亡所產生東西的現在會更清楚的顯示出來。 The Ryslatha fight in Act 6 has been significantly changed: Ryslatha's eggs now explode and create damaging patches on the ground, and Ryslatha herself is much more mobile. The monsters spawned by her pods are possessed by more difficult Parasites. Ryslatha herself is now immune to Knockback. 第六章傀儡女王的蛋現在會爆炸並產生造成傷害的地板。 傀儡女王行動更流暢且無法擊退,會製更加強大的寄生蟲。 The Lightning Thorns skill (used by the Blackguard Mages as well as others) no longer deals a flat amount of reflected Lightning damage to attackers. Instead, it triggers a nova of lightning projectiles with a short cooldown. 黑女士(Blackguard Mages)施放的Lightning Thorns skill現在不會再反電傷, 而是施放新星狀的閃電投射物,此技能有冷卻時間但很短。 The parasite infesting Hollowskull, the Willing Host is now called Encephalophage. Encephalophage can now Leap Slam. A6南部森林的傳奇大猩猩改名為Encephalophage,他現在會躍擊。 Parasites that drop off of slain monsters will now match their host's rarity. 擊殺怪物掉下來的寄生蟲稀有度現在會與他們的寄生體一樣。 Riptide now better signals when it will use its dangerous skills, and creates fewer vortexes. A6海潮孤島的BOSS(Riptide),當她使用危險招式的時候會有更明顯的動畫,減少施放渦 旋頻率。 Captain Arteri and Captain Aurelianus can now drop items -- just not very many. A2西部森林的傳奇BOSS隊長和A3激戰廣場的傳奇BOSS現在會掉東西,只是不多。 Carrion Burrowers are now visually distinct from their surface-dwelling counterparts. A4漆黑礦坑第1層的傳奇怪BOSS有新的外觀。 The life and damage of many Warbands monsters has been adjusted to make them suitable map bosses. 軍團怪的的血量和生命作調整,讓他們能做個趁職的地圖王。 (等等!!你要不要先解釋趁職是甚麼意思XDD) The beams in the Avarius Reassembled encounter now have more pattern variations. They also deal less damage, but the damage persists for a duration after you have been touched. 善的光束現在有其他不同的形式,傷害會變少,但是造成的傷害會在你碰觸光觸後持續一 段時間。 The beams in the Cato, Defiler of Light encounter have had the same treatment. A5焚毀大廣場的傳奇BOSS(Cato, Scholar of Light), 死了之後會復活成Cato, Defiler of Light 而Cato, Defiler of Light所釋放的光束會跟上一點的善一樣的機制。 Maligaro's Slam attack in Acts 7 and 9 now always Poisons and Maims on hit. A7和A9中馬萊葛爾的躍擊現在擊中時會造成中毒和癱瘓, Sulphuric Striders and Undying Operators can no longer appear in Essence monoliths. Sulphuric Striders and Undying Operators這兩種怪現在不會出現在精隨怪中。 The Bloodstained skeletons found in the Blood Aqueducts have been made slightly more difficult. 滲血水道中的骷髏怪物Bloodstained skeletons會變得比較強。 Effigy of Fear's crows now deal more damage. A8皇家疆界的BOSS(Effigy of Fear)的烏鴉現在造成更多傷害。 Improved the Tolman encounter in Act 8. Tolman and the Ankh can now use a few extra skills. 第8章任務愛已墜落,托爾曼和卡爾麗莎現在會使用一些額外技能。 Catarina missions which require you to find, raise, and kill an undead monster now use different on-death effects. 卡塔莉娜的任務(找到、復活、殺死一個不死生物)現在會使用不同的特效。 Reduced the amount of damage dealt by the Pillars of Carnage rune explosion. 減少Pillars of Carnage rune所造成的爆炸傷害 Shavronne's Ball Lightning in Acts 6 and 9 now deals more damage and has a clearer area of effect. The skill also deals less damage at close range. A6, A9薛朗的電球現在會造成更多傷害並且有更清楚的顯示,此技能在較近時造成較少傷 害。 Shavronne's Stormburst in Act 9 now fires an additional projectile. It can no longer stun, and it deals less damage to players at close range. A9薛朗的閃電爆破(Stormburst)現在會施放額外投射物,不會造成暈眩,在較近時造成較 少傷害。 Shavronne's summoned books now have more life and deal approximately 35% more damage. 