看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A boost of energy today may be inspiring you to organize your closets and drawers, rearrange your furniture, or to do some other mundane, mechanical tasks just to keep busy. But isn't there some important endeavor you have not attended to because you haven't had the energy that was needed? If so, Pisces, this is a great time to take the first steps to get this started. Use this energy to do as much as you can today. The stars are aligned and shining down on you, and the wind is at your back. Make the most of this opportunity. -- 今天精力旺盛,可能會激發你去整理你的衣櫥及抽屜,重新佈置你的家俱,或是做 一些平常都會做的事情,目的只是讓自己忙碌。但不是有一些重要的事而你卻沒有 參與,因為你沒有所需要的能量? 如果是這樣的話,雙魚們,現在是很好跨出第一 步的好時間。利用這樣的能量來盡你所能。星象己經排列,並閃耀光芒在你身上, 迎著風順勢而行。你要好好充份利用這一次的機會。 -- Copyright ?? Daily Horoscope. Download it now 〞 http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1570710468.A.7BB.html
dt0312: 謝謝 10/10 20:58
wendyyang: 謝謝 10/11 00:18
Deepercat: 謝謝 10/13 22:29