看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Pisces horoscope for Wednesday Nov 8 A mistake you made recently may have come with many negative connotations. You may think of it in a very critical way. You may see it as a mark against you, as something to regret, and so on. But a mistake can be an asset. It is like currency you spend to get something that you did not want, but that happens to be very valuable. A mistake earns you first-hand knowledge that you can't get any other way. A second chance is coming, Pisces. Keep this mistake in mind, and put the experience you earned to good use. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你最近犯下的某個錯誤很可能衍伸出許多不同的涵義,你可能會以一種十分具批判性的態 度去思考它,你可能會視它為對抗你的標誌,或某件讓你感到懊悔的事,諸如此類。但是 錯誤也可以是一種財富。它就像是你為了取得某個你並不想要得到的事物而付出的代價, 但卻剛好對你來說很有價值。這個錯誤會讓你獲得無法從其他地方得到的第一手資訊。你 很快就會擁有第二次機會,雙魚,牢記這次的錯誤,並好好利用你從中獲得的經驗。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1510073968.A.C38.html
fveincgki: 謝謝~但覺得壓力大 11/08 05:11
wendyyang: 謝謝 11/08 07:38
uhks: 謝謝 覺得被激勵 11/08 07:52
nuance2009: 謝謝 11/08 09:02
ramudomoto: 謝謝 11/08 11:02
Deepercat: 謝謝 11/08 11:24
a860715: 蟹男路過 希望今天那個她 一切順利 11/08 13:19
aj0439: 對不起偶錯了 11/08 16:52
leondtima: 錯很大,這輩子應該回不來了 11/08 20:49
kenshin078: 錯超大 懊惱了2天 11/08 21:12