薛朗召喚的書本有更多的生命和造成約35%的更多傷害。 Anacuacotli, Death's Worship now deals physical damage with her projectile nova. Her Raging Spirits now deal more damage at lower levels. 瓦爾區域磨難密所的BOSS拜死者安卡克莉,他的新星狀投射物現在會造成物理傷害, 他們憤怒狂靈現在在較低等時會造成比以前較多的傷害。 Greust's bandit allies now flee when he dies. 盜賊格雷斯特的土匪盟友現在在他死後會逃跑。 Doedre's spirit is now a little quicker at raising zombies in Act 9. 第9章腐敗之核那邊德瑞的靈魂現在會比較快速的喚醒僵屍。 Doedre in Act 9 no longer repeatedly summons a large number of stone pillars. The pillars now die when the encounter ends. 第9章腐敗之核那邊德瑞的靈魂,現在不再一直召喚很多石柱子,在他死掉的時候柱子也 會消失。 Significant portions of the Depraved Trinity encounter have been reworked. In particular, Maligaro's Bladefall and Shavronne's Ball Lightning have undergone large changes. 第9章最終BOSS墮道三巨頭被重製,特別是馬來葛爾的刀雨和薛朗的電球部分。 (每次打這隻都覺得他不配作為章節BOSS,可能是要改強了?) The damage of Kitava's X-Blast (the skill shaped like an X!) has been lowered slightly in Act 10. 第10章,奇塔弗那招X型的爆破(X-Blast)降低傷害。 The Bear Acolytes in Act 6 now move more quickly. 第6章河道的怪物英勇熊頭信徒(Bear Acolytes)現在跑更快了 Brinecrack now has a sweet suite of cracking new skills. 第6章忿怒山洞的BOSS海洋裂隙有很帥的施放技能動作。 Clockwork Golems will no longer simply flee. Instead, they will move around you and to you based on different conditions.Their damage has been increased by 25%. 寒冰魔像(怪物)不再會逃跑了,相反的他們會根據不同條件在你身旁移動,傷害增加25% Reduced the damage dealt by the Harbinger of Disorder's Holy Mortar, and the duration of its Holy Spark. 瓦爾區域死寂之室的BOSS失序神諭的神聖迫擊砲傷害和持續時間減少。 The Augmented Dead in Chamber of Sins in Act 7 no longer have a chance to launch a lightning soul on death. 第七章罪孽之殿的怪物Augmented Dead在死亡時不再有機會施放閃電靈魂(lightning soul)。 Dawn can now throw his shield, and it will explode into smaller projectiles. A8的日耀神殿BOSS(Dawn)現在會丟出他的盾牌,爆炸並產生小投射物。 Dusk has a new projectile skill called Carpet Bomb, and it doesn't make your floors more comfortable to walk on. A8月影神殿的BOSS(Dusk)多了一個投射物技能地毯炸彈(Carpet Bomb), 這個技能會讓你移動的很不舒服。 The Window Shard monsters in Act 10 now deal more damage, have more life and resist all Elements (instead of just cold). They spawn in fewer numbers and are larger. They now have altered behaviour to be less likely to all use their rolling attack immediately. 第10章褻瀆之室裡的怪物琉璃之片(Window Shard)會造成更多傷害, 更多血量和抗性(除了冰抗),數量變少但體型變大, 改變了攻擊行為而不會馬上使用滾動。 Plague Retch in the Chamber of Sins now has some friends he can hang out with. 第7章罪孽之殿第二層的BOSS(Plague Retch)現在多了一些小夥伴陪他。 Sin and Innocence are now a little more dynamic during the Act 10 finale. 罪和善在第10的最終之戰有更多的動作了。 The Basilisk now has a Stone Gaze ability. If you face each other during this ability, you become petrified. Petrification is similar to freeze, but is removed if you are hit a number of times or the duration runs out. 第9章沸騰湖泊的BOSS(Basilisk)現在有石視能力(Stone Gaze), 如果你在他使用這個能力的時候面向他,你會被石化(Petrification), 石化跟冰凍很類似,會在被打擊到一定次數以後解除。 The Bloodsoaked Fallen in the Blood Aqueduct now explode on death, sending corrupted blood projectiles in all directions. 第9章滲血水道裡的浸血墮靈(Bloodsoaked Fallen)現在會在死亡後爆炸, 並朝周圍射出腐化之血投射物。 Tukohama's Vanguards no longer summon multiple totems at a time while spectred, and the duration of their totems has been lowered to 5 seconds (from 10). They are less likely to place additional totems while they have at least one totem. 