看板 Perfume 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(英文部分均為官網敘述) 01 Hinoki 絲柏 The inspiration for this fragrance comes from a perfectly still, slightly chil ly spring morning spent soaking in a tub at the Tawaraya in Kyoto. It pulls together our memory of the mosses and trees outdoors and sharp notes of the boxy, hinoki tub. Cypress, Terebenthine, Campher, Cedar, Thyme, Pine, Georgywood, Encens, Treemo ss, Vetiver 剛聞的時候非常苦,是苔蘚等深綠的森林,中間變成檜木浴缸的味道(對,就是官網呈現 的那樣),到最後絲柏以清新及溫暖的木香包圍著洗完澡的你。 苔蘚後偏木質調。 02 Laurel 月桂 "We wanted to capture the same smell and sensation enjoyed while staying with friends in Batroun, Lebanon. It's warm, inviting and at times a little sharp - just like the country." says Monocle editor in chief Tyler Br螆? Yellow Lemon, Thyme, Grey Pepper, Cinnamon Leaves, Galbanum, Green Laurel, Vio let, Patchouli, Oak, Cedar 月桂在西方是勝利的象徵,但追溯其最早的來由是希臘神話中河神Ladon的女兒Daphne, 因逃避Apollo的追求而化成了一棵月桂樹。 因此,Daphne在希臘文即為月桂樹,而月桂也因此傳說和其聖潔的氣味而帶有齋戒之意。 這瓶香水就是滿滿的月桂葉香,是青青的那種,充滿陽光的,春天的使者。 非常綠葉調,超級清新。 03 Sugi 杉 A light, energizing and sophisticated fragrance inspired by the sugi – also k nown as Japanese cedar – which is a popular ornamental plant in Japan. A refreshing unisex scent, beginning with top notes of Mediterranean cypress a nd pepper from Madagascar, followed by iris from Florence and Cedar from Virgi nia and finished with pine and Haitian vetiver. 剛開始十分的草香味,中間跑出一點花香,花香也很好聞,是我聞過第一瓶把花香處理得 好似仙界般的不可思議的清新,一般來說我都蠻不適合花香的,但是它,我可以。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Perfume/M.1462282015.A.0DC.html ※ 編輯: sylviaplath (, 05/03/2016 21:28:46
whitefloral: 看心得被Sugi點燃!謝謝s大分享~~(L) 05/03 22:18
sadoraemon: 難得有CDG很棒分享 推^^ 05/03 22:50
Innes: 被03 燒到了... 05/05 18:24
moony0402: 被一跟二燒到 05/31 01:26
immoi: 非常喜歡這一系列,我尤其愛一跟三,把主角植物的氛圍襯托 11/02 00:34
immoi: 得很好 11/02 00:34