看板 RealPlaying 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源:http://www.gamespot.com/articles/witcher-3-exploit-gets-you-infinite-money-by-killi/1100-6427533/ 縮網址:http://goo.gl/AnKCbq 有人分享殺牛取毛皮的洗錢方法,GameSpot詢問CDPR後,官方回應如下 XDD "Nilfgaardian representatives are currently investigating the issue and exploring ideas to address the rapid influx of cow hides on the marketplace of White Orchard." "Sustained cow slaughter may influence local economy and job market by allowing an unnaturally fast accumulation of goods, and also produces an undesirable effect of breaking gamer immersion," Said Bobbe Malinka, Senior Scribe, Nilfgaard Press Department. "All instances of poaching will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Nilfgaardian law, so cow exploiters better be on the lookout. We don't want any beef, but we have zero tolerance for such behavior," Malinka adds." 殺牛影片在下面 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVkup06zCs0&feature=youtu.be
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RealPlaying/M.1432527224.A.DCE.html
jason748: 白果村那邊只有兩之可殺阿....感覺有點慢 05/25 12:15
kuninaka: 其實是在其他地方殺的XD 05/25 12:16
jason748: 影片中不是在白果村嗎 05/25 12:17
nh60211as: 叭叭,獵魔士還不為通膨下台負責 05/25 12:22
Spartan117: 獵牛士 05/25 12:30
deepseas: 這回答真有Fu... 05/25 13:08
deepseas: 追加和Skyrim一樣的通緝系統...通緝獵牛士XD 05/25 13:09
gladopo: 增加一個結局,盜獵野人動物的行為拆散無數獵人家庭 05/25 13:13
YamagiN: Cowitcher 05/25 13:17
zzxxcc88: Cowitcher wwww 05/25 13:23