看板 PokemonGO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
出處:官方blog https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/willowreport-loomingshadow/ https://i.imgur.com/rfZQzm7.jpg
[Willow Report] A Valor recruit no more 維羅博士的調查報告:武勇隊之不再是隊友 After all the commotion, we regrouped as a team. Blanche and Spark focused their talents on the prototype, while Candela was unfocused and frenetic. She was pacing, spinning in chairs, and sighing constantly. In hopes to get her working together with the team, I stopped her and requested she join me in scoping out a nearby field frequented by Ponyta. My purpose was to get her out of the lab and find a way to channel her fiery energy into the task at hand. 幾場騷動之後,我們又聚集在一起,像支隊伍。Blanche和Spark認真投入在原型機開發 上,而Candela卻有點心不在焉略帶緊張。她來回踱步,在旋轉椅上放空,不斷地嘆氣。 為了讓她也替團隊目標盡份力,我叫住她,請她跟我一起到附近小火馬經常出現的空地 看看。我的目的是讓她離開實驗室到外頭走走,同時想辦法讓她把心思轉回到手邊的 任務上。 We spoke frankly on our way over to the field. I told her that I had noticed a distinct change in her behavior and mood ever since I had decrypted the images of the Team GO Rocket Leaders. She spoke in her typical passionate and animated way by quickly jumping from one topic to another, but I was able to catchthe following facts. 在路途上,我們有了段坦誠的對話。我告訴她,我注意到當火箭隊隊長的照片被解析完 成後,她就開始表現得怪怪的。她一如往常的手舞足蹈且滔滔不絕的一個話題接著一個 講個不停。但我還是有拼湊出一些有用的訊息。 Candela used to be close friends with one of the Team GO Rocket Leaders- Arlo. They had been a part of Team Valor together. He left suddenly after she became the Team Valor Leader, but there seems to be more to this story. She hadn’t seen him or heard from him until she saw the unencrypted photo. She has no idea how someone she had known so well could go and join an organization like Team GO Rocket. Her emotions and passion usually helped her in tough situations, but this time, she said it felt like they weighed her down. She wanted to run out the door because she wanted to do something— she wanted to help. Candela曾經與火箭隊隊長Arlo是相當好的朋友,也都是武勇隊隊員。但是,Arlo在 Candela升任武勇隊隊長後不告而別,這故事應該還有更多內幕。Candela從那之後一直 沒有聽過或看到Arlo的消息,直到最近我們破解了火箭隊隊長的照片。對於自己如此 熟悉的人為什麼會轉投火箭隊,她完全沒有頭緒。Candela的情感與熱情通常可以在 困境中幫助她,但這一次,她覺得自己被自己的情感與熱情給壓得喘不過氣來。 她只想著衝到外頭做點甚麼,她想幫上忙。 I told her about what happened with Blanche and Spark earlier this week. Blanche, whose logic and careful planning was usually a strength, ended up overthinking the situation and not being able to make an executive decision when facing off against Cliff. Spark, whose boldness and gut feelings usually help him out in a pinch, ended up entirely unprepared against Sierra when he acted instinctively to go and protect Pokemon. I told her that making mistakes was OK—and in fact is what’s motivating Spark and Blanche now to work even harder toward finding these Team GO Rocket Leaders and defeating them. What ultimately matters is learning to overcome weaknesses. When in doubt, you can lean on others for support. 我告訴她這禮拜發生在Blanche與Spark身上的事。總是理性、謹慎、小心規劃一切的 Blanche,最後竟然把事情想得太複雜,面對面遇上Cliff時只能呆立在原地。相信直覺 、大膽的Spark,以往總是因此逆轉危機,但遇上Sierra時,一心只想著要保護寶可夢 的他也是束手無策。我告訴Candela,犯錯沒關係,事實上就是因為犯了錯,Blanche與 Spark現在才更努力地想要找到火箭隊隊長並打敗他們。最重要是,「學會克服弱點」。 當有不安疑惑時,妳可以尋求別人的幫助。 As we arrived at our destination, we took a moment to take in our surroundings. Suddenly, Candela fell silent. I looked to see where her eyes had landed. Across the field was a large group of Shadow Pokemon and, in the center, Arlo. I was impressed by the Team Valor Leader, taking a calm approach to something that would normally cause her to rush into battle. This wasn’t the time to take on Arlo and his Shadow Pokemon, and we were fiercely outnumbered. We needed to regroup with the team, check on the progress of the Rocket Radar, and truly prep for whatever they were planning next. With a quick glance and a nod, we returned to the lab seemingly unseen. 