看板 RealPlaying 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/04/15/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-makes-monsters-feel-real-ign-first 縮網址:http://goo.gl/IKYidP 影片內容有 WATER HAG、ROTFIEND、WARG、DROWNER、WYVERN P.S. 好消息是,遊戲已經進廠壓片了,應該不會再DELAY了~ THE WITCHER 3: WILD HUNT GOES GOLD AHEAD OF IMMINENT RELEASE http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/04/16/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-goes-gold-ahead-of-imminent-release 縮網址:http://goo.gl/n11bdK 「We worked so damn hard over the past three years to bring you this game,」 said CD Projekt Red boss Adam Badowski. 「From the corrupt nobles in Novigrad to ancient monsters lurking in deep forests, to the bustling cities, colorful ports and breathtaking vistas; all the people, all the places -- we literally spent tens of thousands of hours to turn all that into an adventure that will kick your ass and make you want to come for more. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has gone gold and will soon be yours.」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RealPlaying/M.1429198844.A.BE8.html
basedora: 廣告一下 小說長篇第3本4/22要出囉 04/16 23:51
※ 編輯: kuninaka (, 04/17/2015 00:00:57
alexrules: 小說第三篇應該全作最熱血的一本 04/17 00:45
YamagiN: 小說也是都一出就去買了 04/17 01:52
mythotyn: 小說好看! 04/17 08:59
alejandroW: Shut up and take my....咦我連季票的錢都給了 04/17 09:56
HelmerYang: Witcher 小說的入門看法順序應該是先看短篇還是長篇? 04/17 11:14
alejandroW: 最後願望 命運之劍 精靈之血 蔑視年代 04/17 11:40
HelmerYang: 好的 感謝 買去 04/17 12:30
hacker725x: 一次收四本嗎?好威! 04/17 12:37
diablo1109: 小說出的速度變好快喔 開心 04/17 16:02
basedora: 長篇3應該是我全作中喜歡僅次於短篇的 熱血與歡樂兼具 04/17 16:42
valkylin2: 我在圖書館借到最後願望跟命運之劍 超好看啊!!!!!!!!!! 04/17 16:53
valkylin2: 準備看完兩本短篇就去博客來買長篇1-3!!! 04/17 16:54
kuninaka: 期待~~~~ 04/17 17:05
kenick: 阿阿阿 都快出來 台灣典藏版還是一點動靜也沒有.... 04/18 14:15
yungde: 等典藏版+1,懷疑台灣會不會出 04/18 16:02
cloud202: 記得之前製作人在巴哈訪問的時候有說會有典藏版 04/18 18:05