看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
YYou have set something in motion, Pisces, but you may not see it actually moving just yet. Does that mean you did something wrong or that it isn't meant to be? It means neither. You are progressing forward, but perhaps it is not at the pace you had hoped for or anticipated. Now is the time to be patient. Now is the time to be proud of your work and your accomplishments. Success will come in time. Don't weigh yourself down with worry. And don't get stuck to a certain timeframe - it will be when it is meant to be. -- 你己開始將某些事情設定目標,但你可能沒有看到這些事情有所進展。這是否意味著你做 錯了什麼事情? 而事情卻沒有如你所願。你正在進步,但或許這沒有如你希望及期盼的速 度前進。現在是時候該要耐心等待。現在是時候對自己的工作及成就感到自豪。成功將會 及時出現。不要讓擔心使自己沮喪。不讓卡在一個特定的時間範圍 -若這是命中是註定的 話,它必然就會發生。 -- Copyright ?? Daily Horoscope. Download it now 〞 http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1589728394.A.8C3.html
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