看板 RS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Since there are teams reaching training and youth level 10 now we're considering adding two new buildings to the game. We would like to hear your opinions before finalizing our ideas. 開始有些球隊達到訓10青10,所以我們考慮增加兩個新設施。在確定前希望各位給點建議 。 1. Museum The museum will be a way to use building time when you don't want to build anything else. There is no limit to the level your museum can have, it will be relatively cheap but take an increasing amount of time to get to the next level. 博物館會是當你不想蓋任何設施時的可以蓋的選項。他是沒有等級上限的,他會相對便宜 但消耗比較多的時間來蓋下一級。 The museum will contain a prize cabinet of your team. We'll add a ranking list of highest level museums in the game and you can enter other people's museums to see their prizes and maybe graphs of their league position in past seasons. 博物館會包含榮譽榜。我們會幫最高級別的博物館加上排行榜,你可以去別人家看他們的 獎項甚至是他們過去幾季在聯賽的排行。 2. Office The office will increase the squad size of your reserve team by one player per level (so you can get a maximum of 28 players in the reserve team when you have a level 10 office). We would like to add an additional function to the building, so ideas are welcome. Maybe it could also decrease the transaction fee for transfers or include a way to get more fans by setting season expectations. 每增加1級辦公室會增加1個預備隊的人數上限(所以你最多可以達到28人當你蓋了10級辦 公室時)。我們正在幫它想其他的功能,所以歡迎提供建議。也許他會減少轉會的費用或 是可以藉由設定本季目標來獲得更多球迷。 Besides this there are a few changes that we thought of or were suggested by players that we're considering to make. 除了這些還有一些變化我們正在規畫。 1. Scout office - Decrease the number of regions to 10 so a level 10 scout can see everything. - Maybe reduce the credits required for creating players based on your current scout level, aiming to keep the costs the same for the level you can first create that player. For example a 500-credit player will be 500 credits at level 7 (when it appears) but cheaper when you have scout level 8. (Not sure about this idea, but I find it worth considering) 球探辦公室 -減少區域到10區(註:原有17區)以讓球探10的人可以看到全部區域。 -視你的球探等級而定或許會把人造人所需要的費用下修,但剛開始能造的等級時花費還 是跟現在一樣。舉例:500人造人在球探7要花500點,但是球探8的人可以花更少的點數就 造出來(還不確定,但我覺得值得考慮)。 2. Stadium - Change the upgrade requirement to 6 matches instead of 4 but no longer require these matches to be consecutive. So if you ever had 6 matches with an attendance of over 80% you can upgrade the stadium. This would reduce the influence of your league schedule and make it more fair. Also, if you ever meet the requirement you'll always be able to upgrade and won't have to worry about losing the ability if you don't have the money at that moment. 球場 -從4場改成要6場才能升級,但是不用連續。所以假設你有6場坐滿球場80%的話,你就可 以升球場。這可以減少被聯賽賽程的影響並變的公平些。當然如果你曾經達標,你就可以 隨時升球場不用擔心你當時沒錢而之後有錢時又沒達標。 3. Youth center - Change the way you get new players. You'll get a bunch of new players somewhere at the start of the season (a few more than you get now in a year) but you'll only be able to select 2 or 3 that you can promote. For each upgrade 2 new players are generated but you can only select one. 青訓中心 -變更你獲得新球員的方式。在新球季初時你會獲得一些球員(比你在一季會得到的再多一 些),但是你只能簽其中2~3個。每升1級會送2個的改成你只能選1個。 On average, this will slightly improve the players you are likely to keep in your team (since the total pool of players you can choose from increases slightly) but it will significantly reduce the amount of average players entering the market. It should improve the marketability of lower level youth players because they no longer have to compete with higher level rejects. 平均來說,這會些微增進你留下球員在你隊上(因為你可選的球員變多了),但會明顯減少 平均球員進到市場。他會增進低青球員的市場性因為他們不用再和高階比較。 Since the total amount of money available in the market isn't affected it probably will increase the price for young players and won't affect the average profit of the youth center. It may also increase the price of older players if there is less of a surplus of youths. 由於市場上可活用的金錢不會影響,它可能會增加年輕球員的價值但不會影響青訓中心 的平均獲利。他可能也會增加老將的價格,如果青訓盈餘變少的話。 官網論壇: http://rockingsoccer.com/zh-tw/soccer/forum/home-en?topic=43717&posts=32 翻的有點爛,如果哪邊有錯的話還請不吝指正,謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RS/M.1420951914.A.9F0.html
asdf95: 英文好真好,青訓那個改變也太大了 01/11 13:07
pppighil: !! 青訓送2個只能選1個...看來要在改之前趕快升青訓了 01/11 14:05
quker: 博物館看來可有可無,辦公室的取向,很容易跟球探中心重複 01/11 23:06
asdf95: 如果可以減少轉會費看是怎麼減法,有效益就會有一堆人蓋了 01/11 23:48