看板 PlayStation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
苦戰通關絕地模式,竟然只有0.02%的玩家拿到,不能聆聽、沒有警示聲、物資稀少、敵人瞄得又快又準,幾次遭遇戰子彈耗盡被迫潛行跳過,到了最後蛇幫是整部裡面裝備最齊全不太能爆頭,堡壘採防禦工事佈陣,感染者全部放出來才攻得進去,花了最多時間。 而子彈不夠的狀況下不得不善用人質,功用很多: 挾持住人質拖到暗處解決 等同伴抓另外一個同時下手 一顆子彈雙殺 撤退到有利地點 劇情部分,終於看懂艾莉日記一直講的鐵鏽味是什麼,原本以為是殺喬爾的高爾夫球杆,一查發現那是血味,喬遇害的連結氣味(偏偏每殺一個人就要聞一次) 從聖塔巴巴拉日記得知,艾莉覺得自己不復仇也無法給家人完整的自己,要復仇才能恢復完整的生命,她不確定這是遺憾還是恥辱,總之就是過不去,所以她的確是無法留在農莊過安逸日子,未竟之事尚未完成吃不好也睡不好。 這次我在海灘試著目送讓艾比和列夫去坐船,甚至往回走,可惜這不是一個選項,要是有隱藏結局多好。 http://i.imgur.com/KMIyrNo.jpg
打到艾比求饒,未獲光明先遇仇敵 http://i.imgur.com/ZkvU0I1.jpg
回到了農莊看著空蕩蕩的房子, 再次確認艾莉的表情是釋懷的, 經過這趟旅程雖然受傷殘缺,她心裡卻是圓滿的,她找回妻兒也是時間早晚。 Future days這首歌非常適合她跟喬的關係,絕對模式全破放映的是喬演唱版: If I ever were to lose you I'd surely lose myself Everything I have found here I've not found by myself Try and sometimes you'll succeed To make this man of me All of my stolen missing parts I've no need for anymore I believe And I believe 'cause I can see Our future days Days of you and me Back when I was feeling broken I focused on a prayer You came deep as the ocean It's something something out there here All the complexities and games No one wins, but somehow, they still play All the missing crooked hearts They may die, but in us they live on I believe And I believe 'cause I can see Our future days Days of you and me When hurricanes and cyclones rage When wind turned dirt to dust When floods they came or tides they raised ever Closer became us All the promises at sundown I meant them like the rest All the demons used to come around I'm grateful now they've left So persistent in my ways, Here a angel, lying here to stay No resistance, no alarms, please this is just too good to be gone I believe And I believe 'cause I can see Our future days Days of you and me You and me It's you and me ----- Sent from JPTT on my HTC Desire 19+. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PlayStation/M.1600149525.A.B6F.html
johnx: 補助功能全開,難低降低不少。(跟作弊功能(無限彈)無關) 09/15 14:01
johnx: 最難關大概就是艾莉的回憶跟艾比的醫院。 09/15 14:01
alohac: 厲害 09/15 14:02
tacoux: 無視劇情的硬漢玩家,可惜沒人關心 09/15 14:09
loveyourself: 絕地超痛苦.. 09/15 14:13
setsunabs: 我也過了,絕地模式才是真正好玩,誠摯認為此遊戲只須 09/15 14:35
setsunabs: 絕地模式一個難度即可 09/15 14:35
setsunabs: 過關獎盃: 09/15 14:38
setsunabs: https://psnprofiles.com/Xenochaos3 09/15 14:39
setsunabs: 而Outlast2 絕命精神病院2的瘋狂模式又比最2的絕地模式 09/15 14:49
setsunabs: 再難個5倍左右,因全程續熟記所有怪所有攻略法,容錯率 09/15 14:49
setsunabs: 超超超極低,無檢查點,一死全重新 09/15 14:50
willie7878: 沒人關心?阿你這不就來關心了嗎 09/15 15:30
willie7878: 口嫌體正直lol 09/15 15:30
rodion: 想嘗試 但感覺很難(很花時間)阿 09/15 15:41
BigSnowgray: 猛! 09/15 16:09
mogli: 覺得絕地的好處是你會更欣賞關卡的設計 掩蔽物 牆壁裂縫 草 09/15 17:00
mogli: 低水 皆為己所用 會需要將環境利用到最大 09/15 17:00
ofender: 推 09/15 17:14
setsunabs: 一個原理:越難過越爽,越易過無感 09/15 17:27
SouKazuho: 感謝分享,這難度真的不簡單!Joel版Future Days和Elli 09/15 18:24
SouKazuho: e完整版Through The Valley都很值得一聽! 09/15 18:24
Giantpanda: 推一個 09/15 18:47
coaxa: 我過完一條命的現在還在恢復期 絕地看起來真的是太可怕 09/15 18:55
alvis000: 但最後還是沒復仇 推原po強大 09/15 19:04
smarmot: 要復仇可以接著玩復仇者聯盟 09/15 20:28
Kust: 這毅力只能推了 09/15 20:47
chocoboex: 太強了 09/15 20:55
Sk8erBoi: 09/15 23:57
storyofwind: 何苦崩潰到空白噓XD 09/16 00:18
oct63227: 太強了推個 09/16 00:24
BlueIshida: 太強大 手殘黨完全不敢碰絕地XD 09/16 01:15
aipod: 我好像把生還者模式當絕地模式在玩… 09/17 12:38
dslamf: 玩完只覺得心靈得到昇華 09/18 08:20