看板 Radiohead 關於我們 聯絡資訊
黑膠的部分略過,Thom的兩本筆記塗鴉還沒空仔細翻閱。 剛收到第二天,聽到cassette tape內容後整個超感動,這個卡帶絕對是本次二十週年重 發盤最有誠意的東西了,是送給重度腦殘愚粉的禮物!!!而且很貼心的有給mp3檔,不 用煩惱要去哪裏找卡帶播放器XDD 附上曲目清單: http://i.imgur.com/YQNXfAd.jpg
Side A: Zx sprectrum symphony AMS Hello True Love Tape Loop Let Down (Thom 4Track) I may be paranoid bu tnot an andoroid... Attention (Thom 4Track) *新歌 Noise sketch by Nigel Climbing up the walls (Abbey Road Strings) Someone help this guy... Motion Picture Soundtrack solo piano Was that recording The jumbled words of climbing up the walls read by little Dan Clements Lull (ed guitar infinite reverb) Airbag Drums through Moog Karma Police in space echo Karma Police voice through telephonbe (Talking) Piano sketch by Jonny Bid bird story by Stanley Donwood No surprises (first idea from soundcheck somewhere) Radio chaser noise Fridge Buzz True Love Space Loop (Talking) Are you Someone? *新歌 Side B: Nigel AMS Delay Jonnys Radio from Climbing up the walls Climbing up the walls (Thom 4track) A piano lies down in hte middle of the road Transposing Noise sketch by Nigel Early paranoid android version by Jonny and Thom Alternative Paranoid Android ending live in Pittsburg Airbag early acoustic version (Talking) Paranoid Android Loud Room at St Catherines Nigel AMS paranoid guitar sample Nude early band version The national anthem (Thom 4 track) Ambient Loops Man of War live in Montpellier Nigel AMS delay again Thoms acoustic as microphone in Climbing up the Walls Ok Computer program A面的Motion Picture Soundtrack solo piano太夢幻,Thom的聲音在這首歌裡達到巔峰 了,聽他唱最後一句I will see you in the next life 真的超級心碎催淚,會完全被擊 沉被那個悲傷的浪潮給淹沒無法自拔。 第一次聽到的新歌Are you Someone,雖然簡單卻深刻也是好聽的要命。這讓我想起看過 一段早期的訪談,1993第一張專輯去電台被主持人稱讚Banana Co.是首好歌,Thom說這是 他喝到爛醉的情況下寫的,他覺得寫慢歌對他來說很簡單,但他不想整張專輯都這樣因為 很無聊....... 感覺Thom寫了很多這種容易讓歌迷痛哭流涕的慢歌,但雪藏了一大堆,真的很想掐他脖子 搖晃叫他全部吐出來,這種時候就要call上次巡迴的慢歌代表出場,真不知道這首何時才 會被欽點臨幸登入錄音室 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prhSe71_nmM
聽了一整天因為太感動又到處騷擾朋友,說卡帶根本就是在聽Radiohead 練團,有各種Th om慘叫哀號,還可以聽到一些歌的早期的樣貌超珍稀。 上週去了奮死唱片行的Radiohead 講座,後來跟老闆小聊一下,他問我會不會覺得RH都是 Thom 在獨裁主導,然後Thom的個人專輯風格又沒差很多......呃問Jonny 腦殘粉這問題 註定得不到客觀回答,但我當下也不得不承認這點就是了囧。 可是這兩天聽完卡帶的內容後,真的很想說,這根Thom的個人實驗風格還是不一樣啊!Th om把他內心最柔軟最溫柔的部分都放在這裡了。 最後,本次OKNOTOK 重發在內頁印了這一段話: This re-issue is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Rachel Owen 1968-2016 who died after a long and brave battle with cancer. We hope you are OK. Thank you for listening. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Radiohead/M.1500379463.A.007.html ※ 編輯: valentinoros (, 07/18/2017 20:08:10
mobyshin : 哇 好棒 07/18 22:22
Morchan : 卡帶太讚了吧 07/18 23:07
qdrockful : 哭ㄌ 07/19 01:53
valentinoros: https://goo.gl/YdxCGt 07/19 11:05
valentinoros: 發現有人偷偷上傳 MPS鋼琴版真的很揪心 07/19 11:06
hfi780 : 我的卡帶版檔案一直抓不下來 QQ 07/21 10:19
taxout : 讚ㄉ 07/24 02:54
cloudyworld : 天啊好讚 感謝分享 07/28 01:49
homechen1990: 掐他脖子叫他全部吐出來 XDDDDD 07/31 19:59
qrockp : 推,哪裡還買得到? 09/07 06:00
radiohead56 : 想買 The National Anthem很像Pablo Honey 07/26 11:50
radiohead56 : MPS跟Creep同一天寫 07/26 11:50
radiohead56 : True Love Tape Loop 就是True Love Waits 07/26 11:51
radiohead56 : 被用在Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors 07/26 11:52