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媒體來源】 今日俄羅斯 【新聞標題】 Anonymous backs new encrypted social network to rival Facebook 「匿名」社群為臉書的對手 -- 加密社群網路 -- 背書。 【完整內文】 A new social network has been launched, vowing more transparency, security, and privacy than Facebook and other social media giants. Backed by the hacktivist group Anonymous, it will encrypt all messages, shielding data from governments and advertisers. 一個新的社群網路剛上路,矢言:比Facebook及其他社群網路巨人更透明、安全、私密。「Anonymous,匿名」駭客組織為此新服務背書,宣稱:該服務將加密全部資訊,以阻絕全部政府與廣告商於門外。 At first glance, Minds.com appears similar to any other social network. It provides a person's followers with the latest updates, allowing their friends to comment and promote posts. 乍看之下, http://www.minds.com 與其他社交網路相似:它提供最新資訊予主角的粉絲們,並允許其粉絲留言和按贊。 But the major difference exists behind the scenes. Minds.com doesn't aim to profit from gathering data. In fact, its goal is the opposite – to encrypt all messages so they can't be read by governments or advertisers. 但是其主要差異在於幕後: http://www.minds.com 的不追求蒐集用戶的資料來獲利。其實,剛好相反:它加密全部用戶的訊息,令全部政府與廣告商無法窺伺其用戶的隱私。 The social network will also reward users for interacting with posts. This can be done by voting, commenting or uploading. 該社群網路會回饋用戶的回應:包括投票、留言、上傳(文件、影像檔?)。 The rewards will come in the form of points, which can be exchanged for “views” of your posts. Simply put, the more active you are, the more your posts will be promoted by the social network. Minds.com 將用點數形式回饋其用戶。點數可以和你被「觀看的次數」兌換。換言之,你越是活躍,則你的留言就越受提拔。 “For every mobile vote, comment, remind, swipe & upload you earn points which can be exchanged for views on posts of your choice. It's a new web paradigm that gives everyone a voice,” the Minds.com website reads. 該網站寫道:「每一則行動投票、批註、提醒、抨擊、上傳,你都會賺到一點。點數可以和『觀看的次數』交換。這是讓每一個用戶發聲的新型態。」 Content will be boosted using a transparent algorithm, as opposed to Facebook's method, which largely remains a mystery. 與Facebook相反,minds.com 的網站內容將用透明的方式推廣;前者的軟體系統不公開。 In addition, Minds.com is entirely open source, allowing anyone to contribute to the social network's design and upkeep. 而且,minds.com跑的軟體是開放原始碼:允許任何人參與改進。 "Our stance is the users deserve the control of social media in every sense," Minds.com founder Bill Ottman told Business Insider. Minds.com的創立人Bill Ottman告訴Business Insider:「我們的立場是:用戶應該控制社群網路的方方面面」。 The open-source code keeps Minds.com accountable, as any programmer can check the code to make sure no one can access data – and that makes the social network stand out, according to Ottman. Ottman認為:開放原始碼使得minds.com變得可信。因為任何程式人員都可以去檢查minds.com的軟體以確認無人能偷窺用戶的資料。此舉令其網站突出市場。 A lot of companies will claim privacy and say they're encrypted," Ottman said, as quoted by CNET. "But it's not real encryption because we have no way of inspecting the code to see if there are backdoors." 據CNET的報導,Ottman說:「很多公司宣稱尊重用戶的資料隱私,而且加密。然而那不是真加密!因為我們不知道那些公司的系統有無偷開後門」。 "Anonymous is initiating a call to hackers, designers, creators and programmers to unite worldwide. Let us collaborate on the code of Minds.com and build a top site that is truly of the people, by the people and for the people,” Anonymous ART of Revolution posted on its Facebook page. 「Anonymous革命ART」在其Facebook潑文:「Anonymous發起、呼籲駭客、設計人員、創始人、程式設計人員來統一世界。大家一起來與Minds.com合作,以建立一個『屬於人們、人們主導、為人們而存在』的頂級網站」。 The site, which was launched with desktop and mobile apps on Monday, was gaining traction even before the official unveiling. 該網站於週一同時開始支援桌面傳統電腦和行動裝置應用軟體,未演先轟動。 Before the formal launch, the site had gained 60 million visits, Ottman said. Many of those users were people “interested in alternative media,” with interests like online freedom and citizen journalism. Ottman:「開張前,該站湧進6千萬訪客」。與線上自由和庶民新聞類似 -- 很多都是對新媒體有興趣的用戶。 【新聞連結http://rt.com/news/267835-social-network-anonymous-minds/備註心得】 (1)謠傳: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2409815/pg1 CIA、NSA是Facebook的股東。如果你在Facebook連結某「詆毀」美國政客、奸商的這個影片網址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfEBupAeo4
,那麼,該篇文章會自動消失。是不是陰謀論、謠言,爭辯無益。何不自己去做個實驗來親自證實? (2)有買Facebook的大款鄉民,請自行決定出脫該股或加碼! (3)因為是日本公司,所以LINE可能比Facebook、Yahoo、Google安全些,但是它只能在手機和平板上面用,傳統的桌上型電腦不能用?另外,日本公司敢對米國政府說「不!」嗎? (4)請自行決定:相信全球駭客的技術,或是相信某國大公司的信用! -- 帝國無友邦,只有附庸國敵國。二選一。且附庸或敵國,由美方機動認定。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicIssue/M.1434632404.A.AE4.html kogamasao:轉錄至看板 Gossiping 06/18 21:00
Birdwood: 所以大家改用人人或VKontakte 最安全了 06/18 21:39
spark0409: 這種充滿謠傳的也在貼 腦殘無極限 06/18 21:50
skyhawkptt: 他的資料來源就是這些rt.com,zerohedge.com,神秘學研 06/19 22:57
skyhawkptt: 究/aljazeera.com/不含CNN等主流媒體,他最推崇新CCCP 06/19 23:01
skyhawkptt: CCCP的資料來源,認為KGB現任領導人好棒棒,從來不會 06/19 23:03
skyhawkptt: 耍手段,總以為譜丁是可愛北極熊 06/19 23:07
Bokolo: 這是? 06/20 11:55
skyhawkptt: 在IA板被噓爆只好去別板討拍 https://goo.gl/n373BM 06/21 02:13
skyhawkptt: https://goo.gl/zAy5Fm https://goo.gl/EUHl5j 06/21 02:19
skyhawkptt: https://goo.gl/EUHl5j 06/21 02:25
kogamasao: @skyhawkptt: rt.com的觀眾已經多到威脅米國的「安全」 06/28 23:48
kogamasao: ,所以John Kerry要求加編宣傳預算去對抗: 06/28 23:49
kogamasao: For propaganda & 'democracy promotion’: State Dept 06/28 23:50
kogamasao: 而「半島」對西亞事務的深入,非其餘媒體能及! 06/28 23:53