看板 PlayStation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《swallow753 (下午茶)》之銘言: : 來源:http://tinyurl.com/y6m8yc2u : 34個獎杯。1白金,4金,11銀和18銅 : 主要是收集類,學習技能類,和擊敗Boss類獎杯。 : Platinum - Sekiro - All trophies have been unlocked. : Gold - Man Without Equal - Defeated all bosses : Gold - Ashina Traveler - Traveled to all areas of the game : Gold - Master of the Prosthetic - Upgraded all Prosthetic Tools to their limit : Gold - Height of Technique - Acquired all skills : Silver - All Prosthetic Tools - Acquired all Prosthetic Tools : Silver - All Ninjutsu Techniques - Acquired all Ninjutsu Techniques : Silver - Peak Physical Strength - Upgraded Vitality and Posture to their limit : Silver - Ultimate Healing Gourd - Fully upgraded the "Healing Gourd" : Silver - Immortal Severance - Attained the "Immortal Severance" ending : Silver - Purification - Attained the "Purification" ending : Silver - Dragon's Homecoming - Attained the "Return" ending : Silver - Shura - Attained the "Shura" ending : Silver - Sword Saint, Isshin Ashina - Defeated "Sword Saint Isshin Ashina" : Silver - Master of the Arts - Grasped the inner mysteries of any combat style : Silver - Lazuline Upgrade - Used Lapis Lazuli to upgrade any tool to its limit : Bronze - Revered Blade - Received the "Kusabimaru" from Kuro : Bronze - Shinobi Prosthetic - Acquired the Shinobi Prosthetic : Bronze - Memorial Mob - Encountered the Memorial Mob : Bronze - Resurrection - Returned from the dead using "Resurrection" for the : first time : Bronze - Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa - Defeated "Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa" : Bronze - The Phantom Lady Butterfly - Defeated "Lady Butterfly" : Bronze - Genichiro Ashina - Defeated "Genichiro Ashina" : Bronze - Guardian Ape - Defeated the "Guardian Ape" : Bronze - Guardian Ape Immortality Severed - Used the Mortal Blade to sever : the Guardian Ape's undying : Bronze - Folding Screen Monkeys - Caught the Folding Screen Monkeys : Bronze - Great Shinobi - Owl - Defeated "Great Shinobi - Owl" : Bronze - Father Surpassed - Defeated "Great Shinobi - Owl" at the Hirata : Estate : Bronze - Corrupted Monk - Defeated the "Corrupted Monk" : Bronze - Gracious Gift of Tears - Defeated the "Divine Dragon" and obtained : the "Divine Dragon's Tears" : Bronze - Isshin Ashina - Defeated "Isshin Ashina" : Bronze - Demon of Hatred - Defeated the "Demon of Hatred" : Bronze - Great Serpent - Defeated the "Great Serpent". : Bronze - Great Colored Car - Defeated the "Great Colored Carp". (可能有雷) 獎杯網站有圖出來了,獎杯設計很像木雕,非常精緻! 算了一下,有獎杯的boss是12隻 其中獅子猿有無斷頭分成兩個獎杯 提前打倒大忍び梟的話也有一個獎杯 葦名一心有分普通版(銅杯)和劍聖版(銀杯),應該可以當成兩個boss -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1552652187.A.430.html
Cycarchitect: 普通和劍聖...有種路德維希的既視感 03/15 20:29
Cycarchitect: 現在只希望重複打的Boss動作別一樣 03/15 20:30
shanSY: 樓上你覺得英高有這麼仁慈麻 03/15 20:40
icedeek: 名字一樣但是動作不一樣的Boss?我懂!你一定是在講被盾 03/15 22:17
icedeek: 反到變智障的那位 03/15 22:17
seki8864731: 堅持不盾反的我則像個大鐵球到處亂滾 03/15 22:40
darkdeus: 盾反老師XD 03/15 23:48
richterx: 古達嗎 03/16 00:33
XtinaGrimmie: 古達真的是桃李滿天下,每個有破關的都有被他教導過 03/16 00:51
XtinaGrimmie: 呢 03/16 00:51