圖克哈瑪的先鋒(Tukohama's Vanguards)在被變成幽魂時不會一次召喚多個圖騰, 圖騰持續時間減少至5秒(原本10秒),當他們已經擁有至少一個圖騰的時候, 不大有機會召喚額外的圖騰。 Wickerman Righteous Fire damage has been lowered while spectred. These monsters were using a version of Righteous Fire not intended for spectres, and were dealing significantly more damage than intended as a result. This change brings them in line with other spectres who use Righteous Fire. 正火熊(Wickerman)在幽魂型態,正火傷害減少,正火熊原先用的正火並不是設計用來當 幽魂的, 所以在之前的版本會造成過多傷害,而這個改動讓他們回到與其他使用正火的幽魂一樣。 ---------------- [地圖平衡] The entire Atlas has been reworked. Many map names have changed, as have their balance, tier and position on the Atlas. Many maps have also had their boss fights swapped or completely reworked. 輿圖重製,許多異界地圖的名字、平衡、階級、位置進行變更, 某些藝界地圖的BOSS也被更換或完全重製。 The rules used to generate monsters in endgame maps have been significantly reworked and rebalanced around the rate at which we expect players to reliably clear out the map. In general, narrow, linear maps will contain fewer total monsters than maps with complex layouts. We will be closely monitoring and adjusting the balance of this change and expect to make further changes and improvements over time. 生成怪群的機制改變,並重新作平衡(在我們我們"預期"玩家"確實"清完整章圖的狀況下) 總體來說,狹窄、線性的地圖會有較少的怪物總量,複雜圖層的地圖則會較多, 我們將密切關注和調整這種變化的平衡,並期望作出更進一步的變化來改善這種機制。 Map mods have also been rebalanced, and every mod now provides increased item rarity, increased item quantity, and increased monster pack size, though the magnitudes are dependent on the difficulty of the mod. 地圖詞綴也同樣重新平衡,現在每個地圖詞綴都會增加怪群、增加掉落、增加稀有, 增加的幅度取決於詞綴的難度。 Mao Kun: Monsters no longer gain Power and Endurance charges every 20 seconds, as this was consistently causing performance problems. These monsters now have a chance to gain those charges on hit. The number of monsters that appear in this map has been reduced, but the area now grants an increase to experience gained to compensate. 賊窩: 移除詞綴:怪物每20秒獲得3個耐力球/ 3個暴擊球 新增詞綴:怪物擊中時機綠獲得耐力球/暴擊球 地圖裡的怪物總數減少,但區域會獲得更多經驗來做補償 Added a new map prefix: Feasting -- Area is inhabited by Cultists of Kitava. Many monsters which appeared in Acts 5 through 10 but did not appear in Maps have been added to Maps. 新增一個地圖前綴盛宴(Feasting):區域有許多奇塔弗的信徒, 這些怪物來自於A5和A10,在之前的版本並沒有被加到輿圖裡。 Map bosses which have multiple forms or phases no longer count as multiple map bosses for the sake of achievements and challenges. 具有多個型態的地圖BOSS不再被視為多個地圖BOSS(在成就和挑戰計算上) Suncaller Asha's Leap Slam ability has been rebalanced, and now has a 4 second cooldown. 貴族花園的BOSS喚日者艾沙(Suncaller Asha's)的躍擊被重新平衡, 現在有4秒的冷卻時間。 Rek'tar can now smack around players who are standing too close to walls. 烈陽山丘的BOSS毀滅者雷克塔(Rek'tar)現在會拍擊站在牆邊的角色。 Purge Hounds now come out of their gates from farther away, and will pursue players for longer distances. 獵犬(Purge Hounds)現在會在更遠的距離就從他們的門跑出來, 並會追蹤玩家到更長的距離。 Water Elementals and their variants now appear in packs as a mix of visible and hidden monsters (as opposed to all hidden or all visible). 水元素和他們的變種以前會一起出現(visible)或是一起隱藏(hidden) 現在有可能會混合,有些會隱藏在已經可見的水元素旁。 The boss of the Death and Taxes unique map now moves 35% faster while immune to damage. 亡者之財的BOSS在免疫傷害期間現在提高了35%的移動速度。 