看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Pisces horoscope for Mar 2 2016 Are you dealing with a lot of stress and frustration over a financial matter? Most likely this issue has to do with someone owing you money, or receiving a payment for something that is long overdue. While it's understandable that you could travel into a fear-space over this matter, Pisces, you need to relax and let it go for now. In a few days you will begin to see a resolution. In addition, you should receive an unexpected windfall in the future that will help to tide you over when you need it most. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你是否正在處理因為某個財務問題而衍伸的龐大壓力與挫折呢?這個情況很可能是關於有 人欠了你一筆錢,或者是取得一筆拖欠許久的款項。雖然可以理解在此問題上你很可能會 陷入憂懼之中,雙魚,但你仍需要放鬆並暫時放開一切。在幾天之內,你將會看到轉變。 事實上,你將會得到一筆天外飛來的財富,而那將能在你最需要的時候助你渡過難關。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1456850766.A.35F.html
Keyblade: 已經得到了! 03/02 01:19
Deepercat: 謝謝 03/02 01:27
asd774499: 努力得到中 03/02 08:29
wahahas: 謝謝 昨天真的被逼急了 03/02 09:28
kenshin078: 哇靠 超厲害的 剛剛拿到一筆退款了 03/02 16:10
nmcat: 雖然沒要到難關,但欠錢的似乎在躲債!!! 03/02 19:06
luliwawa: 剛好在今天拿到生日禮金! 03/02 20:43
asd774499: 有感 03/03 01:32
reoawt: 謝謝 03/03 01:36