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Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - Announcement Trailer (PEGI) http://youtu.be/7c3ppv_pVMw
http://aol.it/1pXHQsr Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition confirmed for Xbox One, PS4 Amazon is now accepting pre-orders for Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, an upgraded PlayStation 4 and Xbox One port of Square Enix's 2012 open-world action game. According to the Amazon listing, Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition bundles a copy of the game with over $85 worth of previously released DLC, similar to the release strategy adopted by this year's Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition pre-order customers will also receive a limited edition art book alongside a boxed retail copy. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition will launch on October 14. 二年前的遊戲睡狗也要出PS4跟XBOX ONE的版本 10/14發 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1407520600.A.2E1.html
yushia6666:看到影片瞬間有想買的衝動 仔細一看是真人= = 08/09 02:29
ojkou:樓上XD 08/09 22:07
allenz78:1F是反串?? XD 08/09 22:13
PTTfaggot:大家推這片嗎 剛好沒玩過 08/09 23:18
nonedude:格鬥很有趣 劇情老套 駕駛跟看門狗差不多爛 08/10 00:39
nonedude:如果純粹想當動作遊戲玩是還不錯 08/10 00:40
Ray1985:以往我對沙盒無愛 但是這款有射擊有動作 意外的讓我喜歡 08/10 01:38
ballby: 遊戲版無間道 地圖不夠大 喜歡GTA的火力全開 這片會不習慣 08/10 09:42
super1937: 出呼意料的不錯+1 重點在於功夫就是了XD 08/10 13:56
xbox1: 為什麼不放遊戲畫面 放真人拍攝影片做啥@@? 08/10 14:02