Twisted Effigy monster corpses can now be Desecrated if you bring one into a map with you. 扭曲的肖像(Twisted Effigy)的屍體現在可以被褻瀆到,如果你帶了一隻進圖裡。 Rhoa map bosses now regain 33% of their maximum life whenever you break one of their nests. BOSS是巨喙鳥的地圖,現在每踢破一顆他的蛋會回復他33%的最大血量, (不能再打到低血量在踩蛋了XDD) Added a pack of magic monsters to the boss rooms of maps that were missing them. 地圖的BOSS房裡固定會有一群藍怪,以前有些地圖沒有現在都補上了。 Monsters can now appear closer to the entrances in Oba's Cursed Trove. 歐巴的咒怨: 怪物現在會出現在較靠近入口的地方。 The Hallowed Ground unique map is now on the Cemetery basetype. 萬聖之地: 地圖基底改在晨曦墓地 ----------- [天賦樹變動] Vaal Pact has been significantly reworked. It no longer grants instantaneous Life Leech, and instead doubles the rate of your Life Leech as well as your maximum Leech rate. It has been moved into the Duelist's area. 瓦爾冥約(Vaal Pact)重製,不再有瞬間回復,改成2倍最大生命偷取率,移動到決鬥者下 面。 The passive skills behind Mind over Matter now grant 10% increased Mana (down from 12%) on the non-notables, and 30% increased Mana (down from 40%) and 40 added mana (down from 100) on the notable. 心靈昇華(MOM)後面的天賦點Nerf:兩小點增加魔力降成10%(原本12%), 大點那個意志啟發增加魔力降成30%(原本40%),+40最大魔力(原本100) The Hematophagy notable now grants 3% of maximum Life per second to Maximum Leech Rate (down from 5%). 天賦"吸血"(Hematophagy):改成+3%最大生命偷取率(原本5%) The Vitality Void notable now grants 3% of maximum Life per second to Maximum Leech Rate (down from 5%). 天賦"活力虛空"(Vitality Void):改成+3%最大生命偷取率(原本5%) Passive skills which previously granted increased Melee Physical Damage while holding a Shield now grant increased Physical Attack Damage while holding a Shield (it is no longer restricted to Melee). 以前天賦樹上的持盾時增加近戰物理傷害,現在變成持盾時增加物理傷害, 不再限定於近戰。 Many passive skills which previously only provided defensive bonuses while using a shield now also grant increased physical attack damage and damage with ailments while holding a shield. 以前天賦樹上持盾時增加防禦效果的天賦,現在也會增加物理傷害和增加異常狀態傷害。 Removed one of the passive skills leading to the Ash, Frost and Storm notable (near the Scion). 移除通往天賦"三相之力"(Ash, Frost and Storm)前的一個小點,在貴族左上角那邊。 ------------- [昇華職業平衡] Slayer: Brutal Fervour no longer grants +10% of maximum Life per second to maximum Life Leech rate. 處刑者: 殘暴熱情(Brutal Fervour)移除+10%最大生命偷取率。 --------------- [眾神殿] The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed. 提升眾神殿能力所需擊殺的地圖BOSS大多數作了改變。 Shakari has been added to the Pantheon. 新增一個次神(Soul of Arakaali) --------------- [帝王迷宮] Added a new Darkshrine effect that can only be found in the Eternal Labyrinth. 新增一個黑暗神殿效果(此效果只會在終極迷宮出現)。 Changed the requirements for some chests to appear. In general, chests should feel more rewarding and better suited for their level and difficulty. 改變一些箱子出現的條件,一般而言箱子應該有更多的收穫和與等級相符的難度。 Increased the total amount of items found on average from Silver Chests. 增加白銀之箱的掉落物。 The helmet enchantment which grants additional projectiles for Barrage has been removed from the Merciless Labyrinth. The Eternal Labyrinth Barrage enchantment now grants one additional projectile (down from 2). 頭盔附魔現在最高只會給+1額外外投射物(終極迷宮), 無情迷宮無法附到額外投射物附魔。 --------------- [札娜詞綴] Level 2: Anarchy (costs 2 Chaos orbs): Area is inhabited by 3 additional Rogue Exiles, 20% increased quantity of items found. 