看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Pisces horoscope for Tuesday Oct 17 You can't be in more than one place at a time, and you can't please everyone. If you can remember this today, Pisces, your day today could be much more enjoyable for you. Right now, there may be more than one person vying for your attention and assistance. But you are not at your best - and you aren't really happy - when you are being pulled in many directions, so you may have to refuse those requests. Let that be okay. You may also hope that you will win the admiration of people who are tough to please, but you know that may not be possible. Let that be okay too. Happiness is attainable when your priorities are straight. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你不能同時置身兩個不同的地方,你也沒有辦法取悅所有人。如果你今天能牢記這件事, 雙魚,這一天對你來說將會變得愉快許多。此刻,或許有一位以上的人正試著爭取你的注 意與支持,但當你同時被往許多不同方向拉扯時,你並不在你的最佳狀態裡,而且也對此 感到並不開心,因此你可能得拒絕這些要求。就隨它去吧。同時你也許希望自己能贏得那 些難以取悅的人的讚賞,但你也知道這很可能行不通。就也隨它去吧。當你的優先次序相 當明確時,快樂就不再遙不可及。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1508164262.A.1A1.html
uhks: 不再優柔寡斷 10/16 22:59
wj31igj3: 完全貼合我的現況,真的要自己看開,不然一堆鳥事 10/17 01:12
special2282: 今天真的是分身乏術ˊˋ 10/17 01:52
ikiss524: 雙魚 __ __ 10/17 04:37
sheal: 快樂是什麼啊,已經不知道 10/17 08:44
k170623: 根本就是今天我的狀況... 就隨它去吧@@ 10/17 11:16
Deepercat: let it go~ 10/17 22:59