看板 PlayStation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2017年第35屆金搖桿獎得獎名單稍早在倫敦公佈,《薩爾達傳說: 曠野之息》、《地平線: 期待黎明》皆有亮眼表現。其中,Ultimate Game of the Year獎項由《薩爾達傳說: 曠野 之息》拿下,《地平線: 期待黎明》、《女神異聞錄5》則分別屈居二、三名。 Nintendo Game of the Year獎項則是《薩爾達傳說: 曠野之息》擊敗剛發售不久的《超級 瑪俐歐 奧德賽》;PlayStation Game of the Year獎項由被《尼爾: 自動人形》緊追在後 的《地平線: 期待黎明》拿下;Xbox Game of the Year獎項是讓《Cuphead》擊敗《戰爭機 器4》後取得。 Most Wanted Game獎項由《最後生還者二部曲》取得,《碧血狂殺2》、《死亡之絆》僅能 列於其後。 完整得獎名單如下: Best Storytelling: Horizon Zero Dawn Best Visual Design: Cuphead Best Audio: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild Best Gaming Performance: Ashly Burch – Horizon Zero Dawn Best Indie Game: Friday the 13th The Game Best Multiplayer Game: Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds Studio of the Year: Nintendo EPD eSports Play of the Year: Agilities’ five-man Dragonblade at Overwatch Contende rs eSports Team of the Year: Seoul Dynasty (formerly Lunatic-Hai) eSports Game of the Year: Overwatch Best Streamer/Broadcaster: Markiplier Handheld/Mobile Game of the year: Pokémon Sun and Moon Nintendo Game of the Year: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild PlayStation Game of the Year: Horizon Zero Dawn Xbox Game of the Year: Cuphead PC Game of the Year: Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds Critics’ Choice Award: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild Breakthrough Award: Ashly Burch Hall of Fame Award: Final Fantasy Most Wanted Game: The Last of Us Part II Still Playing: World of Tanks Outstanding Contribution to the UK Game Industry: Debbie Bestwick Lifetime Achievement: Sid Meier Ultimate Game of the Year: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild The Game Awards 2017入圍名單亦於日前公佈,得獎名單預定於12月7日在洛杉磯發表。 https://www.dualshockers.com/zelda-goty-golden-joystick-awards/ https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/155256.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1510991071.A.E00.html YoshiTilde:轉錄至看板 XBOX 11/18 15:45
vinex518: 過 11/18 15:45
aterui: 貓 11/18 15:47
destiny02: 好 11/18 15:54
sanmau: 吃 11/18 15:54
kuninaka: 我覺得這根本段譽 11/18 15:57
superRKO: 杯頭?! 11/18 16:14
imetalien: 什麼段譽,你在工蝦咪 11/18 16:22
holyhelm: 杯頭好猛 11/18 16:25
sx4152: 想吃炒過貓 11/18 16:29
Mitty5566: 荒野之息真神作 11/18 16:29
yuyuliu: 過譽了! (等等被肉搜 哭哭 11/18 16:39
yaiwuyi: 根本楊過段譽 11/18 16:49
maxpig: 無聊當有趣 11/18 16:53
ryu057: 地平線要是早一年的話…… 11/18 16:59
OscarShih: 過兒! 11/18 17:09
OscarShih: 金搖捍獎我不知道有沒有記錯OW也得過大獎 11/18 17:10
gundam778: ZZzzz... 11/18 17:11
ayubabbit: 去年是dark soul3....真意外... 11/18 17:37
people010203: 輸給過兒地平線不冤XD 11/18 17:48
zerrofighter: 前幾樓XD 11/18 17:50
ajiunn: 推文好笑 11/18 18:01
blackone979: 杯子頭當之無愧啊 全部都是靠手繪的 11/18 18:02
eric910005: overwatch欸 不是過氣? 11/18 18:11
marsdora: 過兒是啥小啦XDDDDD 11/18 18:16
mc3308321: 尼爾好可惜 11/18 18:21
sora7: 姑姑,我來了 11/18 19:12
s3864308: FF15哭哭喔 11/18 19:22
a8866442: 所以尼爾一個獎項都沒有? 11/18 19:47
Clinkz: 今年一定島 11/18 19:53
b7237987: 楊過段譽 XDD 11/18 20:25
Jiajun0724: 過譽 11/18 21:11
sean0212: 地平線成績不錯。想玩cuphead@@ 11/18 21:50
cdwater: 看來該去steam刷一波杯頭 11/19 00:34
gureen72: 戰爭機器4這3A作打輸杯子頭0.0 11/19 06:52
Kepic: 杯頭大推 11/19 09:13