2等:混亂(2混沌) 3額外流亡者,20%掉落數量 Level 3: Bloodlines (costs 3 Chaos orbs): Magic monster packs each have a Bloodline mod, 25% more Magic monsters, 20% increased quantity of items found. 3等:血族(3混沌) 藍怪有血族,25%更多藍怪,20%掉落數量 Level 4: Beyond (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): Slaying enemies close together can attract monsters from Beyond, 20% increased quantity of items found. 4等:超越(混沌) 擊殺機會出現超越怪,20%掉落數量 Level 4: Fortune Favours the Brave (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): Selects a Zana mod at random from those available from the device, including any mods you have not yet unlocked. 4等:隨機(3混沌) 札娜Lv2~8的詞隨機(札娜等級沒到未解鎖的也會出現) Level 5: Ambush (costs 4 Chaos Orbs): Areas contain 3 extra Strongboxes. 5等:伏擊(4混沌) 3額外寶箱。 Level 6: Domination (costs 4 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 3 extra Shrines. 6等:支配(4混沌) 3額外神殿 Level 7: Essence (costs 5 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 2 extra Essence Monoliths. 7等:精髓(5混沌) 2額外精髓 Level 8: Breach (costs 6 Chaos Orbs): Areas contain 2 extra Breaches. 8等:裂痕(6混沌) 2額外裂痕 --------------- [PvP平衡] Removed the Level 60 Sarn Arena variant. Players who do not fit the requirements for the Level 40 Sarn Arena will be taken to the Open Sarn Arena. 移除60等薩恩競技場選項,不符合40等競技場需求的會被移到開放競技場。 Characters which have entered the portal to Oriath at the end of Act 4 can no longer join Low Level Duelling queues. 已經抵達第4章前往奧瑞亞傳送門的角色不能再參加低等級的決鬥序列。 Death's Oath now deals significantly less damage against players (and Grandmasters). 冥使之體現在對玩家和大師造成的傷害大幅度降低。 PvP-only characters can no longer activate the map device. PvP限定的角色不能使用地圖儀。 Bleeding, Ignite and Poison now undergo PvP scaling based on the attack or cast time of the ailment's source. For skills with time override, the ailments use that. 流血、點燃和中毒現在會有一個專屬PvP的計算機制, 裡根據給予異常狀態的攻擊或施放時間。 --------------- [世界性變更] Completing the Mercy Mission quest now rewards players with their choice of Support gem, as well as a flask. 醫者之心的任務獎勵現在會給予藥水或輔助寶石的選擇。 The Hedge Maze has been removed and both Chitus' Plum and the Trial of Ascendancy have been moved into The Imperial Gardens. 移除第3章區域樹籬迷宮,切特斯的梅果以和昇華試煉移至皇家花園。 Story glyphs have been added to areas all throughout Wraeclast, but in particular the areas added in The Fall of Oriath. 新增許多石雕故事,特別是在3.0新增的區域。 The Strange Barrel now contains many more ordinary non-swarming things. 傳奇箱怪桶現在有更多非蟲群怪物。 The Fuel event in The Beacon is now more involved, with extra monster packs spawning during the event. A6絕望烽塔的點火會更有參與感,會有額外的怪群產生在點火的過程中。 The Southern Forest, especially in Act 6, has been fleshed out. The Act 6 version can now generate Vaal side areas. 南部森林新增了許多東西,特別是第6章的,也可以出現瓦爾區域了。 In the leadup to the Depraved Trinity encounter, the heart-entrances to Maligaro, Shavronne and Doedre's areas stop beating as you defeat the associated boss. 第9章打墮道三巨頭前的三個通道心臟,在擊殺對應BOSS之後會停止跳動。 The Templar's Stash in the Act 10 Ossuary has been renamed to the Sealed Chest. It has been given a new model. 第10章葬骨禮堂裡的聖堂倉庫改名為封印的箱子(Sealed Chest),並且有新的造型。 Hargan no longer discusses the High Gardens, and talking to him about it is no longer required for the All Ears achievement. NPC哈根不再有貴族花園的對話。 