看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Pisces horoscope for Apr 12 2016 You may be dealing with a situation that is rather chaotic. You are deeply affected by that kind of frenetic energy, Pisces. When things get crazy, you get crazy too. You can do something to change the tone and the energy of the day though, if you want to. It all begins with you. Even if others are contributing to a dark mood or a tumultuous tone, you can center yourself and bring peace to your surroundings. Take some time to find balance, and the chaos will subside. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你正面對一個相當混亂的情況,雙魚,而你深受其中狂躁的能量影響。當一切失去控制, 你也就跟著變得瘋狂。你仍然可以做些事情來改變這一天的基調與能量,如果你想要這麼 做的話。一切都取決於你。即使其他人讓這天變得充滿負面與騷動,你可以將重心擺在自 己身上並帶給周遭的人平靜。花一點時間去找到平衡,混亂便會隨之平息。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1460385016.A.A84.html
lightpisces: 平心靜氣 04/11 22:38
yuwen0301: 呼~深呼吸~ε-(뒑龤ꬻ ) 04/11 22:46
reoawt: 謝謝 04/11 23:59
leviser: 謝謝 04/12 00:12
gworld0227: 最近的確需要一點平衡,太多事衝在一起了 04/12 00:58
salwind: 上週末才剛顯得瘋狂的狼性,希望狼性快退! 04/12 01:19
sweetie2231: 謝謝翻譯 真的需要冷靜點 04/12 01:21
principessa: 感謝 04/12 01:23
Bobebom: 真準 這陣子突然莫名爆炸.. 04/12 01:39
wwanzing: 準... 04/12 02:10
hungyi309: 最近是不是很帶衰... 04/12 03:26