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Storylines for 2022-23: How aggressively will Pistons push Stewart to the 4? 22-23季前系列: 活塞隊打算用多激烈的方式把Stewart推到4號位? 發文日:2022/Sep/12 作者: Keith Langlois Even as Isaiah Stewart rarely strayed outside the paint as an NBA rookie, Dwane Casey insisted that one day he would launch 3-point shots often and effectively. Sure enough, after taking only 28 triples in the first 63 games, Stewart squeezed off 35 in his final 10 games and hit 6 of 15, 40 percent, in the last three alone. 雖然Stewart的菜鳥年期間幾乎沒有離開過禁區,但Casey教練堅持有一天他會穩定而且 有效的提供三分火力。當然啦,在那個賽季的前63場比賽中只在三分線外出手了28次之 後,Stewart在賽季最後10場比賽出手了35次,而且在最後3場比賽投15中6,繳出一個4 成三分球命中率的成績單。 Then his second season began and Stewart almost never took a triple unless the ball found him with the shot clock about to go off and his options severely limited. The blueprint was exactly as it was a year earlier: 28 3-point shots over Stewart’s first 63 games. 接著他的第二個賽季開始,Stewart又幾乎沒有三分出手,除非球交到他手上的時候進攻 時間即將歸零同時他的出手選擇極度受限。這個開頭跟他的菜鳥賽季完全一樣:前63場比 賽只有28個三分線外的出手。 That was by design. As a newly elevated starter, Stewart faced enormous challenges as the quarterback of Casey’s defense and was doing it while adjusting to the serious uptick in quality of opposition that comes when you go from battling backups to knocking heads with starting centers. Nowhere is the drop-off from starter to reserve more pronounced than among big men and Casey didn’t want Stewart complicating his transition by also taking on the onus of 3-point shooting. 這都是安排好的。做為一個剛被拉上先發陣容的年輕球員,Stewart被Casey指派為隊上 的防守中樞,並且在適應比賽的節奏及各項挑戰時,仍不斷地與其他球隊的先發中鋒正 面碰撞對決。持續把Stew擺在先發陣容展現了Casey對Stewart作為陣容中大肉柱的期待 ,Casey也因此不希望讓他適應NBA強度與節奏的同時,還透過要他長出三分能力給他過 多的負擔。 Not when he was asking more fundamental steps from him. What Casey really wanted to see from Stewart on the offensive end was setting rib-rattling screens and then barreling to the rim – the “roll” part of screen and roll – in what has come to be known as a “highway” screen for the pathway an effective roll man can blaze for the trailing ballhandler. Cade Cunningham and Stewart developed a keen chemistry for the maneuver over the second half of last season, in fact. 並不是說Casey想要更多,Casey真正希望Stewart在進攻端做到的是做好半場肋部的掩護 ,然後快速下沉到籃框附近─擋切戰術中切入下沉的部分─而這種被稱為Highway Screen的擋拆可以幫助帶球的隊友擋住禁區的防守球員。事實上CC和Stewart在球季的後 半段逐漸找到發揮這個擋拆戰術的舒適節奏。(譯按:你確定?) When Stewart’s second season was down to its final few weeks, Casey pulled his big man aside and gave him the OK to start feeling his way as a 3-point shooter. It’s a shot they’ve watched Stewart, as coachable and diligent a young player as an NBA team could hope to land, work on tirelessly and shoot confidently in practices and individual workouts. 當上個球季來到末段幾周的時間,Casey把他的禁區大將拉到旁邊,並且開了綠燈讓他開 始尋找三分球出手的舒適節奏。這是Stewart,一個具有NBA教練團夢寐以求的積極認真 態度的球員,在比賽以外的團隊和個人練習中不間斷不喊累的投球練習中累積起來的三 分球出手。 