看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Pisces horoscope for May 18 2022 魚~ 你可能已經有了一個計劃來理順你個人生活的某些方面。 你已經完成了一部分,但可能還看不到任何變化。 這會讓人感到非常沮喪。 你應該放棄嗎? 不!你必須要有耐心,你應該給你的計劃一個的機會。 成功不會一蹴可幾。 繼續進行你開始的事情,看看會發生什麼。 故事還沒有結束! - You may have come up with a plan to straighten out some aspect of your persona l life. You have gotten part of the way through, Pisces, but you may not be se eing any changes. This may feel quite discouraging. Should you give up? No! Yo u must be patient, and you have to give your plan a chance to work. Instant gr atification is rarely a reality. Keep following through on what you started, a nd see what happens. This story is not over just yet! - Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by comitic http://comitic.com/dailyhoroscope/ - 新手翻譯中 謝謝大家的鼓勵:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1652837437.A.B5D.html
iort: 謝謝 05/18 11:23
wendyyang: 謝謝 05/18 12:18
ab9832g: 謝謝 05/18 12:38
schuey: 謝謝~ 05/18 13:07
dt0312: 謝謝 05/18 15:10
Wing1984: 謝謝 05/18 17:06
brandx: 謝謝 05/18 17:46
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