看板 Queen 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Now the wind has lost my sail 如今風已遺棄我的帆 Now the scent has left my trail 我沿途的氣息也已失散 Who will find me, take care and side with me 誰會將我尋覓,給我照護與陪伴 Guide me back safely to my home 指點我安然回家之路 Where I belong, once more 重返我的歸屬之地 Where is my star in heaven's bough 我高掛天穹的星到哪尋找? Where is my strength, I need it now 我的力量呢?我正需要 Who can save me, lead me to my destiny 誰能給我救贖,領我將天命接引 Guide me back safely to my home 指點我安然回家之路 Where I belong, once more 重返我的歸屬之地 Who will find me, take care and side with me 誰會將我尋覓,給我照護與陪伴 Guide me back safely to my home 指點我安然回家之路 Where I belong, once more 重返我的歸屬之地 How can I go on? 我怎能繼續 How can I go on this way 我怎能這般撐下去 When all the salt is taken from the sea 當海中所有的鹽都已被抽離 I stand dethroned, I'm naked and I bleed 我遭到廢黜,赤身露體且鮮血淋漓 But when your finger points so savagely 但是當你如此野蠻地指責 Is anybody there to believe in me 可有人還信任我 To hear my plea and take care of me? 傾聽我的懇求並給我照料? How can I go on, from day to day 我怎能繼續,日復一日的苦撐 Who can make me strong in every way 誰能使我堅強,給予全面扶持 Where can I be safe, where can I belong 何地方得安全,哪裡是我歸處 In this great big world of sadness 在這廣大的悲傷世界 How can I forget those beautiful dreams that we shared 我怎能遺忘我們曾共享的諸多美夢 They're lost and they're nowhere to be found 如今都已散佚,無處可尋 How can I go on? 我怎能繼續? Sometimes I seem to tremble in the dark, I cannot see 有時我好似在黑暗中顫抖,我看不見 When people frighten me 在人們令我驚恐的時候 I try to hide myself so far from the crowd 我試圖隱藏自己,遠離人群 Is anybody there to comfort me 可有人能安慰我 Lord, take care of me 主啊,請照顧我 How can I go on 我怎能繼續 From day to day 日復一日的苦撐 Who can make me strong 誰能使我堅強 In every way 給予全面扶持 Where can I be safe 何地方得安全 Where can I belong 哪裡是我歸處 In this great big world of sadness 在這廣大的悲傷世界 How can I forget 我怎能遺忘 Those beautiful dreams that we shared 我們曾共享的諸多美夢 They're lost and they're nowhere to be found 如今都已散佚,無處可尋 How can I go on? 我怎能繼續? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Queen/M.1567603589.A.9E7.html
batis: 很愛這個組合 09/05 21:51