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在iHerb網站購買了now foods的保健品NAC(N-Acetyl Cysteine) 收到貨打開來發現裡面白色膠囊有大小不一的咖啡色斑點,以我僅有的認知認為是保存不 當造成產品變質(到期日為2021年) https://i.imgur.com/7yVkTGV.jpg
成分如下: Selenium (from L-Selenomethionine 250mcg Molybdenum (from Sodium Molybdate) 50mcg N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) 600mcg 反應後客服回覆我: 「Thank you for reaching out to NOW Foods. This looks pretty normal for this p roduct from the pic you attached. The spots are not harmful as antioxidant ble nd (natural mixed tocopherols ). The only advice is to be fast taking product. Also, not opening in bathroom or near kitchen faucet where there is more humi dity. The spots are going to appear no matter what but are not harmful. 该件产品有不同斑点出现是正常现象应为有抗氧化剂加入,这些色点无论怎样都会存在, 我们在产品介绍页面也有提示产品可能发生自然颜色变化。厂商对此唯一的建议是避光避 潮湿储存,开瓶后尽快服用完毕已达最佳的功效,产品您可以正常使用,请您知悉。」 想請問這個說明是正確的嗎? 「The spots are not harmful as antioxidant blend (natural mixed tocopherols ). 」 「The spots are going to appear no matter what but are not harmful.」 我看國外網友評論是一開始都是正常白色,時間越久咖啡色斑點出現越來越多(這無法評 估是否為個人保存不當),但我一開封就已經有斑點的保健品還能吃嗎??一般產生斑點 不是都擔心藥物變質最好不要食用嗎?? 先謝謝大家給點意見了!感謝感謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pharmacy/M.1553666009.A.25D.html