Over the last eight games of 2021-22, Stewart took 18 triples and made 11 of them. In the weeks between the April 10 season finale and Summer League in early July, Stewart – who had yet to play in Summer League season, his first wiped out by the COVID-19 pandemic and his second aborted by an ankle injury suffered in workouts with USA Basketball’s Select Team – prepared to play his minutes at power forward. 在21-22賽季的最後8場比賽,Stewart出手了18顆三分球,然後命中了11顆。這些三分球 是在賽季尾聲的4月11日直到夏季聯賽的七月上旬之間投進的。雖然他因為COVID確診和 在作為靶子隊練習時扭傷腳而幾乎沒有真正參與到夏季聯賽。 When Troy Weaver, who saw a more expansive future offensive arsenal in Stewart than his NBA peers did and acted accordingly to draft him 16th in 2020, somehow maneuvered to pick up a second lottery pick in June and used it to land Memphis big man Jalen Duren, Stewart not only got to play power forward but do so next to a bona fide fellow cornerstone of the Pistons future. 當Troy Weaver在2020年選秀時看出了其他球隊沒看到的Stewart在進攻火力所具有的潛 力並且在第16順位把他撿進來後,又不知道施了什麼魔法在今年六月變出第二支樂透區 的籤並且選了曼菲斯大學的長人Jalen Duren。Stewart這下不只要承擔大前鋒的角色, 還要跟活塞隊未來的禁區基石組成前場陣容。 In two games, Stewart showed enough to raise optimism that his transition to becoming a legitimate 3-point threat would not only bear fruit but was ahead of schedule. He hit 5 of 9 shots, including clutch triples late to secure Pistons wins. 在少少的兩場比賽裡,Stewart展現了轉型成為夠格三分威脅的能力,讓人感到樂觀的是 他不只長出三分投射能力,看來還有點超前進度。總共投9中5的三分球成績單,還包括 了在比賽最後幫助球隊穩住勝利的關鍵時刻命中。 “That was super impressive,” Pistons Summer League coach Jordan Brink said after Stewart hit 3 of 4, two in the final three minutes, to beat eventual Summer League champion Portland in the July 7 opener. “He was ready for it. We talked before the game and we were going to try to get him some looks from three. Two of them opened up in the flow of the game at the end and they were huge.” "這簡直就是讓人印象深刻!"活塞隊夏季聯盟教練Jordan Brink在Stewart繳出投4中3成 績單,包括兩顆在比賽最後三分鐘命中的三分球,並且幫助球隊贏下夏季聯盟冠軍拓荒 者隊的比賽後說道,"他完全準備好了!我們賽前有先討論過,並且決定讓他在比賽中嘗 試一些三分線外的出手。其中兩顆在比賽末段投進,而這兩個命中意義重大!!" “I’ve never played the four in my life, so that’s one reason I wanted to play in a Summer League game is to get reps at the four,” Stewart said. “I know we’ve got about two, three bigs and we wanted to play with two bigs. Somebody’s going to have to space the floor, so I wanted to get reps at it and it was definitely different, for sure.” "我的球員生涯中從沒打過四號位,所以熟悉這個角色是我希望能夠在夏季聯盟中出賽的 原因之一,"Stewart說,"我知道我們隊上已經有大概2、3個長人,而且我們預計會擺出 雙塔陣容,那就表示有人必須去負責拉開場上的空間。所以我真的需要多多練習,更何 況這真的是個很不一樣的角色。" The same quandary of how to shoehorn multiple big men into the rotation applies to the Pistons 2022-23 regular season as it did to the Summer League puzzle. Stewart, Kelly Olynyk and Marvin Bagley III all return and are joined by both Duren and trade addition Nerlens Noel. If Stewart can handle playing power forward at both ends of the floor, Casey’s latitude in lineup construction expands greatly. 正如夏季聯盟中的重要課題一樣,活塞隊必須認真思考怎麼把一堆長人擺進季賽的輪替 陣容。Stewart、Olynyk和MB3都滿血回歸,而且還多了Duren和交易來的Noel(譯按:折手 哥先走一步了),如果Stewart能夠在攻守兩端都扮演好四號位的角色,也 能夠解放Casey運籌帷幄的空間。 