看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Pisces horoscope for Apr 9 2015 You have invested a lot of time and energy into something over the last few months, Pisces - perhaps a creative venture or something that is close to your heart. At times, there were probably quite a few moments when you didn't think anything would come back to reward you for your efforts. It probably didn't matter to you though, because you were doing it out of love. Very soon you could be surprised to find that there actually is a very big payoff for all of your love and hard work - and it is coming soon! -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://frtns.com/dh 在過去的幾個月裡,你在某件事情上投入了相當大量的時間與精力,雙魚——或許是一次 創新的冒險,或許是你相當在意的某件事情。然而有的時候,你會突然在某些時刻裡覺得 ,你所有的努力都不會得到任何的回應。即使你可能並不在意,因為你所做的一切完全是 出自於個人興趣。很快你將會驚訝地發現,你所投入的熱情與努力事實上擁有著相當豐碩 的回報——而它即將到來。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1428512377.A.236.html
j790822: 期待努力後的收穫! 04/09 01:09
a19930301: 推 04/09 01:11
evergreen917: !!!!!!希望如此啊!!!>_< 04/09 01:52
elle123: 真的嗎 都多久了TAT 嗚嗚 04/09 02:43
focus3: 期待結果… 04/09 05:45
gfabs: 感謝。繼續努力~~ 04/09 06:52
z987412365: 的確有這樣感覺。繼續努力~~ 04/09 07:00
hearmhl: 唉,大概吧,真的不抱持希望了,謝謝lithe 04/09 07:19
djy840305: 耶! 04/09 08:05
CHHO: 看到一半嚇一跳,還好結果好棒棒~ 04/09 08:37
nuance2009: 不知道是哪個點... 04/09 08:37
kfcabc: 不管是哪件事 有收穫都很開心~~~大喜!! 04/09 09:54
principessa: 加油 04/09 11:12
wahahas: 耶! 04/09 11:19
arwhkojp: 我會繼續努力!!! 04/09 11:30
a1202799: 不期不待,不受傷害… 04/09 11:41
fox1375: 繼續加油 04/09 11:53
emotion306: 謝謝!!! 04/09 17:34
p3067: I 'll keep going and I 'll find it 04/09 18:57
qulili: Really hope so...>"< 04/09 20:10
milanlee: 超準~!等超久的稿約刊登通知今天終於來了! 04/09 21:46