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※ 引述《ds1598753 (肉肉)》之銘言: : 題目: : 在光滑水平面上有一質量為M的光滑斜面,其斜面上放一個質量m的小木塊(可視為質點),斜面的傾斜角度為[細塔],當m從高為h處由靜止開始下滑時,在下滑過程中求木塊與斜面之間的相互作用力為何? : 想法: : 曾有想過是不是用能量觀點解,還有用內動能方式解,但好像都不對勁,想問大家有沒有什麼其他的想法呢? It is noted that the interacting force is perpendicular to the bevel. In the fixed frame, the bevel will be accelerated by the interacting force and the acceleration can be expressed in terms of the interacting force and the mass of the bevel. Now considering a new frame in which the bevel is in rest. Since this new frame is not an inertial frame, it will produce a pseudo-force acting on the point mass. In this new frame, the point mass will move along the bavel. Therefore the net perpendicular force should be zero. This relation is what you desire. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Physics/M.1539957552.A.B73.html
Vulpix: 分析所有受力和加速度也是足夠的。 10/20 03:29