看板 PokemonGO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
出處:官方臉書/Blog https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/willowreport-loomingshadow/ https://i.imgur.com/rs8TWWr.jpg
[Willow Report] A shadowy sierra 【維羅博士的調查報告】暗影幢幢的山脈(Sierra=席亞拉) Work continues to move forward on tracking Team GO Rocket. I’ve observed Blanche having a renewed sense of motivation as we improved upon the Rocket Radar prototype. Unfortunately, we had some...unexpected testing by our rambunctious Team Instinct Leader, Spark. 追尋火箭隊的工作持續進行。隨著火箭隊雷達原型機性能持續改進,我觀察到 Blanche又散發出新的活力。不幸的是,我們莽撞的黃隊隊長Spark帶給我們一 次意料之外的測試... After his unauthorized testing, and a bit of reprimanding, Spark shared with me yet another unexpected encounter. He had ventured out on his own with the malfunctioning Rocket Radar that Blanche had been working on. He was concerned that since Team GO Rocket was stealing from Pok嬛tops, that also meant they were taking the Eggs as well. Worried that they might hatch the Eggs and turn those Pok幦on into Shadow Pok幦on too, so he was determind to save as many Eggs as he could before Team GO Rocket got to them. 在他亂沖沖測試,與我的一頓說教後,Spark與我分享了又一次意料之外的遭遇。 Spark帶著Blanche還在研究改良的火箭隊雷達原型機自己一人出門去冒險。他 推論要是火箭隊從補給站偷搬東西,那寶貝蛋也會被偷走。擔心火箭隊可能會 孵出神奇寶貝然後把牠們變成暗影寶可夢,Spark決心要盡一切努力保全越多 寶貝蛋越好,必須搶在火箭隊之前做到這點。 Even more concerning, he confirmed that he had a face-to-face with the woman in the decrypted images: Sierra. He told me that after he saved a few Eggs, Sierra appeared and mocked his rescue mission, which only riled Spark up further. He challenged her to a battle, however, his impulsiveness had gotten the best of him. His natural instinct to go out and protect these Eggs also left him completely unprepared to battle. Sierra noticed he had no PokBalls and dismissed Spark’s challenge, saying not to waste her time as she disappeared into the shadows. 更讓我憂心的是,Spark證實他與神祕檔案照中的女性「席亞拉=Sierra」有了面對面 接觸。他說在收起幾顆寶貝蛋之後,Sierra出現並嘲笑了他的拯救任務,這可讓 Spark整個爆發起來。Spark向Sierra發起挑戰,但是他衝動的本性蓋住所有的念頭, 只想要保護寶貝蛋的直覺也讓他完全沒做好戰鬥的準備。Sierra注意到Sprak根本沒 帶寶可夢夥伴在身邊,直接忽視他的叫陣。Sierra告訴Sprak她不想浪費自己的時間, 然後隱入陰影之中消失不見。 Spark told me that Sierra’s presence seemed different from the Grunts he’d encountered. He wasn’t intimidated by Team GO Rocket Grunts, but he felt small in Sierra’s presence. The way she spoke and moved gave off a sense that she had years of experience and training that outmatched his own. It appears as if Team GO Rocket has some formidable leaders after all. Spark說Sierra的存在感完全不同於火箭隊的小混混。