看板 Pisces 關於我們 聯絡資訊
# Pisces horoscope for Nov 24 2022 當你進入一個混合著敏感人格的脆弱狀況,提早發現太多事情可能會變成一種錯誤。 如果你這麼做了,你可能無意間會塑形一些想法並決定怎麼進行。 如果你現在進入這樣的情境,或你很快就要進入這個情境的話,親愛的魚兒,試著用開放的 心態和空白的行程表加入吧。 建議你運用直覺去選擇一些東西,而你從參與人中得到的氛圍,可能是你從沒想像到的。 如果你去依靠著自己的本能,相信你能處理的很好的。 ## When you go into a delicate situation involving sensitive personalities, it m ight be wrong to find out too much about it beforehand. If you do that, you coul d unwittingly begin to form opinions and make decisions about how to proceed. If you are entering into such a situation now or you will soon, dear Pisces, try t o go in with an open mind and a blank agenda. You may pick up things with your i ntuition and from the vibes you get from those involved, and it might be nothing like you would have imagined. You can handle this well if you rely on your inst incts. Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic [http://comitic.com/horoscope](http://comitic.com/horoscope) —— 今天的翻譯,如有錯誤,再懇請多多協助,謝謝~ ---- Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 13 mini -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1669249190.A.040.html
Wing1984: 謝謝 11/24 09:05
karta0318: 謝謝 11/24 09:29
dt0312: 謝謝 11/24 09:42
kiki0792: 感謝! 最近還真的下定決心要跟著感覺走~ 11/24 14:52
iort: 謝謝 11/25 20:40
Deepercat: 謝謝 11/26 21:32