看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Pisces horoscope for Dec 9 2016 You may have gotten used to a rather cozy existence with an insular circle of friends and the usual activities of everyday life. But are you starting to feel like something is missing, Pisces? Are you wondering if there is something more you are supposed to do with your life? Is there a talent you would love to explore, or a possibility you would like to learn more about? You need to branch out and challenge yourself more now. Doing so will help you to hone in on whatever it is that is causing you to search for more. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你已經習慣了在小圈圈之中與每一天的日常生活中有個與你十分親密的人存在。但雙魚, 你是否開始感到有些事物正在流失?你是否正感到困惑,是否還有更多你該為了生活而努 力的事物?你是否有著想要進一步發展的天賦,或是某些想要更進一步了解的可能性?此 刻你需要另闢蹊徑,並挑戰自己的慣性。這麼做會幫助你全神貫注於那些讓你尋尋覓覓的 事物之上。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1481221034.A.66B.html
Deepercat: 謝謝 12/09 02:21
drpeter: 感恩 12/09 07:21
emotion306: 謝謝 12/09 07:49
marian7934: 準!!! 12/09 08:48
hsiaotzu0505: 超準的! 12/09 08:49
akiha33: 挑戰自己的慣性!! 12/09 08:53
mirja: 謝謝 12/09 10:07
asd774499: thx 12/09 12:15
ziplos: 好準! 12/09 16:58
camix: 謝謝 12/09 18:30
SACIAO: 謝謝,好準!!! 12/09 21:04
reoawt: 謝謝 12/10 01:12