火箭隊小混混在Spark眼中 啥都不是,但Sierra卻讓他感到自己很渺小。Sierra說話的口氣與姿態,發出一股 遠多過Spark自身經驗、訓練的氣勢。看來,火箭隊還是有不容小覷的領袖人物在。 Spark returned the Rocket Radar, which was still malfunctioning after Blanche’s adjustments. Blanche was obviously not amused by the adventures of a fellow team leader, but realized his use of the prototype provided additional insights into what could be causing the malfunction. Spark歸還了火箭隊雷達,即使Blanche調整後,這玩意兒還是持續故障。Blanche 很顯然對於Spark這番胡搞瞎搞相當不認同,但Spark這樣亂用原型機也提供一些 原型機為何會故障的線索。 The two began working together to find the source of the issue. Since our team leaders have unique strengths (and weaknesses), I believe collaboration will be the key to our success. 兩位隊長開始攜手合作,好解開這個難題,既然我們的隊長們都有各自的強項與弱點 我相信合作會是成功的關鍵。 官方廢文再一發,分享完畢。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PokemonGO/M.1572358095.A.195.html
LeonKuo: 果然還是要靠我們紅隊XD10/29 22:12
chuchushe: 還是靠我們紅隊吧 ww 10/29 22:13
Yatagarasu: 這些人到底怎麼當上隊長的... 10/29 22:16
biglp5566: 還不是靠兄弟10/29 22:17
horseorange: 火箭隊靠走路孵蛋取得暗影寶可夢 這啥畫面XDDD10/29 22:17
susaku: 呃..究竟該不該期待我們紅隊隊長呢? 還是說...10/29 22:20
Yatagarasu: 火箭隊應該是用搖步機(X 10/29 22:20
laker7634: 看來只能靠我們大紅隊了10/29 22:21
asd245438: 籃隊→站著不動,黃隊→忘記帶PM,紅隊→???10/29 22:22
kcl0801: 我紅隊我驕傲 10/29 22:23
biglp5566: @Yatagarasu 現在沒人用搖步機了...10/29 22:24
mouse711217: 紅隊萬歲10/29 22:28
AppleApe: 很期待紅隊隊長會如何搞事10/29 22:42
Rplus: 推推10/29 22:48
guardian128: 正10/29 22:49
intointo: 紅隊隊長:看我的 哼~10/29 22:49
promise2003: 果然還是要靠我們紅隊 我紅隊我驕傲10/29 22:53
seity: 忘記帶PM...黃隊你還是自盡吧10/29 22:53
StarFox0910: 果然要靠我們大紅隊.....嗎?10/29 23:06
mimocat: 紅隊隊長被打回來向博士哭訴?10/29 23:08
iwanttosleep: 隊長你怎麼會忘記帶寶可夢出門啦QAQ10/29 23:09
ice2240580: 隊長一個比一個雷 雷到爆炸 你沒帶寶可你要先講 10/29 23:11
b99202071: 馬的黃隊隊長是智障喔 沒帶怪到處跑10/29 23:20
aquariuschi: 史帕克你醉了嗎 沒帶怪是要單挑身體健康的嗎 10/29 23:24
apple7685: 我紅我驕傲QQ 10/29 23:25
miner1512: Ara Ara10/29 23:25
Rplus: 沒帶寶貝球才能回來放話:要不是我沒帶球,我肯定XX!@#!10/29 23:25
dromor: 還是要靠我大紅隊10/29 23:27
WASIJLA: 要合作,會不會是火箭隊團體戰? 10/29 23:53
RedDracula: 可惜紅隊隊員大部分都老智老霞10/30 00:14
yeng1217: 紅隊隊長會不會是烙賽呢?10/30 00:14
james921736: 果然只有紅隊行 10/30 00:16
qoopichu: 你們真的要指望一個PvP派出三隻有共同弱點怪的傢伙...?10/30 00:20
zcbmaa: 派出你的大岩蛇阿~10/30 00:22
BaRanKa: 就是要靠我們大紅隊了10/30 00:36
BaRanKa: 藍隊的老智霞總數還是比紅黃多吧10/30 00:38
WMQ: 我黃隊隊長居然帶了帶怪@@" 有沒有這麼蠢的...10/30 00:39
