看板 PlayStation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
youtube留言有神人找到隱藏訊息 播放速度用 0.25 倍,在預告片 1:39 重點懶人包: 遊戲準備好就會上市,請大家有耐心 可自創腳色、免費DLC、還有資料片,沒有微交易 "It’s been over 2077 days since we announced our plan to develop Cyberpunk 2077. We released a CGI trailer, gave some interviews and… went dark. Normal procedure for these kinds of things — you announce a game and then shut up, roll up your sleeves and get to work. We wanted to give you the Witcher 3 and both expansions first, which is why this period of staying silent was longer than we planned. Sorry for that. As soon as we concluded work on Blood and Wine, we were able to go full speed ahead with CP2077’s pre-production. But we chose to remain silent. Why? At some point we made the decisions to resume talking about the game when we have something to show. Something meaningful and substantial. This is because we do realize you’ve been impatiently waiting for a very long time, and we wouldn’t like anyone to feel that we’re taking this for granted. On the contrary — it gives us a lot of extra motivation. The hype is real, so the sweat and tears need to be real, too :) But to the point. Today is the day. If you’re seeing this, it means you saw the trailer. - our vision for Cyberpunk, an alternative version of the future where America is in pieces, megacorporations control all aspects of civilized life, and gangs rule the rest. And, while this world is full of adrenaline, don’t let the car chases and guns mislead you. Cyberpunk 2077 is a true single player, story-driven RPG. You’ll be able to create your own character and… well, you’ll get to know the rest of what show at our booth at E3. Be on the lookout for the previews! Before we finish, you probably have some questions, When? When we told you we would only release the game when it’s ready, we meant it. We’re definitely much closer to a release date than we were back then ;) but it’s still not the time to confirm anything, so patience is still required. Quality is the only thing that drives us. It’s the beauty of being an independent studio and your own publisher. How big? Seriously big, but… to be honest, we have no bloody clue at this point in time. Once we put it all together, we will openly tell you what you can expect. And we promise we’ll do this before we start talking about pre-orders or ask anything of you. Free DLC/Expansions/DRM Expect nothing less than you got with The Witcher 3. As for DRM, CP2077, will be 100% DRM-free on PC. Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts? Once again, thank you for your patience. If you have a minute, do visit cyberpunk.net and share your opinion (about anything) with us. We read everything you posted we treat it very seriously. Yours, CD PROJEKT RED Team -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1528726413.A.FC3.html ※ 編輯: kuninaka (, 06/11/2018 22:13:50
PioneerA12J: 佛心公司 06/11 22:15
sanpo0108: CD PRO2 06/11 22:15
kuninaka:轉錄至看板 RealPlaying 06/11 22:15 kuninaka:轉錄至看板 Steam 06/11 22:15
hoe1101: 微交易是啥意思? 06/11 22:16
用真錢買遊戲內的道具 例如刺客教條內建商常,可以買裝備
Nevar: 課金內容 06/11 22:18
※ 編輯: kuninaka (, 06/11/2018 22:18:43
blaz: 就是沒有商城 06/11 22:18
※ 編輯: kuninaka (, 06/11/2018 22:19:14
Hrzon: ╰(⊙-⊙)╮佛心公司╭(⊙-⊙)╯佛心公司 06/11 22:19
blaz: 看到可自創角色就穩了,哈嘶 06/11 22:20
sx4152: 靠邀 就閃一下而已 06/11 22:20
ksng1092: 微交易就是買石頭的意思(?) 06/11 22:20
madeinjason: 沒有鯊魚卡 06/11 22:23
s425247: 在單人RPG裡面有微交易?你是瘋了嗎?笑死XDDD 06/11 22:24
hoe1101: 原來是花$$買遊戲內道具的意思? 06/11 22:24
hoe1101: 其實蠻多JRPG都有這種商品吧,TO跟軌跡我記得都有賣 06/11 22:25
TO有,就另外買藥水等等 ※ 編輯: kuninaka (, 06/11/2018 22:25:36
ksng1092: 其實有單人RPG在遊戲內做了花錢轉蛋的機制,只是並非花 06/11 22:26
ksng1092: 真實世界的錢XD 06/11 22:26
kuninaka: 什麼blade的嘛 我還沒破關XD 06/11 22:27
chris3381: 我比較想知道 這款有FPS元素嗎? 06/11 22:29
saulong: 獸人模擬器2表示:你是不是看不起我? 06/11 22:30
sunlockfire: 單人rpg有微交易的不少唷,像那個光明之響 06/11 22:34
JuanWang: 單人微交易本來就有了 有些人就喜歡用金錢換時間 06/11 22:36
widec: 靠北 這彩蛋有夠cyberpunk作風 06/11 22:41
s425247: 嗯...其實我講的那段是翻譯自隱藏內容裡的 他們是在嘴微 06/11 22:41
s425247: 交易吧XD 06/11 22:41
s425247: Microtransactions? 06/11 22:42
s425247: In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts? 06/11 22:42
Wimi1115: 我等得好苦 06/11 22:43
kuninaka:轉錄至看板 C_Chat 06/11 22:47
scenes: 這款目前就影片而己 實際內容再等吧 06/11 22:51
benyee1111: 這也有人發現好猛 我用0.25x空白鍵連擊才看到 06/11 23:13
JayWn: 有用0.25+空白連打看了 不過不明白彩蛋是啥 求解 06/11 23:18
edge723: 什麼都可以塞微交易ㄚ 沒什麼不可能的 吃定有人會買單的 06/11 23:18
cgjosephlee: 為什麼要強調100% DRM-free on PC? 06/11 23:23
ksng1092: 因為PC玩家其實會在意有沒有DRM 06/11 23:24
kuninaka: DRM-FREE代表你不用開什麼平台直接點EXE就能玩 06/11 23:25
a80055power: 窮學生才會在意 06/11 23:25
kuninaka: 網路不開也可以玩 06/11 23:25
kuninaka: 公司倒掉也能玩 06/11 23:25
ksng1092: 不,有時候DRM會造成FPS下降XD 06/11 23:26
ksng1092: 在意FPS的人是很多的 06/11 23:26
ksng1092: 這個角度跟是不是窮學生沒什麼關係的 06/11 23:27
e04su3no: 這家一直是反DRM的 06/11 23:27
e04su3no: 而且也代表不用被平臺綁架 06/11 23:28
freeblade: 前面被駭客一段出現好幾排CDKEY 都是真的能換巫師3 超 06/11 23:29
freeblade: 猛 現在當然已經被換完了 06/11 23:30
Jiajun0724: 乾窮什麼事.. 06/11 23:30
freeblade: 盤子才會單機遊戲還花真錢買道具 06/11 23:31
yoseii: TO 還可以花錢買升級勒…玩到最後懶惰直接灌到滿級殺過去 06/12 00:01
simon0529: 反觀某E 某Ronnie 06/12 07:52
uf1276: 覺得很有可能是FPS耶 06/12 10:19