當抵達目的地時,我們好好的觀察了一下四周情勢。突然間,Candela聲息全無。 我順著她的目光望過去,在這片空地的另一頭,原來是一大群暗影寶可夢,而Arlo 就站在中央。看到武勇隊隊長如此沉著的面對這情況,我感到十分驚訝,一般來說 她早就衝上前去發出挑戰了。我倆寡不敵眾,現在不是迎戰Arlo和這一大群暗影寶可夢 的時候。我們該做的是重整態勢,確認好火箭隊雷達的狀態,然後做好迎擊火箭隊的 準備。一個眼神交換後,我們悄悄的退回原路,在沒被發現的情況下回到實驗室。 Candela responded to my feedback quickly. I tasked her with helping me review the amazing research our Trainers around the world have been submitting in hopes of finding any leads to a solution. Almost immediately Candela realized that our Trainers were the key—their work collecting Mysterious Components combined with our research is what will perfect the prototype! She joined the others to work on the prototype, and within minutes, her suggestions caused a frenzy of activity as the three made unbelievable progress on the Rocket Radar, now seeming to function without error. Candela很快的回應了我的請求。我要她幫忙我一起分析世界各地寶可夢訓練家提供的 研究報告,希望找到線索。突然間,Candela頓悟到一點「訓練家就是關鍵」, 各地訓練家蒐集的神秘零件,加上我們的研究就能讓火箭隊雷達的研發大功告成! Candela轉向Blanche和Spark,不一會兒,她提出的調整建議就讓雷達飛快的運轉了起來 ,三位隊長取得了不可思議的成功,火箭隊雷達看來已經正常運作了。 Their collaboration and combination of unique skills created the perfect balance. I love it when I’m right. 隊長們各自獨特的能力,與彼此間的合作創造了完美的平衡。 知道自己沒看錯的感覺真是太棒了。 官方廢文(這次好像加了點曖昧?)分享 PS.我有幫忙收集到什麼零件嗎?(歪頭) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PokemonGO/M.1572515035.A.823.html
o07608: 還不是靠我們 10/31 17:46
Yatagarasu: 隊長(X 吉祥物(O 10/31 17:47
saintsmw: 抓到了,白白胖胖的背骨肥宅 10/31 17:48
wildseven: 風影也加入火箭隊? 10/31 17:52
pepsilee: 結論:三個隊長都孬孬der 10/31 17:53
guardian128: 紅隊!!!!!! 10/31 17:54
saintsmw: 愛羅自稱時,就會變成風影我愛羅 10/31 17:55
NuevaMendoza: spark總是能逆轉危機?! 10/31 17:56
redmib: Gaara~ 10/31 17:58
redmib: https://i.imgur.com/WFr5Sh9.jpg 10/31 18:01
crazedog: 那些說「你紅」的都去哪了呢 10/31 18:15
SlamKai: 還是我紅隊長冷靜多了 沒想到對手是紅隊叛徒 10/31 18:18
b99202071: 都是官方推出轉隊徽章害DER 10/31 18:19
wdg1e56: Hail Rocket 10/31 18:19
ronove27: 我還以為紅隊隊長要叛變了(? 10/31 18:22
newspikachu: 以為紅隊隊長正式加入火箭隊,以後看到紅色就打(誤) 10/31 18:25
james921736: 我還以為紅隊要跟著隊長叛變了 10/31 18:26
james921736: 害我興奮了一下 10/31 18:27
ya0380: 叛變個屁啦,不告而別搞不好是被走人 10/31 18:39
ya0380: 今天又被離職的我,真的這麼認為 QQ 10/31 18:41
lover19: 不愧是紅隊太厲害了 10/31 18:44
ya0380: 媽的三個月內四度被離職,有沒這麼扯 10/31 18:47
ceendy: 紅隊隊長好讚,我紅我驕傲 10/31 19:11
bmw3633: 紅隊隊長:我隊中出叛徒 10/31 19:16
SlamKai: 此處必有本 10/31 19:17
UnderMoon: 不愧是我們紅隊隊...咦 10/31 19:18
yaieki: 看標題以為紅隊要背叛然後加入火箭隊了 10/31 19:18
LeonKuo: 簡單說Candela跟Arlo最後升Candela當隊長,Arlo輸不起跑 10/31 19:47
LeonKuo: 去投靠火箭隊嘛,Arlo根本火箭隊李嚴 10/31 19:47
SkySwimmer: 李嚴wwwwww 10/31 19:53
SlamKai: 醬汁呢 10/31 20:00
BaRanKa: 可以加入火箭隊嗎 快開放 10/31 20:10
StarFox0910: 果然還是我大紅隊長冷靜沉著 10/31 21:03
zkow5566: 都升一堆廢物當隊長 當然烙跑 10/31 21:39
fddk: 覺得關鍵字:小火馬、雷達完成 10/31 21:56
airwaves06: 果然還是要靠我大紅隊隊長的智慧 10/31 22:26
※ 編輯: hsupohsiang ( 臺灣), 10/31/2019 23:13:12
kobolin: 我紅我驕傲 10/31 23:07
qwaqwa2007: 我紅我驕傲 11/01 01:23
Withinout: 隊長中的隊長 11/01 03:35
ckuyar: 還不是靠我們 XDDD 11/01 04:56
lemon81824: 會派出守鶴嗎 11/01 08:12
shiaobau: 劇情約略還可以 不過...這是不是應該搭個什麼活動玩 11/01 09:30
shiaobau: 比較有趣啊 例如達成多少多少 開放一點劇情 比較有互動 11/01 09:30
zkow5566: 這遊戲九成玩家不看劇情的吧 XDDDY 11/01 11:18
SlamKai: 之後有火箭隊特殊調查 11/01 11:48
tcfd817038: Candela很快的回應了我的請求,我倆舌頭不斷來回交纏 11/01 12:15
tcfd817038: …… 11/01 12:15
chuchushe: 看標題還以為我們隊長要叛變了咧 www 11/01 21:08
Zeropapa: 此處有本 11/01 23:26
UrPlAmVes17: 還以為隊長叛變www 11/02 09:14
fromia: 沙瀑葬!!! 11/02 11:30