Added numerous variations to world areas throughout the campaign. Most areas, in particular areas added in The Fall of Oriath, now have several new possible layouts. 增加許多地圖區域變化,尤其是3.0新增的區愈。 Voll's Proclamation in the Western Forest is now destroyed in Part 2. You should check it out. It's pretty neat. 位於西部森林裡的德瑞的宣告在第二部分(第六章後)會被摧毀, 趕快去瞧瞧,超帥der。 Updated the minimap icons for doors and area transitions that were missing them. 在小地圖會有新的圖示,顯示門或過度地區。 Shrines should no longer appear directly outside Tukohama's Fortress. 圖克哈瑪的堡壘外現在不會出現神殿了。 (Tukohama's Fortress應該是指A6的卡魯堡壘吧,可是POEwiki那邊應該叫Karui Fortress)。 Kitava's arena in Act 10 is now called the Altar of Hunger. 第10章奇塔弗的區域現在叫飢餓祭壇(the Altar of Hunger)。 Malachai's journal no longer references an incorrect date. 馬拉凱的日記不會再寫錯日期。 --------------- [預言變動] Rare monsters able to fulfill the requirements for unique item Prophecies have been added to various locations throughout the world. They provide the opportunity to obtain an item with a high enough level to be six-linked. 預言掉落傳奇裝的稀有怪被加入到各個區域裡, 這樣會提供獲取較高ilv傳奇物品的機會(才能六連)。 獸腹表示開心XDD You are no longer required to have the subject of a fated unique Prophecy equipped, and can now complete such prophecies by merely holding the unique item in your inventory while killing the correct boss. 現在不會要求必須裝備物品擊殺指定目標了,放在物品欄或身上都可以解。 The Prophecy 'The Twins' which turns a non-Twinned map into a Twinned map no longer grants 6% increased quantity of items found. 預言"雙子"把原本不是雙王的地圖變成雙王,現在不會再增加6%掉落物數量。 The Prophecy 'Monstrous Treasure' now completes upon opening the final strongbox in the area. 預言"巨大的寶物"現在在開啟最後一個寶箱才顯示預言完成。 --------------- [錯誤修復] //極度不重要的就不翻了 Fixed a bug which caused certain chests in the Labyrinth which were intended to drop only Jewellery to instead drop items of all kinds. 修正終極迷宮中某些寶箱只會掉落珠寶而不是全部物品的錯誤。 Fixed a bug which caused earlier levels of the Raise Zombie skill gem to display the wrong life values. This does not affect Zombie balance. 修正僵屍喚醒技能寶石數值的顯示錯誤(不影響數值平衡)。 Fixed a bug where some Vorici mission requirements would continue to be displayed even after completing or failing his mission. 修正瓦西里任務在完成後還會持續顯示的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where you could bypass the barrier in Act 7 Chamber of Sins early. 修正可以繞過第7章罪孽之室屏障的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where Ice Bite could support totem, trap and mine skills, despite its effect not working on them. 修正霜咬可以輔助圖騰、陷阱、地雷技能的錯誤,雖然對他們沒用。 Fixed a bug where the Defiance notable was granting increased melee physical damage that was not conditional to holding a shield. 修正天賦"抗爭"(Defiance)在未持盾卻會給予增加物理傷害的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where you could Leap Slam out of General Adus's arena without completing the encounter. Also prevented access to the Trarthan Powder until General Adus is dead, for good measure. You know what you did, Raiz. 修正A9破損煉油廠可以不打BOSS艾杜斯將軍就拿到任務道具的錯誤。 RaizQT你知道自己做了甚麼!!! (按:每次RaizQT跑到這裡都直接跳過艾杜斯將軍XDD還有用twitch直播出來) Fixed a bug with the bonus unique Labyrinth Shrine effect that would cause a huge lag spike when activated. 修正終極迷宮中的祭壇效果:獲得額外獨特道具發動時會造成嚴重lag的錯誤 Fixed a bug which prevented some monsters from being able to trigger their mines. 