看板 RedSox 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The Doug Mirabelli Trade: An Oral History (上篇) http://bit.ly/1XY2v2j As the weeks turn into months and the months into years and the years into decades, all those regular-season afternoons and nights start to blend together. Another day, another game, another win or loss. Repeat. May 1, 2006, was a little different for the Red Sox. It was a Monday, and they were set to play the Yankees on ESPN. It was Johnny Damon’s first time back at Fenway Park since leaving Boston for the Bronx as a free agent the previous offseason. The stage was a bright one, as far as the spring goes. 隨著時間流逝,一場一場的比賽漸漸褪色,融入歷史的洪流之中。不過2006年5月1日對 紅襪來說是個特別的日子─紅襪準備對上洋基,是Johnny Damon投奔敵營後首次造訪芬威 的比賽。 The Red Sox won, 7-3, but the game was far more memorable for what happened in the hours leading up to it. That day, 10 years ago this weekend, marked backup catcher and knuckleball whisperer Doug Mirabelli’s return to the Red Sox. 紅襪以7-3擊敗洋基,不過最令人印象深刻的是賽前發生的事情─十年前的這個週末, 蝴蝶球御用捕手Doug Mirabelli回歸紅襪。 The December prior, the Red Sox sent the 35-year-old Mirabelli — long Tim Wakefield’s personal catcher — to the Padres for second baseman Mark Loretta. They acquired Josh Bard from the Indians (in the Coco Crisp deal) a month later to replace Mirabelli. 前一年的12月,紅襪把35歲、Tim Wakefield的專用捕手Mirabelli送到教士隊,換來二壘 手Mark Loretta。紅襪使用Coco Crisp交易案中拿到的捕手Josh Bard來取代Mirabelli 的位置。 April 2006 was a period of adjustment — Mirabelli adjusting to San Diego, Bard to Boston, Wakefield to Bard. It wasn’t going well. Bard had 10 passed balls in five Wakefield starts, including two in their first inning together and four in Bard’s final start on April 26 in Cleveland, the middle stop of a three-city road trip for the Red Sox. 2006年4月成為大家的適應期,Mirabelli要適應教士隊、Josh Bard適應紅襪、Wakefield 適應Bard─最終結果不佳。Bard在Wakefield的五場先發捕逸10次,其中4/26對上印地安 人的比賽中更是發生四次捕逸。 Then-Sox general manager Theo Epstein was on that road trip. The game against the Indians motivated him to move on perhaps the most famous trade for a backup catcher in the history of baseball — a trade he now considers the worst he’s ever made. 當時的GM Theo Epstein也隨隊征戰,這場比賽促成了Theo史上最有名的替補捕手交 易案─Theo現在認為那是他做過最糟糕的交易。 “No offense to anyone involved in the deal, but I point to that trade because it was the worst process I’ve ever had,” Epstein said. “We were faced with a challenging situation, Bard not being able to adjust quickly to handling the knuckleball. Epstein:「我無意冒犯交易案中的球員,我指的是交易決策過程是我生涯中最糟的。我們 面對了嚴峻的情況,就是Bard沒辦法接蝴蝶球。」 “Instead of being patient and coming up with a creative situation, we got caught up in some of the panic that was enveloping our clubhouse. I got too close to the situation and made a really reactionary move.” 「我們並沒有選擇有耐心的作法或想出有創意的解決方式,我們籠罩在球隊的慌亂之中。 我太接近問題點了,做了頭痛醫頭腳痛醫腳的決定。」 As the Red Sox finally returned to Boston that Sunday night, with a chance to sleep in their own beds before the Yankees came to town, Epstein was on the phone with then-Padres GM Kevin Towers. By the next morning, they agreed: Mirabelli back to Boston, Bard and relief prospect Cla Meredith to San Diego. This is the story of that day. 紅襪回到波士頓後,Epstein打電話給教士隊GM Kevin Towers,隔天早上交易就成了: Josh Bard + 牛棚新秀 Cla Meredith ←→ Doug Mirabelli 當天的故事是這樣的: -- The Negotiations The deal was all but done Sunday night, April 30, with one hangup: Towers wanted Meredith. So did Epstein. Epstein slept on it. 週日晚上交易就差臨門一腳:Towers想要Cla Meredith,Epstein也想要。於是Epstein 只能帶著這件事進夢鄉。 Doug Mirabelli: Every chance I got, I was keeping an eye on the Red Sox. I felt like I was still part of that team in some ways, just because I had so many friends on it. I kept in contact with Wakefield and Jason Varitek and those guys, just to see how everything was going. Doug Mirabelli: 每當我有機會,我就會關注紅襪動向。我一直還覺得我是球隊的一部份 ,因為我有太多的朋友在那了。