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媒體來源】 今日俄羅斯(Russia Today) 【新聞標題】 Upper House approves ban on GMO production & imports in Russia 【完整內文】 Russia’s Federation Council has approved a bill introducing fines for producing GMO products in Russia or importing them from abroad, with the exception of genetically altered organisms and materials used for expertise and research. Ordinary citizens caught violating the ban will have to pay a fine of between 10,000 and 50,000 rubles ($155 - $770) and companies will be fined between 100,000 and 500,000 rubles ($1550 - $7700). Organizations that need genetically modified organisms for research can be exempted from the imports ban, but they will need to register with state agencies as GMO importers. The ban on GMOs was prepared and drafted in early 2014 by a group of Lower House MPs backed by the parliament’s majority party, United Russia. Shortly prior to this, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered that a national research center be created to study genetically-modified organisms with the aim of providing authorities with expert information and advice for future legislation and executive actions. The State Duma passed the motion this year despite some protests from the scientific community. The Russian Academy of Sciences has reportedly asked the parliament to partially lift the ban on the production of genetically-modified organisms on condition that the GMO materials be registered and regulated. According to official statistics, the share of GMO products in the Russian food industry has declined from 12 percent to just 0.01 percent over the past 10 years, with only 57 registered food products currently containing GMO. The law ordering obligatory state registration of GMO products that could come in contact with the environment will come into force in mid-2017. 俄羅斯再過去10年間,國內基改產品從12%降到0.01%,剩下57種已登記的基改產品。 【新聞連結https://www.rt.com/politics/348980-upper-house-approves-ban-on/備註心得】 34個讚的網友評語: 「Only Russia and Russians can say NO to GMO, NO to TTIP, NO to the NWO, NO to the warmongers sick politics. we should dump those US and EU systems and start to learn from Russians how to live healthy. and most of all we should learn how to say "NO" to the capital elite salivary. . do you agree?」 大意:「只有俄羅斯敢向米國、戰爭販子、資本家說『不』」。 反觀台灣, 【今週刊】第959期用基改黃豆專題做封面,報導: 「審查委員會如同橡皮圖章 美國船開了 台灣緊急放行」 http://www.businesstoday.com.tw/article-content-80731-115915 「這顆黃豆,它的父母,是國際基改公司, 它的親戚,是你從未見過的細菌, 它不怕害蟲,甚至不怕農藥, 像是黃豆中的「鋼鐵人」,它就是基因改造黃豆; 去年,台灣進口243萬噸,99%,它都進了你的肚子, 它的基因,會提高你過敏的風險, 台灣過敏兒越來越多,是環境的錯,還是它在作怪? 醫師認為,有過敏體質的人吃下基改食品,會間接提高致癌風險, 基改黃豆也是台灣和美國,政治博弈的籌碼, 在政治舞台上,推過來,推過去, 卻沒人能對你保證,吃下基改黃豆,絕不會有任何問題! 玉米 基改99.77%(426萬噸) 非基改0.23%(低於1萬噸) 黃豆 基改98.99%(243萬噸) 非基改1.01%(2.5萬噸) 註:數據為2014年進口數字 資料來源:農委會、糧商 」 【大紀元2015年09月17日訊】 「台灣農訪團與美簽署30億採購書」: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/15/9/17/n4529595.htm 「擔心美豬進口? 蔡英文:台灣豬有競爭力」: 「主席也讓我們了解她的壓力很大。http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20150724/654235/ 【醫學天地】再談基因改造食物 高雄總院/黃文博院長 http://blog.roodo.com/cthci/archives/14564525.html 「美國擁有全球最高的轉基因農業技術,他們自己為什麼不大肆做轉基因的生產,卻推到墨西哥,推到阿根廷,推到亞洲、非洲第三世界國家去呢? 台灣常見的進口基因改造作物為玉米及黃豆。據農委會之統計,國內每年進口的玉米及黃豆數量,各600餘萬公噸與300餘萬公噸,作為食用或是飼料等用途。其中約各有超過三成與九成以上是屬於基因改造作物。 市面上最常見的基因改造食品也是來自於基因改造的大豆和玉米。基因改造的大豆可加工製成醬油、豆腐、豆漿、食用油及其他豆類食品等;基因改造的玉米則可加工製成玉米油、玉米餅、高果糖漿或零食和糕餅...等。」 -- 帝國無友邦。二選一:附庸國敵國。且附庸或敵國,由美方機動片面認定。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PublicIssue/M.1467303474.A.ADB.html ※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 07/01/2016 00:49:10 ※ 編輯: kogamasao (, 07/01/2016 00:51:57
RIFF: 最近很紅的::抗暖化限碳--保護生態 07/01 14:23
RIFF: 基改農業其實也危害生態--不知道美帝對這點有無解釋?? 07/01 14:25
RIFF: 此外 既然要推廣基改 怎不解禁基改水果與基改蓄牧動物? 07/01 14:26
RIFF: 說一套 做一套?? 07/01 14:26
dreamnook: 美帝:我要你給我錢 你就給 不給我就打你喔(? 07/01 14:48
yudi1991: 07/01 16:03
dian9: 之前看到公視有播「種子戰爭」的紀錄片>> 07/03 14:05
dian9: [拒種子私有化 印度學者設種子銀行] 07/03 14:05
dian9: [抗議私人公司壟斷世界的糧倉,要求終止種子專利權] 07/03 14:48