看板 Rays 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Pearce Trade: Jonah Heim, C Hit: 30/40/50 Power: 25/35/50 Run: 35/35/35 Field: 50/60/65 Throw: 50/60/65 Overall: 35/40-45/55 Heim is a big switch-hitting catcher who needs to rack up a lot of professional at-bats before really factoring into the big league picture. He has a much better swing from the left side in my limited looks, and he’s on the line in terms of both tools and swing athleticism whether he’ll be able to tap into his raw power in game. Heim是一個左右開弓的捕手,但是要上大聯盟打擊還需要加強。在左打區的揮擊 比右打好很多,但不管他有沒有辦法將他的天賦發揮出來,他能不能長好都還是有 很大的風險。 A team source I spoke to believes Heim’s ability to hit is directly tied to maturing physically, which I can get behind. Both the scouting and player development groups in the organization are behind this guy developing offensively and defensively, with his defense being held in especially high regard. Heim的打擊能力已經逐漸成熟,球探和球員發展部門都在支持著這個守備有 很高評價的選手加強他各方面的能力。 He has a plus arm with just average feet, and should have good enough actions behind the plate to at least be an average big league receiver overall. The potential is high, but the variance in his possible outcomes is equally great. I’ve left him out of the top 10 until I can better evaluate him offensively, though I did move him up based on the Orioles’ unanimous opinions. 他有平均水準的速度,應該會有足夠的能力當一個平均水準的大聯盟捕手。 天花板很高,他的成長空間也是很令人期待,但是我不會把它放在金鳥的 TOP10直到我可以重新評價他的打擊。 影片: https://youtu.be/S0OwXS9yhhM
Moore Trade: Lucius Fox, SS Current Level/Age: NA/18.7, 6’1/175, B/R Acquired: Signed in 2015 out of Bahamas by SF for $6 million bonus Hit: 30/50/55 Power: 25/40/45 Run: 60/65/70 Field: 45/50-55/60 Throw: 55/55/55 Overall: 20/50/65+ Fox is an exciting, young athlete with a quick bat, fantastic speed and a solid arm. Though he didn’t play in a game last year after signing in July, he has already made a strong impression on the Giants’ staff, with positive reviews of his makeup abound. The only area where he projects to be below-average is power, because of a ground ball swing path from both sides of the plate. While he’s more coordinated on the right side of the plate, he shows more potential for developing a line drive, gap power swing on the left. Fox是一個揮棒速度快,腳程快,臂力好的年輕人。雖然他直到去年七月簽約 之後才開始上場,但是他強壯的體格已經給了巨人極大的印象。唯一不足的是 他平均以下的長打能力,因為他的滾地球揮棒軌跡。他右打比較協調, 他右打時出現比較多Line Drive,而左打時缺乏長打。 Despite near-elite running speed, Fox fielding ground balls can be underwhelming to watch at times. Though scouts agree he has the tools to play shortstop in the long run, many also think those tools won’t play very well at short because of how immature the technical side of his defense is. It looks like he focuses on catching the ball and making sure he finishes step one before getting ready to throw. The best infielders get their feet going into the throw before the catch, and it’s a prerequisite for playing the most active position in the infield. 雖然有著近乎極品的速度,但是Fox的守備卻沒有給人留下深刻印象。球探 們認為他是個可以長期守游擊的料,但也同時覺得他不成熟的防守會讓他的游擊守的 不會很好。看起來就像是他專注於接到球和確保他在準備好傳球之前會先踩一步, 但是好的內野手在接球之前就將腳做好傳球的準備,而這是所有內野守備都必須要 會的。 The Giants believe he won’t have any problem sticking at short, and I’m inclined to agree with them even though his present skill work is below the threshold for the position. He has very soft, quick hands. And more directly related to the footwork issue, when he’s challenged by a tough hop or going to get a ball further away from him, he shows glimpses of being able to turn tough plays into easy ones. 巨人相信他守游擊不會有太大的問題,而我也傾向於同意這個想法。 而這與他的速度有關,他可以把一些困難的球變簡單。 Either way, he should be at least an average infield defender, with an average or better hit tool and the speed to be a threat on both sides of the ball. Even at that relatively modest level of production, he’s an average big league infielder. His tools offer a ton more upside as well. 不管如何,他至少會是一個平均水準,左右開弓,有著平均或以上的打擊水準, 且有著壓迫性的速度的內野工具人,不過也有可能會長得更好。 影片: https://youtu.be/sSetHzJyedI