A name whispered in Pistons circles when Weaver drafted Stewart two years ago as an aspirational outcome at the offensive end was Al Horford, the 15-year veteran and five-time All-Star. Horford took a total of 65 3-point shots in his first eight NBA seasons; he’s topped 200 a season six times since then. It’s a process. 當Weaver兩年前選進了Stewart時,活塞隊的制服組對他在進攻端期待的樣板是Al Horford,在NBA待了15年的沙場老將,同時有5次入選全明星賽的殊榮。活佛在他的前8 個球季總共在外線出手了65次,但後來有6個球季每季都出手200次以上。這就是一個過 程。 And, to be clear, shooting 3-pointers effectively at any significant volume is only part of the equation of transitioning to more of a hybrid center/power forward role for Stewart. At least as critical a component will be his ability to defend a variety of players who man that position. Stewart established himself last season as a big man who could reliably stay in front of perimeter ballhandlers when he got switched on to them, which bodes well for his chances to hold his own at that end while playing away from the basket against more nimble opponents. Chasing shooters around screens will be another challenge for him. 但真心來說,長出有效率的三分投射能力對Stewart來說只是從正5號位轉型成為4/5號位 球員的其中一環。至少還有另一個關鍵因子是他必須能夠防守得住各種不同類型的對位 球員。Stewart在過去一個賽季中讓人們看到他即使被換位了,還是能夠穩定在禁區外把 持球者擋在身前。表示他在面對那些更敏捷的對手時,仍然具有一定程度的單防能力。 而是否能夠在擋拆之中持續跟緊射手們,就是他的另一個課題了。 How aggressively Casey decides to pursue two-big lineups will swing on many factors, but unlocking them at any appreciable level likely starts with how comfortably Stewart adapts to increasingly bigger tests of playing time away from the paint at both ends. It probably won’t take 63 games again to get some answers on that front. Casey會多積極的追求雙塔陣容取決於很多不同的因素,但要解鎖這個陣型很大部分取決 於Stewart在攻守兩端能夠多大程度的在禁區外發揮功能,今年應該不需要再等個63場比 賽就有機會知道結果了。 ------ 其實發文順序應該是總論(上一篇) > CC > Duren > Ivey > Stew > Bey > MB3/Hayes/Knox(三個人居然放一起) >Livers 但我想大家最關心的應該是Stewart和Hayes,所以會先從這兩篇翻譯起。 雖然文章中和運動視界都有提到教練希望Stew能夠做好Highway Screen,但有時候比賽 看起來還是很像Stew在禁區製造了高速公路連環車禍啊...(汗) 從前兩季賽季末段大概也可以看出來制服組想把Stew拉到禁區外,畢竟他也算是有那個 活動力的,一步一步來今年大概也要初步驗收了。就期待一下他會長成(或是歪成)什麼 樣子吧。 另外文章中把禁區球員名單列出來一看,賽季中應該還是會有所調整或是交易變化吧?? 但換個角度說,萬一MB3又玻璃,Noel/Knox福袋開失敗,Duren長不夠快,今年的禁區就 會變得很可怕吧?! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pistons/M.1664044196.A.A83.html
LCT07: 推翻譯,禁區再怎樣可怕都會比去年好啦 09/25 06:57
blackorblue: 推翻譯好文 09/25 07:04
c27932589: 推翻譯 不過Noel不是福袋 他就是只有防守沒有進攻的替 09/25 08:44
c27932589: 補中鋒 確定是能穩定貢獻的 Konx則是3/4號 有沒有開成 09/25 08:44
c27932589: 都沒差 現在側翼人手已經很多了 禁區也是除非傷病不然 09/25 08:44
c27932589: 很夠 09/25 08:44
c27932589: 雖然Noel也是有傷病問題啦 09/25 08:46
tomlo: 最糟就是讓牛肉打回C, 四號位給Bey/livers/Key去打 09/25 11:48
tomlo: 真的這麼慘的時候Duren應該會直接擺上去吸經驗值了 09/25 11:48
stpmouse: 推翻譯 09/25 12:09
cd928: 感謝翻譯 09/25 12:13
LoMing1021: 推翻譯 如果Stewart 能轉打四號並成功轉成延伸四號會 09/25 12:40
LoMing1021: 更好 讓MB3或Duren搭配CC或Ivey 打擋拆 Stewart 可以 09/25 12:40
LoMing1021: 以協防跟外線為主 這樣也能清出空間避免在禁區當路障 09/25 12:40
blackorblue: 不減重他的橫移速度可能很難更快 但減了會不會連原 09/25 15:03
blackorblue: 本的禁區優勢都沒有了 09/25 15:03