我一直跟Wakefield和Varitek等人保持 聯絡,了解那邊的一舉一動。 Kevin Towers: Our guys would give him a hard time. Because we play on the West Coast, during BP or after BP we can watch east coast games go off. Guys used to razz him all the time. “Give it a break. Put the Red Sox in your freaking rearview mirror.” He really missed the Red Sox. Kevin Towers: 我們的球員不會讓他好過。因為我們在西岸,打擊練習或練習後能看東岸 的比賽開打,球員就會挖苦他。「夠了喔,紅襪已經是過去式了。」 Doug真的很想念紅襪。 Tim Wakefield: You usually don’t have that conversation with a general manager. “Oh, I miss Boston,” when you’re in San Diego. That’s Doug, though. He’s not afraid to speak his mind. That’s what I love about him. Tim Wakefield: 一般而言你不會跟教士隊GM說:「喔,我好想念波士頓。不過他是Doug ,不怕說出自己的想法。這就是我喜歡他的原因。」 Mirabelli: Kevin Towers mentioned to me that there had been some talk about maybe me getting it back [to Boston]. As far as what day or when it was going to come, I did not know. Doug Mirabelli: Towers曾跟我提過,有一些關於把我送回波士頓的交易提案,但是何時 會發生,我也不知道。 Towers: The way teams tried to extract the most out of the Red Sox at the time was to somehow get my good friend [and Yankees GM] Brian Cashman involved in it with interest in Mirabelli as well, to drive the price up. Theo wasn’t willing to part with [Meredith] at the time. I knew that if I got the Yankees involved, they’d probably step it up. Kevin Towers: 當時能盡量榨乾紅襪的方法就是找來我的好朋友洋基GM Brian Cashman, Cashman為了要抬價而對Mirabelli有興趣。Theo不想要放走Meredith, 但是我知道一旦洋基加入戰局,紅襪就有可能跟注了。 Pushing for Meredith, it turns out, was straight out of the playbook of Larry Lucchino, former Padres president and then-Red Sox president. 結果這招是前教士president、當時的紅襪president Larry Lucchino傳授給Towers的。 Towers: He used to always tell me in every deal, try to get an arm, regardless of who it is. You never know with an arm. I was basically using a little bit of the old Larry formula on him. Kevin Towers: 他告訴我,所有交易中都要試著多抓投手進來,無論對象是誰。「你永遠 無法預測投手。」 我用Larry的招反打Larry。 Theo Epstein: I was trying to do it by including Jermaine Van Buren as the second player instead of Meredith. Theo Epstein: 我嘗試給他Jermaine Van Buren作為配菜。 Towers: We probably would’ve done a one-for-one. Kevin Towers: 我們原本也許能一換一。 Epstein: Another process mistake was I was on the road with the team. When you ’re on the road with the team, it feels like there’s always a crisis around a big league team. I didn’t do a good job of keeping good perspective. People were panicking about it. Theo Epstein: 另一個決策失誤是我跟球隊一起作客他地。當你在外地時,總是會感受到 危機正圍繞著球隊。我並沒有保持好的思考方式,大家都在慌。 Towers: I knew they needed Mirabelli, because he was the only guy who could catch Wakefield. Kevin Towers: 我知道紅襪需要Mirabelli,因為他是唯一能接Wakefield的人。 Epstein: I think Towers knew he had us. He could probably sense the desperation. Theo Epstein: 我想Towers知道他抓到我們的痛點了,他大概能感受到我們走投無路。 Towers: Theo’s a pretty good poker player, but having worked with him [Epstein worked in the Padres baseball operations department from 1998-2002 under Towers], I know when he really wants something. I could sense in his voice, you know what, I might be able to extract a little bit more, especially if he really believes me that [Mirabelli was] going to the Yankees. Kevin Towers: Theo是很棒的撲克牌玩家,但是根據當年的共事經驗(1998~2002 Epstein在教士的操作部門,幫Towers做事),我能感受到他想要的東 西,從他的聲音就能聽出來。我能藉這點多榨出一些東西,特別是在 Theo相信Mirabelli會被交易到洋基的情況下。 Mirabelli to the Yankees, however, was never a realistic possibility. Mirabelli去洋基,從來就不是個可能的選項。 Towers: Negotiating ploy. Smoke signal. I owe Cash one for that. But I knew if Theo perceived that they had interest, he’s going to do it at all costs, because I knew that he needed Mirabelli. Kevin Towers: 談判手段,煙霧彈。我欠Cash人情。不過我知道一旦Theo感受到洋基有 興趣,他就會不計代價的搶人─他需要Mirabelli。 