看板 RainbowSix 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Phase 1 of the Battle Pass is deployed - Call Me Harry Phase 1 of the Siege Battle Pass has been released today, named "Call Me Harry ". It will run for 7 days, with 7 tiers to climb through. Playing games will e arn you Battle Points to unlock these tiers, and completing the Pass will unlo ck the Harry Chibi charm. Phase 2 of the Battle Pass is set to release in Year 4 Season 4, and details o f this will be revealed at the Pro League Finals in Japan on 10th November 201 9. 現在上的Battle pass是第一階段,解鎖七等可以得到哈利吊飾 第二階段將在11/10的pro league公開細節 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RainbowSix/M.1571190944.A.B75.html
SOS86147: 這些吊飾跟垃圾沒兩樣 送我也不會用= = 10/16 12:18
kevin605060: 吊飾真的挺雞肋的 還以為會是特殊的塗裝 10/16 17:29
jim8596: 坐等萬聖節活動 lesion的比精英好看太多 10/16 18:25
kooyoo1144: 這東西在上一次pro league公佈就被reddit噓爆 10/18 11:04