看板 Railway 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看完原文,我傾向解釋成風力發電的電能可供 170班車使用。 猜想翻譯的人或許沒有想到Trains同時可以解釋成車班數跟列車組數? Belgium to power 170 trains with wind energy Last Updated: Sunday, October 25, 2015 - 23:27 Brussels: Belgium has launched an ambitious project to power 170 trains by wind energy -- and the first seven of the planned 25 turbines entered service on Saturday, local media reported on Sunday. Sudpresse newspaper group said turbines will be built along the main rail line from Leuven to Liege, generating enough power for every high-speed and local train using the line. 不過這段說這些風機會建在魯汶到列日鐵路的沿線?跟報導說得不太 一致。 The number of trains to be covered by the wind energy project represents about five percent of the country's total rail traffic, Belgian railtrack operator Infrabel said. 這段寫的「total rail traffic」是我猜測是班次的原因之一,另 一個原因則是如果是 170組列車是5%,就表示比利時擁有3400組列 車,這感覺上似乎是有點偏多?不過這個不能算是很有說服力的說 法啦.... Belgian broadcaster RTL reported that once all 25 turbines are operating, they are expected to produce 35,000 megawatt hours -- enough energy to power 10,000 homes. About two-thirds of the produced electricity is needed for the rail line and the surplus will be added to the domestic electricity supply grid. Philippe Van Troeye, production director at Belgian energy firm Electrabel, told reporters on Saturday: "Wind energy, like solar power, is intermittent, but it will play a more and more important role in our energy provision in the future." ※ 引述《iloveangel (最愛天使帝國)》之銘言: : http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/201510250300-1.aspx : (中央社布魯塞爾25日綜合外電報導)比利時第1列風力發電火車已正式上路,開啟節能 : 省碳環保新時代。未來將有170列風力火車,占總火車數的5%。 : 這列火車昨天上午由林堡省(Limburg)聖特雷登(Sint-Truiden)附近的欣厄洛姆 : (Gingelom)駛出。 : 法蘭德斯新聞(Flandersnews)網站報導,這列火車的動能來自欣厄洛姆1座新的風力發 : 電機園區,內有7座風力發電機。這座風力發電機園區2/3電力將供火車使用,另外1/3則 : 供應給這個區域。 : 這些風力火車將行駛於3條路線,包括魯汶(Leuven)至列日(Liege)間的高速鐵路、魯 : 汶與列日間的標準路線以及蘭登(Landen)至哈瑟特(Hasselt)間的路線。(譯者:中 : 央社劉文瑜)1041025 : (中央社 104-10-25) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Railway/M.1445837430.A.5B8.html
JosephChen: 不知道有沒有列車上直接用風帆的這種風力火車... 10/26 21:41
yesonline: 1.推估風場發電量 2.鐵路公司是透過購買綠電達成目標, 10/27 08:05
yesonline: 3.這則新聞的原文重點其實是要推銷風場股權(開放募股). 10/27 08:06