Brian Cashman: I don’t think I was talking to him about acquiring Mirabelli, but I was participating in driving the price up. I would be there. Anything to make our rivals pay a higher price. I think we were both — Theo and I — always trying to go above and beyond, on behalf of our fan bases. Brian Cashman: 我不認為當時有跟他談要換來Mirabelli,不過我參與了抬價的部分。 我跟Theo都是背負球迷期待而互相廝殺的人。 Epstein: It’s hard to make a trade in April. As a rule, you don’t want to. It means something’s gone wrong, and you usually have to overpay. Theo Epstein: 在四月弄交易很痛苦,正常狀況不會想這麼做─因為很明顯是出了問題 才會想要在這個時間點談交易,這時候就得付出更高的代價。 Towers: So that’s how we ended up getting Meredith at the last minute. Bard and Meredith, to prevent Mirabelli from going to the Evil Empire. Kevin Towers: 這就是我們在最後一分鐘拿到Meredith的緣由。他們最終用Bard + Meredith阻止了邪惡帝國攔胡。 Epstein: I was going to call the players involved. I went into my phone, J-o-s-h. J-o-s-h B. I was going to call Josh Bard and tell him he was traded — which is never a fun call to make. So I called him, I clearly woke Josh up. I said, “Hey man, it’s Theo. This is a tough call to make, but we made a trade and I have to let you know that you’re in it.” And he goes, “ Really?!” I said, “Yeah, we felt like we needed to get somebody in here who has experience catching Wakefield.” He goes, “Theo, Theo, Theo. This is Josh Beckett. You sure you traded me?” I called the wrong Josh B. in my phone. Theo Epstein: 我要告訴Josh Bard交易的事情,在手機輸入 J-o-s-h B 後撥出這通令人 頭痛的電話。我告訴被吵醒的Josh:「嘿,我是Theo。這是通令人沉重 的電話,但我們剛剛完成交易案,我們得讓你知道你在其中。」 「真的?!」 「我們必須找個有經驗的人接Tim Wakefield的蝴蝶球。」 「Theo, Theo, Theo. 我是Josh Beckett,你確定真的把我交易掉了?」 結果我打電話給另一個 Josh B 了。 Wakefield: I loved Josh [Bard], and he was a great friend and a great teammate. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out. And I felt bad for him. I felt like I ruined his career. Tim Wakefield: 我愛Josh Bard,他是我的朋友也是好隊友,很不幸的事情運作並不 成功。我覺得我好像親手葬送了他的生涯。 Towers: Our guys that year were big poker players on the plane. Mirabelli lost his meal money every single road trip. The guys were crushed Mirabelli was leaving, because he helped supplement their meal money on the road. We were no longer going to have him on the plane. They used to call it “ Mirabelli Bucks.” Kevin Towers: 我們那年的球員都會在飛機上打撲克牌,Mirabelli每次上飛機都輸掉他 的餐費。他被交易掉的時候大家都心碎了,因為每次移動日都是靠 Mirabelli補貼餐錢,現在金主不見了。他們都叫他"Mirabelli Bucks"。 Mirabelli: To say I was excited would be an understatement. Doug Mirabelli: 用興奮描述我當時的心境絕對是不夠的。 (未完待續) -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RedSox/M.1461953941.A.D69.html
rex830521: 結果我打電話給另一個 Josh B 了。 XDDDDD 04/30 05:51
s42327: 這是那個黃金年代的趣味回憶 04/30 06:24
DPedroia: 記得球賽快開始了 Mirabelli才從機場趕到球場 04/30 06:40
vion321: 打錯人有笑點XDDD 04/30 06:48
firecrest: Doug is going deeeeeeeeep tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/30 07:01
asdfg5566: 米拉貝里不是也很嘴砲嗎XD 04/30 07:20
LesBleus: 北極... 04/30 07:41
tetsufuu: 推真襪人Mirabelli 04/30 07:48
ppjoey: 這篇實在太好笑了XD 04/30 08:13
arrow1013: 大推~令人懷念的文章!!! 04/30 08:57
Jaicabai: 打給北極…X D 04/30 09:26
jackwelch: 打給北極是哪招啦XDDDD 04/30 10:03
mrkey: second half會更精采 04/30 10:04
mrkey: HBT果然有把空中故事寫出來 那段好精采XD 04/30 10:11
megalink: 那幕剛下飛機坐專車直奔芬威的畫面真的經典,第一次看 04/30 10:18
megalink: 到專用補手交易這麼急的 04/30 10:18
spko: 打給Beckett超好笑,這都能拍成電影了 XD 04/30 10:38
toyjoy: 看到打給北極直接笑出來XD 04/30 11:26
Orcish: 04/30 11:33
scheiss: 極極心裡慌 極極也說惹 04/30 12:14
dennis331533: 推~~ 04/30 14:04
meteorhades: 後半段真的更精彩XD 04/30 15:12
a382: 大推!! 04/30 16:18
mygoing: XDDDDD 04/30 17:00
myde: 記得他下飛機後警察還開道呢 04/30 17:18
totoro35: 好有趣的故事~XD 04/30 17:34
th11yh23: 北極XDDD 04/30 20:06
gloglo: 之前不是有一篇他的日常生活,就是一直看自己的肌肉跟罵 04/30 21:45
gloglo: 髒話的,還有大大有那篇文章嗎 04/30 21:45
KOSHON: 看這文彷彿走進時光隧道,像昨天發生的一樣,讓人懷念啊 04/30 21:49
aazz1988: 04/30 22:58
mrkey: @gloglo: Google "A day in the life of Doug Mirabelli" 05/01 00:03
betadu: 不只警車開道,還淨空空域! 05/01 00:12
ramirez: Doug is going deeeeeeeeep tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/01 02:24
cyscys: 那次真的有警車開道送Belli爺從Logan(?)直奔Fenway 05/01 04:57