看板 RealPlaying 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2013年我出了20USD支持這個遊戲 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/torment-tides-of-numenera 今年初,收到了他們的信,說請上官網註冊 https://torment.inxile-entertainment.com/user/register 身為初期支持者,註冊什麼的自然是不在話下 但是有個問題在選擇國籍這邊 中標題Country, 小標題Nation / Kingdom / Empire / etc. 底下 台灣的名字是Taiwan, Province of China 我寄信給inXile的support 希望他們不要用ISO-3166-1, 改用CLDR http://cldr.unicode.org/ 還找了國外的好幾個討論串給inXile看 幾次來回之後他們的回應是 --- We discussed this issue internally as a result of your email request; however, ultimately we decided against implementing a change. We need to continue to rely upon the ISO definitions (which come from the UNO) so that we can freely exchange data with our international partners. The ISO standards are codified for use in international trade agreements; Unicode Consortium recommendations are not at this time. To absolutely clarify: we are not making political statements - we just want packages shipped from anywhere in the world to show up at the correct addresses in Taiwan. I do apologize if this is a contentious point. I hope I've been able to explain why we've made the decision in a manner that's clear, concise and straightforward with you. On a personal level, I sympathize with and understand your concern; on the other hand, the needs of our backers being able to receive physical goods must take priority in cases like this (and there are other parts of the world where we also need to make similar decisions). Best, Eric inXile entertainment --- 我現在還沒完成他們討論版的註冊 其實不註冊也沒關係,遊戲拿得到就好 想跟各位板友拿出來討論看看 有沒有什麼比較好的解決方式? -- "Well done. Here come the test results: 'You are a horrible person.' That's what it says. 'A horrible person.' We weren't even testing for that." GLaDOS/PORTAL2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RealPlaying/M.1434693664.A.4D9.html
THC13: 如果是我的話會(迫於現實)勉強接受 06/19 14:37
FlutteRage: 投票給蔡英文 XDDDDDDDDDDD 06/19 14:50
efreet: 我是有註冊,但因為是數位版backer,沒填住址欄(非必填) 06/19 15:03
efreet: 如果你有訂實體版應該還是得填吧 06/19 15:03
hinenak: InXile也都這樣回了,我是建議就此收手 06/19 15:18
hinenak: 不過國外待這麼久了,我見過的規格倒不一定總是統一的。 06/19 15:20
iceorbb: Province of China QAQ 06/19 15:30
pig: 這個理由很瞎,microsoft amazon apple 都沒這個問題 06/19 19:47
pig: 真的要用3166也不是問題,alpha-2/alpha-3 code 拿去用就好了 06/19 19:50
pig: 顯示名字改一下是會讓他們資料庫腐敗嗎? 06/19 19:50
alejandroW: 藉口啦,意思就是管你的,都給拒絕了。 06/19 20:24
newgunden: 其實Paypal也是 只是繁中網頁只顯示 臺灣 而已 06/19 23:07
newgunden: 美國很多遊戲都這樣 這跟他們運輸政策有關 06/19 23:08
templarjer: 退訂 本來想追的看到這封信就不想了。 06/20 00:34
templarjer: 要其他人尊重你就要先尊重自己別為了遊戲賣掉尊嚴 06/20 00:35
templarjer: 剛寫了一封信去抗議,希望如果想支持遊戲的人也可以 06/20 00:45
templarjer: 做點什麼 http://i.imgur.com/CPFz2gi.png 06/20 00:45