看板 RealPlaying 關於我們 聯絡資訊
還在看XD,可能要分段花時間把它看完   這YT頻道IndigoGaming做很多有關RPG的介紹,以現在的角度在回顧那些CRPG作品, 介紹過Troika、Looking Glass出品的遊戲。當然TES系列也做過,先前才成功訪問到了前 幾代的靈魂人物,Julian Jensen (aka Julian LeFay),事後也成功聯繫上Ted Peterson ,對TES系列 Lore有興趣的人,可以去看看這精美的3小時半的訪問。   記得我只看過2920, The Last Year of the First Era,還有A Dance in Fire,要找 時間去補一補他其他的作品了。 以下是原影片的下的簡單說明: Ted Peterson is one of the founding creators of The Elder Scrolls. He was essential to the design of Arena and Daggerfall, and wrote nearly 200,000 words of in-game books alone all the way up to Oblivion. I hope you enjoy this interview where we discuss Ted's start in the industry, his involvement in The Elder Scrolls, and what he's been up to since. - 同場加映Julian Jensen 的訪問: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGLGi5RK8V8&t=888s&ab_channel=IndigoGaming
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RealPlaying/M.1538569317.A.763.html
RockCaveChen: 先推! 10/04 12:14
savast: 推一個先 10/04 21:40
NelsonWong: 先推一個 10/05 00:46