qoopichu: 藍隊隊名弱智隊,不要對隊員有太多期待10/30 00:40
EAsoN1123: 不專業的隊長們10/30 00:47
UnderMoon: 黃隊你看看你10/30 01:00
Lydia66: 黃隊隊長的人設是這樣鬧的嗎www10/30 01:18
Lydia66: 算了不管了我還是覺得他蠻可愛的www10/30 01:19
bottiryo: https://i.imgur.com/JNsOcsD.jpg10/30 01:55
HsuTW: Spark說不定脫下來比怪力還壯? 10/30 02:06
Nishikino252: 紅隊隊長睡過頭10/30 04:14
coffeeman: Spark本來就比怪力壯啊!這不是「說不定」,而是「已 10/30 04:24
coffeeman: 經確定」的事了 ~~ 10/30 04:24
keroro484: 隊長的人設開始崩壞了w10/30 04:37
igtenos1985: 忘記帶???10/30 06:22
GNT0000: 在那個世界觀身為隊長出門還能不帶的嗎w10/30 06:43
AAaaron: 富堅? 10/30 07:06
frogcty: 我紅隊我傲驕10/30 07:14
yenchieh1102: \勇武隊/\勇武隊/\勇武隊/10/30 07:39
bleach00: 還有ㄧ篇廢文之後 老大就會登場了 續等 10/30 07:43
ltflame: 哪有訓練家不帶寶可夢出門的...這次設定很怪10/30 07:46
cutejoanna: 搖步機前陣子安卓才復活,我們這很多10/30 08:03
cutejoanna: 很高興的繼續搖10/30 08:04
vandervaal: 黃隊隊長會不會在這次挫敗之後體會到人類是有極限的10/30 08:38
vandervaal: 然後戴上某個面具自己下去打(誤),配音也變成子安武人10/30 08:38
antinua: 紅隊才是王牌,不能太早拿出來。10/30 08:39
drump: 這些人到底怎麼當上隊長XD 期待紅隊隊長反應10/30 08:49
howwhy: 果然只能靠武勇隊了XD10/30 08:56
raiyu: 黃隊想換隊了…………= =10/30 09:11
yeng1217: 隊長大概都是老馬屬性的吧10/30 09:19
Iruvata: 史帕克可能以爲他的寶可夢是米奇妙妙屋的土豆隨喊隨到吧10/30 09:38
henrylee0410: 紅隊隊長睡過頭 MingLee 10/30 09:46
vO3Oy: \我紅隊我驕傲/10/30 09:51
bonarno1: 我大黃隊隊長竟然是個腦衝智障Orz... 10/30 10:00
k97231: 黃隊隊長只在意他的寶貝蛋 10/30 10:26
LeonKuo: 特地去查 好像設定隊長各自專精研究 紅對戰 藍進化 黃孵10/30 10:27
LeonKuo: 化 理論上紅隊長比較善戰 希望不要被用來幫火箭隊抬轎QQ10/30 10:27
goldseed: 那我們黃隊怎麼沒有孵蛋加成 隊長指導不力喔~10/30 11:02
qqq87112: 喔喔拖台前 10/30 11:31
ivery2266: 黃隊隊長是?10/30 11:34
wiork: 黃隊隊長:嘿嘿,想不到吧~10/30 11:53
LeoKA: 槓Spark哩北七喔! 10/30 12:15
saintsmw: 隊長被無視,我被小混混教訓好幾次,造反啦~~10/30 12:15
susaku: 原來如此 那黃隊長不帶寶可夢就合理多了 只帶蛋嘛XD10/30 12:23
intointo: 黃隊長 : 孵出來就能打10/30 12:49
※ 編輯: hsupohsiang ( 臺灣), 10/30/2019 14:20:23
Kissess: 好好笑我黃隊隊長是傻 10/30 15:15
yasopp: 欸欸欸,你是隊長,不是飼育屋的老闆耶 10/30 15:24
ice2240580: 嘻嘻 黃隊長不現場孵二顆蛋出來打嗎 10/30 15:52
kcl0801: N社給黃隊隊長這種設定 難怪黃隊最少人.... 10/30 16:43
yaieki: 黃隊隊長是腦衝笨蛋... 10/30 17:39
questionboy: 誰說沒帶怪不能單挑 搞不好黃隊有貓科無敵時間 10/30 18:03
fyxt: Spark: 等等 我先走個幾公里之後再跟你打 10/30 19:39
qoopichu: Spark:我還以為在找到祕密基地前就會孵出來了,誰想到 10/30 21:13
qoopichu: 火箭隊的基地這麼ㄊㄇㄉ好找... 10/30 21:14
leila62kyoko: Spark:要不是我今天沒帶球! 10/30 22:48
qoopichu: 樓上這句用英文講好像滿丟臉的,尤其對手還是女性 XD 10/30 23:00
qqq87112: spark:我用剛孵出來怪跟你打啦讓你 10/30 23:13
kobolin: 黃隊圖騰閃電鳥 很雷也是剛好而已 10/30 23:51
o07608: 紅隊故事出來了XD 10/31 17:37
leila62kyoko: 啊啊啊啊啊我沒有雙關(艸) 11/01 19:54
UrPlAmVes17: 沒有人覺得席亞拉很正嗎 11/02 09:20
lbowlbow: 打從一開始就知道隊長是笨蛋了(溫馨) 11/05 13:12