看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You celebrate your birthday at this time of year, Pisces. This is often a time of reflection for you. Sometimes, though, your thoughts turn into criticism and regret as you compare where you are with where you wish you were. But there is a better way to deal with unrealized dreams. Start creating a place to realistically explore and begin taking steps to make these dreams come true, and then vow to yourself that you will make it happen. Now wouldn't that be a wonderful birthday present to yourself? -- 在一年的這個時候你慶祝你的生日,雙魚。這通常是個很棒的時間給自己反思。但 有的時候,你的想法卻變成了是對自己批判及感到遺憾,那是因為你與過去所希望 成為的樣子去比較。但是你有一種更好的方法來處理未實現的夢想。動身去創造一 個能實際探索的場所,並開始採取步驟來讓夢想成真,然後對自己發誓要讓這些夢 想發生。對自己來說,難道現在這不是個很棒的生日禮物嗎? -- Copyright ?? Daily Horoscope. Download it now 〞 http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1551974622.A.B69.html
miricle: 謝謝 現在非常需要的鼓勵 03/08 00:08
sky7338: 生日到了.....>< 03/08 00:10
dt0312: 謝謝 03/08 00:13
twistedvate: 謝謝 03/08 01:20
Deepercat: 謝謝 03/08 15:34
iort: 謝謝 03/08 19:09
wendyyang: 謝謝 03/08 21:46