看板 RHCPs 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來自官方的消息!快去留下問題呦! https://goo.gl/JnYt6H Red Hot Chili Peppers To celebrate premiere of the music video “Dark Necessities,” Anthony is hosting a Facebook live chat tomorrow (Thursday) at 9:30am PT. Leave your questions below & make sure to tune in tomorrow for the premiere of the new music video! 太平洋時間6/16 9:30am,約台灣時間6/17 00:30am, AK要上官方臉書的直播呦! DN的MV也會在6/16(四)首播! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RHCPs/M.1466002772.A.EA9.html
amuro0126: 我好興奮 我好興奮 我好興奮啊 06/15 23:13
※ 編輯: nosweating (, 06/15/2016 23:25:01
nosweating: 補上連結,快去問問題! XD 06/15 23:25
pccuupway: 是說....Chad今年換鼓的代言品牌了...之 06/16 02:00
pccuupway: 前已經合作20年了吧! 06/16 02:00
nosweating: 樓上哪家換哪家?? 06/16 07:12
RedHotTiger: 換成dw了 沒提還沒注意到! 06/16 09:58
pccuupway: pearl換成dw了!不過一樣是使用壓克力鼓 06/16 11:50
pccuupway: 組喔! 06/16 11:50
pccuupway: 這個是大鼓皮我快要笑死http://m.ltn.com 06/16 11:59
pccuupway: .tw/news/world/breakingnews/1729065htt 06/16 11:59
pccuupway: p://i.imgur.com/klFSS4t.jpg 06/16 11:59
pccuupway: http://i.imgur.com/YlGmvDr.jpg 06/16 12:00
nosweating: 超經典啊 不知道有沒有付版權給P圖的網友XD 06/16 12:45
amuro0126: John的尾巴咧 radiohead剛到店~RHCP明天新專輯就來了 06/16 18:26
amuro0126: 我好興奮啊 06/16 18:26
pccuupway: John本人在此! 06/16 19:51
pccuupway: http://i.imgur.com/dPgtxIa.jpg 06/16 19:51
nosweating: 誰來把John的頭P上去XD 06/16 20:09
※ 編輯: nosweating (, 06/16/2016 23:00:36
nosweating: 開始啦~ 06/17 00:32
nosweating: 才沒10分鐘就buffering了.... orz 06/17 00:41
nosweating: 結束直播了XD 06/17 00:43
nosweating: 然後直播MV 竟然沒聲音XDD 06/17 00:49
nosweating: 發問直播重開 06/17 00:53
nosweating: MV"看"起來很不錯 滑板女孩都很正XD 06/17 00:55
nosweating: 可能因為是Olivia Wilde指導 所以整體女性色彩很重 06/17 00:56
lgng66133: http://tinyurl.com/gnrusta 06/17 01:07
lgng66133: 官方放上去啦 06/17 01:07
pccuupway: MV來啦!!!好帥 06/17 01:10
nosweating: 熬夜終於有獲得回報惹 再看幾次然後就可以安心睡惹~ 06/17 01:18