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http://www.phys.sinica.edu.tw/~asiopsclpl/lectureseries/2015/index.php 【2015 Lectureship 講座】A Century of Relativity: From the Big Bang to Black Holes and Interstellar 相對論百年:從大霹靂到黑洞及星際效應 The number of seats is limited. Speed up your registration. The lecture will be delivered in English. 講座活動自即日起開始報名,限額500名。活動全程以英文進 行。 [ Coordinator 講座活動總策劃 ] Prof. Hoi-Lai Yu 余海禮研究員 / Research fellow, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica 中央研究院物理研究所 Time 時間 Oct. 28 (Wed.)  14:00~15:30 Venue 會場 Intl. Conference Room (3F), Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica 中央研究院人文社會科學館 3F國際會議廳 Speaker 講座大師 Kip Thorne 基普˙索恩 Topic 題目 A Century of Relativity: From the Big Bang to Black Holes and Interstellar Abstract 摘要 100 years ago Albert Einstein formulated his general theory of relativity - a set of physical laws that attribute gravity to the warping of space and time. These laws have been wildly successful. They have been tested with high precision in the solar system and in binary pulsars. They explain the expansion of the universe and predict black holes and gravitational waves. When combined with quantum theory they provide a tentative framework for understanding the universe's big-bang birth. And they have become embedded in popular culture via, for example, the science fiction movie Interstellar. Thorne will discuss Relativity's first century, using Interstellar to illustrate many of Relativity's deepest ideas. 好想去~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Physics/M.1443786399.A.736.html
jameskey: 推!!! 10/02 20:17
jameskey: 我討厭丹丹ob'_'ov 10/02 20:17
HDT: 丹丹? 10/02 20:26
zealeliot: 推一下大師 10/02 21:56
jameskey: 南部速食店 10/02 23:37
harrey810719: 已報名,#230,看樣子會滿得很快? 10/03 02:20
fr3ak: Just now, 28x 10/03 22:38
skking: 講到南部,30號在成大有另一場,講題相同。 10/04 09:05
iandddy0986: 推! 10/04 10:04
krishuang: 已羨慕 10/06 15:17
b0920075: 現在還沒滿 我459 10/19 18:06
aspeter: 不知去南部還是北部好? 10/20 00:34