看板 Railway 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://gizmodo.com/france-spent-20-billion-on-trains-that-dont-fit-its-st-1579472990 France Spent $20 Billion on Trains That Don't Fit Its Stations France's national railway operator, SNCF, recently ordered 2,000 new trains at a cost of more than $20 billion. Now, it's found out that they're too big for many of the stations they're supposed to pass through. And this isn't the kind of order you can return. (SNCF最近花了兩百億買了兩千列新車 然後發現車子太大..) The Guardian reports that the new trains, known as TERs (trains express regionaux), are too wide to properly pass through one in six of the regional stations they should serve. The reason for the mix up? The national rail operator, RFF, only supplied dimensions for stations built in the last 30 years . (新的TER車太寬咧~ 負責法國境內養路的是RFF RFF提供了三十年內興建的月台尺寸) Unsurprisingly, older stations are a little more... compact. Indeed, it was found that they were so narrow that two of the new trains—which are already being built ready for use in 2016— would be unable to pass alongside each other on adjacent lines. A spokesperson from the RFF told The Guardian: "It's as if you have bought a Ferrari that you want to park in your garage, and you realise that your garage isn't exactly the right size to fit a Ferrari because you didn't have a Ferrari before. We discovered the problem a little late.. we are making our mea culpa." (前面跟你說三十年內的意思就是這些造成問題的都是老月台 創造的淨空比新列車通過所需的小 然後RFF發言人舉了一個爛例子..) Sadly the mistake was discovered so late that the only solution is to embark on a $70 million operation to enlarge the 1,300 platforms across the country that are too small to accommodate the new trains. (只好修整月台咧~ 總共有1300個月台而以啦哈哈) That's a fairly hefty proportion of the 8,700 platforms total in France. Add to that the fact that the trains are supposed to enter service in 2016, and it seems that there's no shortage of engineering work to get underway. [Guardian] -- 不確定以這個例子而言 包應該要算誰的 以下拋磚引玉一下界限的問題: 針對一款車子 會有靜態包絡線 也就是全新的空車靜止的擺在平直軌道上 如果我要拿一個框套過這輛車 最小要什麼形狀才會過 接著 針對一款車子 還會有動態包絡線 也就是我在一段直線上蓋一道保利龍牆壁 讓車子開過去撞牆撞出一個洞 新車舊車空車滿載還有新鋼軌舊鋼軌等等 各種組合都去撞同一道牆 最後這個洞的形狀 叫做動態包絡線 也就是說在平直軌道上 在各種正常條件下 車子都不會有任何一個部位超出動態包絡線 再來是一款車子的淨空包絡線 也就是動態包絡線再加上列車行經豎曲線產生的垂直偏位 再加上鋼軌的施工與維修公差 一個路線的建築界限 應該至少要是路線上所有車款的淨空包絡線的聯集 還要考量平曲線段的車身偏位還有超高導致的偏位等等 無論是用路線限制車身最大尺寸 還是用車身尺寸得到最小建築界限 實際路線的建築界限跟各款車的淨空包絡線終究都應該是會知道的 新建路線有打算運行現有列車 就應注意建築界限要大於預計運行各車款的淨空包絡線 原有路線打算購入新車運行 就應注意新車的淨空包絡線要小於預計運行各路線的建築界限 TEMU2000跟基隆站月台的問題 列車尺寸是機務參考建築界限開的 但工務並沒有將路線維護的符合建築界限 所以最後是工務的被懲戒 如果要套用"削足適履"這具成語 應該是"買來的是鞋子" 還是"不可以削的是足"? 另外也可以發現某些關於第三軌的傳聞似乎有點詭異..就算是用"新"建築界限買新車 也就是新車怎麼擺都會在新建築界限內 剛好不開搖擺不卡舊界限開了就卡的機率有多少? 以上 包絡線/界限問題如有錯誤請用力澄清 這是個拋磚引玉 謝謝大家 -- ██ █ d █ █ ◣ █ █ ◣ ▄ ◣ █ █ █ █ ◢ ◣ ◢◣ █ █ █ █ █ █8██9 █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▎▎█02 ◢█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▍▍█ 2 █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ◥◤1 ◥◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Railway/M.1400698745.A.955.html
Chungli28:推這篇教學文~ 05/22 03:21
※ 編輯: dn890221 (, 05/22/2014 03:23:13
chewie:推 05/22 08:06
mackywei:邊笑邊推XD 05/22 09:32
cassine:SNCF不意外 05/22 09:48
Bilthe:台鐵可以技術輸出了? 05/22 10:12
yanfunglee:現行制度都會有基隆站那種包了,搞車路分離......? 05/22 11:03
dn890221:哎呀糟糕OP了.. 05/22 15:51
truss:那是路公司管理能力的問題 05/22 20:34