看板 PokemonGO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
關於六尾的部分需要特別說明。引用原文: Vulpix:ulpix as originally discovered in the Kanto region will be appearing in the wild and in Eggs. Alolan Vulpix will be appearing in Field Research and Raid Battles. Evolve Vulpix or Alolan Vulpix into Ninetales or Alolan Ninetales for the Charged Attackeather Ball. Ninetales will learn Fire-type Weather Ball, and Alolan Ninetales will learn Ice-type Weather Ball—attacks previously exclusive to Castform. Shiny Vulpix as originally discovered in the Kanto region will become available for the first time in Pokémon GO. 六尾會出現在野生和孵蛋中, 阿羅拉六尾則出現在田野調查和頭目中。 兩者進化都會給特殊招氣象球。 所以不會有冰六尾滿地跑的情況出現。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Xiaomi Redmi Note 5. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PokemonGO/M.1579724027.A.C46.html
EnJay0108: 真佛呢,抽兩波異色 01/23 08:40
horseorange: 票投犀牛好了 六尾異色根本沒差等級 01/23 11:03
wassig: 社群日異色機率高多了啊啊啊,一票開兩色違真賺 01/23 11:53
xLOVEx: 已開,還是投犀牛 01/23 12:05
c24253994: 只能投狂甲惹 01/23 13:21
ThreekRoger: 想要牛牛 01/23 16:44
miner1512: 票投犀牛吧 01/23 20:29
WY627: 棄尾保牛 01/23 21:09
jeffmonkey: 牛的話,當天會有送神奧石任務嗎? 01/23 22:46
b1izzard2000: 唯一支持 狂牛 01/25 09:34
hyperionii: 假如沒有送神奧石,只能選快龍和九尾 01/27 07:45
hyperionii: 異色和等級沒關係,反而升級還要多花星塵... 01/27 07:46
hyperionii: 星塵是我誤會了,我乎略了等級越高,要更高星塵才能 01/27 10:10
hyperionii: 升級 01/27 10:10