Michael Santos RHP Santos was just put on a rehab assignment Sunday, after being on the disabled list since June 15. He looked solid in Class-A beforehand, fielding a 2.22 FIP through 58.2 innings. Santos has plenty of projection and coachability, with a mid-90s fastball and the potential for three average secondary pitches. Santos星期天剛開始投復健賽(6/15進傷兵名單),在1A投得很好 在58局的投球中有著2.22FIP。mid-90s的直球和三個平均水準的第二球種。 影片:https://youtu.be/T6-GVwYw3-4 (2014的影片)
Matt Duffy 3B The Rays also received infielder Matt Duffy, who was worth 4.9 fWAR for the Giants last year. He's struggled at the plate with a 88 wRC+ this year and is on the disabled list with an Achilles strain. 去年在巨人有著4.9的fWAR但是今年打得很掙扎(88WRC+),而且目前因為阿基 里斯腱扭傷目前正在傷兵名單。 (不過這隻好像還不錯?看巨人迷都在哀嚎丟這隻) 2015 Highlight : https://youtu.be/5wceHwRc70Q
Brandon Guyer Trade: Jhonleider Salinas RHP 20 years old in the Arizona League, monster 12.62 K/9 in 25.2 innings this year. Bounced between bullpen and rotation so far in his career. Likely headed for Appalachian League Princeton or GCL Rays. 20歲,在亞利桑納聯盟有著在25.2局投出12.62的K9值的怪物紀錄,先發跟中繼 都有在嘗試,會從ROOKIE開始。 影片:https://youtu.be/ceP_IW5UuTk
Nathan Lukes OF Seventh round pick in 2015 for Cleveland. Posted .301/.375/.453 hitting split in 89 games for Class-A Lake County Captains. Promoted to Class-A Advanced less than a week ago. Solid defense and line-drive swing, fourth outfielder projection 2015年印地安人第七輪選進的新秀,在Class-A的89比賽中有著.301/.375/.453 的成績,前幾天剛升上High A,有著堅固的守備和結實的擊球,可能會成為四號 外野手。 影片:https://youtu.be/BuAH6zEk4gs
來源:http://goo.gl/bcs1gC http://goo.gl/QF8pKY http://goo.gl/RpPqbL -- ◢█◤ ╭══╮ ╭ ◢█ ◣ theanswer3 █▌╰═════════════════╯ ╰══╯ █▌ █ / ◢█◣ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ ◢◢◣ ◢ ◢█◣ ◢ ◤ █▌ ◢ █▌█ ███ █▌█ █▌█ █◤ █ █◢█ ◥ ◣ ◢███◤◥█◤ ◥▌◤ ◥██ ◥█◤ █ ◤ ◥◤◥ █▌ █ / ║ ╰═════════════▅◤═════════════ ◥█ ◤ ═════╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Rays/M.1470148331.A.615.html
Mystery0 : 推 08/03 08:03
cenwandino : 這樣我 08/03 08:11
cenwandino : 這樣我 08/03 08:11
cenwandino : 這樣我們農場就囤積了三個年輕國際新秀游擊 Rondon 08/03 08:12
cenwandino : Fox Adames…… 08/03 08:12
cenwandino : 還有Daniel Robertson也是SS 08/03 08:15
saiulbb : 謝謝分享 08/03 09:30
catsondbs : 小李子要是腳沒斷 幫QQ 08/03 10:05
TampaBayRays: 小李子真的很可惜....... 08/03 10:15
IVIVI : 看影片Fox每個play最少多墊一步 這習慣不好改 除非 08/03 10:30
IVIVI : 那天開竅 不然大概又是改of 08/03 10:30
cenwandino : 他去年在Durham也打不錯的… 08/03 10:31
IVIVI : Duffy的影片很多球投得不差尾勁又強 但被他打很扎 08/03 10:37
IVIVI : 實 看起來打擊可以期待 手備方面撲球跟臂力很棒 但 08/03 10:37
IVIVI : 沒看到移動接球的片段 不知能否轉ss 08/03 10:37
BlueSkyRaker: Duffy是SS底,守備應該不會有太大的問題,也絕對不 08/03 11:36
BlueSkyRaker: 會守的比Miller爛 08/03 11:36
dunhiller : 整理推 08/03 11:57
再補幾個Duffy的影片: https://youtu.be/ZJuSD29gcEQ
看起來守游擊應該是沒有甚麼太大的問題啦 反正一定比Miller好XD 不過Miller好像很不爽游擊被搶走
mess : Miller砲管可以去打1B啦,反正Pearce走了,LOMO又爛 08/03 12:39
http://m.mlb.com/prospects/2016?list=tb Lucius Fox 空降光芒農場NO.7 http://m.mlb.com/video/topic/26271672/v544130383 Micheal Santos NO.30 ※ 編輯: TampaBayRays (, 08/04/2016 22:18:13
BusterPosey : QQ 08/05 02:44