看板 PhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好 <(_ _)> 來幫我九月即將開幕的實驗室打個廣告徵人 實驗室位於香港大學(University of Hong Kong) 生物醫學科學系(School of Biomedical Sciences)https://www.sbms.hku.hk/) 系上的成員很國際化,主要語言是英文 實驗室主要是使用重組的人類微管蛋白(recombinant human tubulin) 從生物化學~生物物理及結構生物學的角度 來探討不同微管蛋白同種型(isotypes)是如何在人體內扮演重要的角色 實驗室主要的技術為蛋白質純化,單分子螢光顯微鏡(TIRF microscopy),以及冷凍電子顯微鏡(cryoEM) 博士班學生的話會有全額獎學金 我會幫助你申請香港博士班獎學金(Hong Kong PhD Fellowship) https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html 申請HKPDF到的話一個月有兩萬五千塊港幣~ 沒申請到的話會有兩萬塊港左右(我還要跟系上確認) 同時也歡迎具有生物化學,生物物理及結構生物學背景的來申請博士後或研究助理的職缺 有興趣者請將簡歷,代表性論文及推薦信寄到[email protected] 謝謝 詳情請看下面英文版的說明 Postdoctoral/Ph.D. Position in Biochemistry and Biophysics Lab of Dr. Shih-Chieh Ti The laboratory of Dr. Shih-Chieh Ti in the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Hong Kong (https://www.sbms.hku.hk/) is seeking enthusiastic and self-motivated postdoctoral scientists and Ph.D. students to investigate the underlying mechanism for human tubulin isotypes to regulate the biological function of microtubules. The human genome encodes multiple α- and β-tubulin gene families (i.e., isotypes) that have the protein expression profile varying with cell types and developmental stages. While single point mutations in a specific tubulin isotype have been associated with human diseases, the molecular mechanism by which tubulin isotypes regulate the organization of microtubules remains poorly understood. Through using the field-leading technology to generate isotypically pure recombinant human tubulin, Ti Lab will employ combinatorial approaches of biochemistry, biophysics, chemical biology, and structural biology to investigate the intrinsic properties of different human tubulin isotypes. Please see the following references to learn more on Dr. Ti’s previous work. An ideal candidate should have an excellent experiment and communication skills. Preference will be given to applicants with a strong background in molecular biology, protein purification, and cell culture. Please send (1) your CV, (2) a brief description of research interests and experience, and (3) three confidential letters of reference to [email protected]. 1) Ti, S.C.; Alushin, G.M.; Kapoor, T.M. (2018) “Human β-tubulin isotypes can regulate microtubule protofilament number and stability” Developmental Cell, 47, 175-190. PMID: 30245156. 2) Pamula, M.C.; Ti, S.C.; Kapoor, T.M. (2016) “The structure core of human β tubulin confers isotype-specific polymerization properties” J. Cell Biology, 213, 425-33. PMID: 27185835. 3) Ti, S.C.; Pamula, M.C.; Howes, S.C.; Duellberg, C.; Cade, N.I.; Kleiner, R.E.; Forth, S.; Surrey, T.; Nogales, E.; Kapoor, T.M. (2016) “Mutations in human tubulin proximal to the kinesin-binding site alter dynamic instability at microtubule plus and minus ends” Developmental Cell, 37, 72-84. PMID: 27046833. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PhD/M.1562285840.A.E62.html
nash73: 學長耶~推! 07/05 12:15
joytyo: 今年生物物理有聽到演講 很棒欸 07/05 12:50
joytyo: 好想去當博後 可惜paper還沒被接受 07/05 12:51
ijong: \⊙▽⊙/~by PTTNOW~ 07/06 19:00
KittyGod: 薪水不錯 之前看到新加玻的就不太行 07/06 19:47
NeiSeHai: 如果沒宿舍住,這薪水很辛苦。租屋貴 07/07 19:11
ampicillin: 推推推 07/08 12:17