修正某些怪物會觸發他們自己地雷的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where totems with low maximum life values would fail to reach 1 life due to rounding, thus failing to properly disable Righteous Fire. 修正由於4捨5入的計算而導致某些低最大血量的圖騰無法到達生命1而中止正火的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where you could kill Abberath, the Cloven One before it transitioned into its later phases. 修正第6章在艾貝拉斯進入第二階段前可以提前擊殺的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where shrines could occasionally be placed in nreachable 修正祭壇偶爾會出現在碰不到的地方的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where enemies hit by Sunder's linear component also unintentionally got hit by the area of effect that hit created. 修正被sunder線性攻擊擊中的怪物會多被範圍傷擊中的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where Doedre could kill herself while teleporting if her life was especially low. 修正德瑞在傳送過程中會不小心殺死自己的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where you could continue to channel skills even after being reduced to 0 action speed (such as after being petrified by the Basilisk). 修正角色在被降到0動作速度時仍然能夠使用引導技能的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where the duration of instances of Temporal Chains applied on-hit from items was too short. 修正由物品施放的時空詛咒持續時間過短的錯誤。 Fixed a bug where gaining multiple Shrine effects of the same type in the Labyrinth would stack, rather than replace each other. 修正在終極迷宮中可以同時獲得多個神殿效果而不是置換的錯誤。 Fixed several instances of skills becoming invisible after leaving and reentering an area. This includes Kitava's Devouring Darkness. 修正一些持續性技能在離開又重新回到現場後會變隱形的錯誤, 包含奇塔弗的Devouring Darkness Moved the Labyrinth Silver chests and other rewards away from walls, and locked their rotation. This should prevent items they spit out becoming inaccessible. 將迷宮白銀之箱移動遠離牆壁,讓他們掉落的物品不會撿不到。 Fixed a bug where Grandmasters were only gaining more attack damage from Frenzy charges, not general damage. 修正大師會從綠球拿到過多傷害的錯誤。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PathofExile/M.1512551232.A.DF4.html ※ 編輯: EKwow (, 12/06/2017 17:09:55
MoneyBlue: 大家都愛翻,邊番邊看XD 12/06 17:18
s58111158: 翻得不錯,辛苦了 12/06 17:19
a2016596: A10那兩支終於不是打醬油被抓了喔 12/06 17:22
patrickleeee: 既然大家都都接力完了 那剩下我就不翻瞜XD 12/06 18:34
geken: A8皇家疆界的BOSS(Effigy of Fear)的烏鴉現在不會造成傷害 12/06 18:41
geken: 。應該是更多傷害? 12/06 18:41
感謝提醒,已更改。 ※ 編輯: EKwow (, 12/06/2017 20:05:57
gugugaga: 中彰是快速道路嗎XD 12/06 20:04
su4vu6: 好想玩毒雲ㄛ 可是打王好吃虧 12/06 21:12
Kevin0823: 幽魂QQ 先鋒只有一個圖騰 12/06 21:34
Kevin0823: 正火熊也是 冰旗沒改的樣子 12/06 21:35
gilerby: 慘 想了一個處刑爸爸劍旋風斬 結果改成這樣..嗚嗚嗚 12/06 23:49
zero249238: 閃電屏障到底是擊中怪拿球還是被擊中 12/07 07:07
補個原文 The barrier reduces the physical and lightning damage you take from hits, and grants you a chance to gain a power charge when hit. 我剛看到的時候沒想太多就翻成當你擊中時, 後來看一看好像更像是被擊中時, 而且他是引導技能輔助,給一個擊中時的功能好像很違和XDD 不過我也不是十分確定,先這樣改我在上面備註了。
dustlike: A6A7的寄生蟲還要出新的版本喔... 12/07 09:07
tankking2002: 日耀神守衛沒改到,幽魂下版繼續OP 12/07 10:26
silentlich: 日耀神算nerf,因為只能打開放地形 12/07 10:33
silentlich: 先鋒用施放迴響應該還是兩根,算nerf一個洞吧 12/07 10:35
cxzqwer: 火圖騰不算spell不吃spell傷 重複 火圖騰不算spell 12/07 11:03
cxzqwer: 另外圖騰本身就不支援spell echo 12/07 11:04
※ 編輯: EKwow (, 12/07/2017 14:05:50
kiokami: 推 12/08 14:42